Haiku Friday: What Now?

The elections are
over now. The signs are down.
Campaigning silenced.

Now for the let-down.
After all this time, what will
we talk about now?

It’s true. Just a couple of days post-election, and I no longer feel the urge to read Huffington Post every hour. I missed the evening news tonight and didn’t feel the urge to switch over to MSNBC to see if there were any new polls. The surge of emotion has climaxed, and we slowly drift back into our “old” lives, free of famous plumbers, folksy politicians, and political commercials every 2 minutes.

And I’ve already started wondering, with all of that time spent on politics now gone, I feel like I’m empty and need to fill that space. Maybe I’ll take up knitting again?

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

Wordless Wednesday: Yes We Can

I don’t usually do Wordless Wednesday, but this photo really says it all for me. Taken last night at 11:00 pm EST:

I believe at this point everyone at my house erupted into cheers and tears of joy

And with that, the election is over. Now back to your regularly scheduled mommyblogging.

One Question

Sorry I’m a little MIA here right now. I’m dealing with some stress in my life at the moment, of which I can’t share here yet. (Those of you on Twitter know what I’m talking about. Although please don’t bring it up in the comments, OK?)

We’re having an election party tonight. Aaron and I thought it would be fun to watch the results roll in with a group of friends. We’re going to print off coloring pages of the US map and color in the states as the results roll in. Or maybe have everyone color in their guesses of how the electoral map will play out. No matter who wins, we’ll drink!

So in the spirit of Election Day, I’ll ask the US readers: Did you vote? If not, will you be planting your butt in line before the polls close today?

Haiku Friday: Halloween!

It’s Mira’s second
Halloween – this year she will
go trick-or-treating

Last year she cried out
“Help me Obi-Wan, and get
me out of this thing!”

(Best photo)

This year a rag doll
Again with a hat because
she still needs more hair

(Cutest costume under 2)

The one with curls, though?
She wants to be a robot
now. Where’d the bat go?

Too bad for her, ‘cuz
if she wants candy then she
will be Super Girl.

(Cutest costume over 3)

Tonight is trick-or-treat, and this is the first year both girls will be coming with me to get candy. If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to keep track of them both without losing Mira to some welcoming house. (You know she’d do it, too.) Wish me luck, and have a happy Halloween everyone!

(Photos above are included for the Parent Bloggers blog blast this weekend, and are labeled for their costume contest, sponsored by Blurb. You have until Sunday to enter this blog blast with pictures of your kids’ best costumes as well.)

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

I’ve Been Tricked By My Four Year Old

For a reason I’ll never understand, Cordy likes to make people think she’s incapable of doing anything. Ask her to lift something? She’ll strain and grunt and exclaim, “It’s soooooo heavy!” when five minutes before I watched her lift something three times as heavy without any effort. Ask her to count to 10? “I don’t know how” she’ll say even though she was counting to 30 earlier in the day. Ask her to kick a ball and she’ll make a large effort and miss the ball, falling to the ground in defeat, even though she’s an expert at kicking our soccer ball into the net.

Anytime she’s asked to perform on cue, it seems that she suddenly forgets how to do whatever it is you ask her to. This can be a real pain, especially when it comes to cleaning up her toys.

Every Wednesday I volunteer in Cordy’s preschool classroom. I like to help out her teacher, and it gives me a chance to see what Cordy’s doing at school, too. Recently they’ve had a student teacher helping out, and a few weeks ago she asked if she could do a full evaluation on Cordy to gain the practice she needs at this task. I agreed, but warned her that Cordy often likes to underperform.

As expected, Cordy tried to underperform on the first part of the evaluation. When asked if she knew her own name, she sighed “I don’t know” and continued the chain of “I don’t know’s” through the first several questions. Her preschool teacher, a woman Cordy respects, overheard this and sharply told her, “Cordy, you know your name! Answer the questions, you turkey.” At that point Cordy began to answer properly.

This week, the student teacher needed to do the other half of the evaluation, and this time she brought in candy as a reward. For each section Cordy completed, she was given a piece of candy. I watched her evaluation out of the corner of my eye while I helped the other kids with their art projects, wondering if the reward would convince Cordy to cooperate. From what I could tell she was answering most of the questions and doing what she was asked to do.

After I cleaned up, I wandered over to the corner of the room and stood out of Cordy’s sight to watch the remainder of the evaluation. At this point the student was showing Cordy a page words – all of them the names of colors, but all of them in black lettering, so there was no clue to the color name written. She asked Cordy to read each color’s name, and I immediately thought, Wow, she’s doing stuff way over Cordy’s head now…

Imagine my surprise when Cordy looked at the words and started naming them: “Red. Blue. Green. W…w..white. Bl…black. Pink. Yellow.” After naming nearly every color without any help, the page was turned and another page of words greeted her – each was a number spelled out, and they weren’t in order. Cordy got one without any problem, but then stumbled on the next one, because she expected two. She was getting tired and losing focus at this point, but she did manage to name about a third of the numbers with a little help.

Afterwards, I walked over to Cordy’s teacher and said, “I had no idea Cordy could read the names of colors! When did you teach her that?”

Her teacher also looked surprised and said, “We’ve never taught that yet, so she didn’t learn it from me.” We both laughed. “You know,” she added, “I think Cordy can read all of the days of the week, too. I’ve seen her looking at them and pointing to each one as she says the word. She knows a lot more than she lets on.”

The teacher’s aide overheard us, and said, “Just yesterday she read a word on another kid’s shirt. She pointed to his shirt and said ‘trouble’, which was the word written on his shirt.”

Apparently my daughter is starting to read and hasn’t bothered to tell anyone yet. We read books together every day, and I always point to words and ask her what they are, but she never knows. Why she would choose to be so secretive about this skill is a mystery to me, but she proved today that she can read several words, and she is pretty good at sounding out words she doesn’t know, also. The student teacher said she did great on all of the exercises – she’s a smart kid.

Now I wonder what else she knows that she’s holding back from telling us?

And I thought she was just looking at the pictures…
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