Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are

Apparently today is Delurking Day, according to Rude Cactus and several others I’ve come across while doing my daily browse of blogs. This thing always sneaks up on me, kinda like the guy in the graphic.

So, um, if you read this, leave me a comment and let me know you’re here, OK? Especially if you don’t comment regularly – or at all. You can stay anonymous if you’d like.

Consider this the annual census of my blog. Only I don’t come knocking on your door at dinnertime to ask you how much you make annually and how many children you have. And feel free to drop any suggestions or praise you might like to share.

(As always, any complaints written in the message body of a $20 Amazon gift certificate e-mail will be read. All others will be ignored.)

Haiku Friday: Small Victories

Haiku Friday
Tonight, we fought the
“man”, and we won! Well, we got
a short extension.

A few weeks ago
we found the land behind ours
could possibly change

Instead of single
homes, they wanted to change the
zoning: apartments.

Two large apartment
buildings would be placed twenty-
five feet from our yard.

“Oh hell no!” we cried
and went to the meeting to
voice our discontent

We were not alone.
Others complained about the
trouble it would bring.

The committee heard
us, and tabled the vote for
further discussion.

When we found out the developer who owns the land directly behind us wanted to change the zoning from single-family homes to apartments, we were furious, but also felt helpless. How could we stop it? But anger won out, and I decided we needed to go to this zoning meeting, voice our concerns, and ask them to deny the request. I was terrified, to be honest.

Good thing we went. After hearing our complaints, plus the complaints from others bordering the property, the committee told the developer that the request needed to be tabled until our complaints could be addresses and some compromise could be reached. We spoke with the developer afterward, and despite some loud arguing from some of those involved, it was decided that we would schedule a meeting to try to discuss alternatives that would make everyone happy.

This also gives us time to mobilize other neighbors who would be affected, too. The developer had assured those surrounding the property that it would only build single-family homes when it first started. If everyone surrounding the property refuses to allow apartments, I’d imagine we can block this rezoning from happening entirely. It’s possible we’ll find a compromise, but any attempt to put large 12 unit apartment buildings directly behind my backyard will be met with fierce resistance. And after our “win” tonight, I’m feeling completely energized and ready to rally the neighborhood to make sure our properties are protected.

Lesson learned: Stand up for yourself, your family and your home, or you let someone else choose your future.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

I’ll Send You Her Therapy Bills

I’ve noticed a trend lately among friends, family and even complete strangers when they lay eyes on my two little girls together. It usually goes something like this:

Person: (gushing) “Oh, look at Cordy! She’s gorgeous! You know that, right? She could easily be a model. Those curls are so pretty, and her eyes are such a deep blue. She’s really is a beautiful little girl!”

Me: “Thank you! Yes, she is very pretty.”

*Person then turns gaze towards Mira, and then in a less exuberant voice:

Person: “Hi there, Mira! Cute outfit. You look just like your father, you know that? No denying who your daddy is!”

Me: “Um…yeah. She does have some of Aaron’s best features, making her pretty, too.”

That’s it. They tell us how pretty Cordy is, and then totally leave out that part when pointing out Mira’s appearance.

Poor kid. Rarely does anyone tell her she’s pretty. And while I would never emphasize a need for beauty in order to be successful (because I want to be a part of killing the stereotype that women need to focus on beauty), I worry that if this trend continues it might begin to affect her when she’s older and understands.

I’m pretty too, dammit

I know I’d start to feel inadequate if someone close to me was constantly praised for her beauty while I was given a passing remark about a family resemblance. Even with constant self-esteem building, it might be enough to put a dent into an armor of confidence.

And it’s not like Aaron needs a bag on his head to go out in public, either. I’m biased, but others have confirmed for me that he is generally thought to be good-looking. But often any comparison between Aaron and Mira is said without as much…excitement? or as if there’s another message hidden underneath? I can’t be sure. Maybe I’m totally reading into something that is more shallow than I thought.

Either way, if Mira looks like Aaron it’s a good thing. She has his eyes. She sports a lovely olive skin tone that will keep her from burning in the sun, unlike me and Cordy who look out a sunny window and turn pink. It’s possible she’ll have her father’s curls, too. It’s not like she’s sporting his beard, ya know?

Hopefully these specific conversations will fade away as Mira gets older and people are more careful with their words, as we all are with other adults. And despite who is the prettiest, both girls will continue to be valued at home for their personalities and accomplishments. In our house there is no “ugly” sister – just two girls treasured because of who they are in total.

And besides, it’s not like Cordy hasn’t had her share of not-so-pretty days:

Not too far off from this, is it?

Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By

Hi everyone – like the new look?

Yeah, I know it loads slower than a child walking to bed when there’s fireworks and pony rides outside. I can’t figure out why. It loaded so quickly when I saw other people’s versions of the template. Figures.

I’m no expert at this, so you’ll probably see some tinkering over the next week. In addition to being a Domestic Zero, I’m apparently not-so-hot in the technical field, either.

Don’t worry, I won’t be doing this for anyone else anytime soon. Because with the amount of time I’ve put into screwing around with this template, and photoshop editing, and finding a background that’s passable-but-not-quite-right, I’d probably have to charge $9,280. And that’s assuming minimum wage per hour.

So if anything looks out of whack, let me know. If you care to share thoughts, I’d love to hear them, too. But only if they’re positive, OK? This was my first attempt at template re-design, and I’d like to someday try again instead of forking over money I don’t have to someone else.

Haiku Friday: New Year’s Resolutions

Haiku Friday
My resolutions?
Eat better, exercise? Not
specific enough.

Spend more time with my
family, maybe even
be more domestic.

Look for the good, even
in a bad situation,
and be more helpful.

Prepare a facelift
for this blog – a new look for
a new year, new me.

I also will share
more stories with you – a look
deeper in my head.

Find time for lost loves:
knitting and the hum of an
old sewing machine

I want the new year
to be my best year yet – a
year of renewal.

Are you making resolutions for the new year? If so, what are they?

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

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