The Snowed-In Kohl’s Giveaway

How’s your day going? Ours can best be summed up as this:

We’re snowed in today – it would seem the entire city of Columbus is closed. Cordy is vibrating from an overload of energy and few ways to discharge it. Mira is still getting over her cold, and while she is almost back to normal, she’s still adding as much whine to her day as possible.

And Aaron and I now have Mira’s cold. Despite all attempts to wash my hands frequently, and bathe in Purell and Cleanwell on a regular basis, nothing can stop a determined toddler from giving you her germs. I think I can trace when I became infected. It was a few days ago when, while working at the computer, she tugged on my arm. As I turned to see what she wanted, she simultaneously thrust a half-chewed pretzel into my mouth. She’s a plague bearer.


So anyway, today I have another giveaway to go with the Bloggy Giveaways carnival. I’ve got a $25 Kohl’s giftcard for one lucky winner! Who doesn’t love to shop at Kohl’s?

To enter, just leave a comment below – something more than “Pick me!” please. Either tell me what you’re hoping to buy, tell me something about yourself, or feel free to tell me what you like about my blog.

You can also earn additional entries in one of the following ways.

Extra entries:
1. Tweet about this contest on Twitter.
2. Subscribe to my blog or let me know you’re already subscribed.
3. Write a post on your blog linking to this contest.

For each of these additional entries, please leave a separate comment. For #1 and #3, also give me the link to your tweet or blog post.

Entries will be accepted until Saturday, January 31 at 11:59 pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random after that date and contacted via e-mail, so be sure you have a valid e-mail address listed in your comment or in your Blogger profile.

Good luck!

Comments are now closed for this contest.

Sick Child = Picnik Account Giveaway!

We’re currently dealing with a sick child in our house. Mira came down with a massive cold on Friday, and we’ve reached new lows of sleep deficits due to her inability to sleep more than 15 minutes without coughing, waking up and crying.

This is only Mira’s second big cold, not counting occasional runny noses that don’t develop into much. Her first cold was at 6 weeks old, when they stuck a needle in her back as a result, so I can see why her immune system has been on high alert to avoid any further colds.

Since she’s sick, and I’m exhausted as a result, this makes it a perfect week for some giveaways. And it happens to be the Bloggy Giveaways carnival right now, too – Mira has good timing.

So first up, today I’m giving away a 1-year premium account to Picnik. If you haven’t used Picnik yet, you don’t know what you’re missing. It is a web tool that lets you edit your photos, with everything from simple touch-ups and brightness adjustments to wacky effects and collages. I use it all of the time to touch up and add special effects to my photos.

Many of the tools are free to use, but some of the cooler effects and collages are limited to premium accounts. They have a new set of Valentine’s Day collages right now. In less than 5 minutes, I put this together:

And I’ve used their special effects to produce images like this:

color boost, slight softening, greater contrast

To enter:

Leave a comment on this post telling me how you currently edit your digital pics. Be sure to leave an e-mail address for me to contact you if you don’t have a Blogger profile – many times Blogger doesn’t record e-mail addresses. One entry per person per day.

This giveaway will end Friday, January 30 at 11:59pm. One winner will be chosen at random using and e-mailed the gift code for a Picnik premium account over the weekend.

Good luck, and watch for more giveaways this week!

Edited to add: Thanks to the folks at Picnik, I’m now expanding this giveaway to TWO winners!

Comments are now closed for this contest.

It’s Time For Me

I used to be, like most 20-somethings, fairly self-centered. I wanted to save the world and all, but I also wasn’t going to give up the things that made me feel good, like sleeping in, regular hair cuts, and buying any book that looked interesting, whether I had a huge waiting list in my personal library or not.

Something happened when motherhood washed over me. My wants fell to the very bottom of the list, with my daughter and the family as a whole always trumping anything I might want. Aaron would insist I take some time for myself, sending me off to the mall for some personal shopping. I’d come home with nothing for myself but two new outfits for Cordy.

And now, with two kids, I’m run down. I feel guilty when I do something for myself, and I’ve lost all sense of balance in my life. Trying to be a wife, stay-at-home mom, student, writer, and recent community activist leaves no room for any other parts of me. Like the part who really wants to work out more. And the part who wants to kick back and watch the first season of The Tudors. And that part of me who wants to go out with her friends and have a good meal and a drink, forgetting for an hour or two that we have bills, kids, laundry, and a house that needs cleaned.

Aaron has his outlet: comic books. Every week he makes a pilgrimage to The Laughing Ogre for his stack of comic books that are set aside for him. I’m certain he’s one of a handful of people who keep that store running. Many times I’ve resented those comic books, mostly because of the expense, when we have so many other important things to spend that money on. (Even though he can now deduct them on his taxes as legitimate research expenses.) But I can also see the need to have something for yourself, something that makes you happy and isn’t necessarily rational.

I’m going to find balance for myself, beginning with making time for my interests. Not just my TV time, but carving out time to knit, read, workout, etc. Every minute of my waking existence need not be devoted to doing something to help the family or make money. There are several activities that would simply bring me inner peace.

Taking a cue from Aaron, I’ve decided I’m worth some spending money, too. So now whatever he spends on comic books each week, I transfer an equal amount of money into a savings account. In just two months, I’ve built up a hefty sum. Soon I’ll have enough to buy a little toy for myself, and maybe begin a new photography hobby.

This will be my year of the Mom.

This post was written for Parent Bloggers Network as part of a sweepstakes sponsored by BOCA.

Haiku Friday: Gone But Not Forgotten

Haiku Friday
It’s been a year now
since the news broke on Twitter:
Heath Ledger is dead

I thought it a sick
joke at first, but then it was
confirmed. And I cried.

I remember him
as a young new actor on
the FOX series Roar

I was a fan of
his career. He was even
on my List of Five.

Here’s hoping Heath wins
the Oscar for the Dark Knight.
He’ll be greatly missed.

How ironic that exactly one year after his accidental death, Heath Ledger was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his brilliant portrayal of the Joker. Watching that movie, I’ll admit there were several moments where I completely forgot it was him because he disappeared entirely into the role.

I wish we could have seen more of his work. And I really miss that smile.

(One of his cheesiest roles, and yet one of my favorites.)

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

The Past Was Great…Or Maybe Not

Browsing through some vintage ads today, I happened to find this one:

Sometimes I wish I lived in the past. Skinny girls were out of fashion! Curves were in! Instead of starvation diets, they offered a formula to increase your appetite so you could “add pounds and pounds of firm, attractive flesh” to obtain those “Glamorous Curves!”

But of course there has to be a dark side. And if your appetite increased too much, or those pounds and pounds of flesh weren’t so firm or attractive, you had to endure this:

(Lane Bryant, thank goodness your marketing has improved)

Maybe I’ll just stay in the present.

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