
There are some days that no matter how hard I try to shake it, I can’t get over feeling grumpy. Today? One of those days for sure.

First, it was pretty much confirmed for me today that Aaron’s contract job is gone. On Sunday he found out that the contract ended two days before. Last week he was told the contract had been extended into April. But the company changed its mind and told his manager on Friday that they were shutting down the (still not complete) project.

This abrupt ending has me frazzled as I now need to reassess our finances and go back to full-out survival mode on an unemployment check income. I’ve been building a cushion with the income we’ve had the past few months, so I’m not freaking out with worry, but throwing off my financial plans makes me…grumpy.

And then in the mail today, I received a change of terms from our credit card company. You may have heard about American Express offering some clients $300 to close their accounts, or other credit card companies handing out gift cards in exchange for paying off accounts and closing them? Well, this company (*cough*CapitalOne*cough*) decided to go a different, less friendly, route to shore up its financial situation by raising the interest rate on our always-current, long-standing account from a fixed 8.9% to 17.9%!

The letter even explains that we’ve done nothing wrong – the only reason for the change is “extraordinary changes in the economic environment.” We may not have any income, but we do still have excellent credit, so seeing our interest rate nearly double on a balance that I now cannot wait to pay off entirely makes me…grumpy.

Tonight I’m going to take my frustrations out by doing the 30 day shred again. It’s better than spooning my way to the bottom of a pint of Ben & Jerry’s.

In the meantime, if you’ve got a link to something funny, I’m really looking for a little humor right now.



Edit: I’m still looking for laughs, but I did remember one thing that always cheers me up. This guy never gets old.

Pushing My Spanx to the Limit

I stepped on the scale for the first time in months, and the number made me wonder if gnomes were secretly feeding me lard while I slept. How did I gain ten pounds?

As you know, in January I tried the Jillian Michaels: 30-Day Shred DVD, and the first attempt left me so crumpled and sore that I couldn’t even roll over in bed without wincing for nearly a week. I seriously wondered if only insane people did this workout, because me? I’m no good at it.

It took over a week before I attempted the DVD again. But I did eventually dig out the disc from behind the TV (where I threw it while cursing Jillian Michaels’ name) and gave it another go. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel so bad afterward. I was sore the next day, but it wasn’t the same kind of crippling soreness I had before. Maybe I can do this after all?

Seeing the number on the scale now motivates me even more to jump back on that water- and vegetable-filled wagon. After all, I don’t want to pop a seam in my Spanx at BlogHer this year.

(Oh yeah, if you didn’t already know – I’m now registered for BlogHer 09!)

To aid in motivation, I’m bringing back Hot by BlogHer, but it’s going to be BIGGER! and BETTER! with group challenges and its own blog and maybe giveaways. Expect to see more info on it by next week, and start thinking of what you want to look like by July.

Also, since I’m already doing “the shred” once a week, it makes sense for me to join in with Kristen’s Shredheads group. They’re doing the 30 Day Shred for all of March. While I’m only going to be a part-timer, I’m still all about sharing in the support and motivation.

Here is the data that I need to provide to be a shredhead:

Code Name: Spanx Mama

Before pictures: I value my readers too much to post my before photos here. Springing that visual on you without proper warning would surely lead to mass unsubscribing. But if you really want to see, look here and here. (Remember, I warned you!)

Tag Line: Hot by Blogher, baby!

Weight: Here’s what the scale said last night.

Remember the camera adds a few pounds. In this case, it really does add two – I was holding the camera while weighing in.

Goal: Increase my endurance, have more muscle definition, lose weight, and look great in a cocktail dress at BlogHer.

Diet Plan: Less intake, better intake. I’m already eating between 1600-2000 calories a day, and trying to cut back on high fat and high sugar foods and substitute more veggies and lean proteins.

Personal Rules: No freaking out if I eat a big meal, no defeatest attitude, substitute more water in place of diet soda.

Shred Plan: I’m a part-timer, doing it once a week on Level 1 at the moment. I might bump it up to twice a week soon. I’m already doing a different 30 min. workout four times a week also.

You can join up at Kristen’s site, I’ll Stop the World and Shred With You. And if you’re interested in Hot by BlogHer, check back here next week!

Not Everyone Has An Easy Start

I have to admit that both of my girls had a fairly easy time with birth. Cordy was a scheduled c-section during the 38th week because she was determined to never come out and had arranged herself in such a way to guarantee that. She was unaware that doctors could forcibly remove her by surgery. I still remember how pissed off she was at being dragged out into the cold air, and I’m not sure she’s ever completely forgiven us for that.

Mira was an extremely uncomplicated birth, other than the fact that she waited a full week past the due date to make her appearance.

I’m lucky that both of my girls were born healthy, requiring no assistance in breathing or feeding. Some aren’t so lucky, though, and have to fight much harder for their place in this world.

If you haven’t met Mama Spohr (Heather) yet, you should really take the time to go read her blog. She has a beautiful little girl named Maddie who had a very rough start to life. Maddie was born at 28 weeks after Heather had been on bedrest for 19 weeks because of pregnancy complications.

Heather had PPROM, which is an acronym for Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes, which is medical-speak for premature baby coming now – NOT GOOD. Maddie was rushed to the NICU when she was born, where the medical team fought to keep her alive. At times her lungs would rupture with tiny holes, forcing air into her chest cavity. The slightest touch could overstimulate her and send her heart rate plummeting downward. (Note: I’ve seen this happen in the NICU – it’s amazing how strong yet delicate preemies are!)

More than once Heather was told her daughter would not survive. But thanks to a well-trained team, a state-of-the-art NICU, and of course Maddie’s strong-willed spirit, she’s here today.

One reason I agreed to be a March of Dimes Mom is that I stand firmly behind the research and advances they have helped make happen. There was a time when nothing could be done to save a baby when the mom suffered a PPROM, and preemies under 32 weeks had a small chance at survival. Now NICU doctors and nurses are saving babies born at 23 weeks gestation. As the technology improves, outcomes will improve also, and hopefully fewer babies will be born too soon.

Heather is participating in the March of Dimes March for Babies on April 25 in Los Angeles. She’s already done an amazing amount of fundraising, and at this very moment is only $140 away from her $2000 goal. To help get more donations, she’s giving away an all-in-one printer and Kodak digital camera – every dollar donated counts as one entry. Her contest ends tonight, but you can still donate beyond today, too.

I want to see her surpass her goal. This money goes directly to help fund research so children like Maddie get that help they need to survive. And even if you don’t have the money to spare, check out her blog and cheer her on, OK?

Haiku Friday: (Lack of) Technical Support

Haiku Friday
Few things in life are
as uber-annoying as
Time Warner Cable

Technical support?
Talk to “Luke”, the guy with an
Indian accent

Back to the very
beginning – “are you sure your
router is turned on?”

More mindless questions –
I think I know more than this
highly trained expert

His conclusion? The
problem is mine, not theirs, so
sorry – have a good day!

My internet still
is wonky – hey WOW cable?
Got any good deals?

We have fought with Time Warner Cable ever since we moved into our house. They are here at least every six months to diagnose a new reason why our internet isn’t working. Our yard has been cut into to run a new line four times now. One tech added a signal booster, another took it away, saying it was illegal now. The modem has been replaced twice, the digital converter box once.

The last tech who came out (after several trans-continental calls to Ian, Steven, and Sandra in India failed to fix the problem) told us that the line was too long, and because the box was so far away from our house, we’ll never get a good signal.

Today, our wireless internet stopped working (nothing had changed with the router), but the router still worked if you connected it to the computer with an ethernet cable. I thought it was a bad router, so we bought a new one, but after setting it up, the same problem happened. How could two routers have the same problem? I explained the entire problem to TW’s tech support, but was informed that because I could get internet with the ethernet cable, it wasn’t their problem, and they wouldn’t investigate further.

I think I’m done with Time Warner. You’ve messed with my wireless internet one too many times, and I don’t take kindly to being cut off from my internet.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

Bribes, Baking and Potty Training

Cordy is nearly four and half years old, and is still not potty trained. Yes, throw all your tsk-tsks at me, I’ve heard them a hundred times already. We’re not committed enough, we’re not doing it right, we’re letting her control the situation, we’re lazy – those are the primary reasons stated by complete strangers for why our daughter insists on remaining in diapers. As if it really impacts their lives if my kid is wearing a diaper.

But we have been trying, ever since she turned three years old. Many adjectives can be used to describe Cordy, but “compliant” is not one of them. Our long journey through potty training has included several types of potty chairs and seats, pull-ups, plastic pants, training underwear, reward stickers and candy, schedules, potty DVDs and books, potty songs, and many wet spots to clean up. By Christmas I was resigned to the fact that Cordy was likely to be in pull-ups for Pre-K next year.

Part of the problem at first was her fear of the bathroom. It was too noisy, it echoed too much. The toilet and faucet had running water, and she was always scared of getting wet. She didn’t like the feel of her bare bottom on cold plastic, and we’re not wealthy enough for heated toilet seats. Her sensory issues are not nearly as severe now, though – one hurdle down.

However, she also has a hard time knowing when she has to go. Of course, many kids often do this – how often have you seen a kid wet themselves because they were playing too intensely to notice? But she could be doing nothing and still pee without understanding what happened.

They have been working with her at school, and I’m incredibly grateful to her teacher for helping her get over her fear of the bathroom. At first she had to stand by the entrance, then she had to stand inside while other kids were using the bathroom. Then eventually they made her try sitting on the potty. We’d do the same thing at home, and it slowly started to sink in little by little, but she wasn’t consistent enough to try underwear, and she would scream and cry at the mere suggestion of underwear.

Over the past two months, she’s made a lot of progress. And then, a few weeks ago, everything clicked. She suddenly wanted to wear underwear instead of insisting on a pullup, and she made every effort to keep her underwear dry for an entire day.

What’s our secret? We finally found a reward that means enough to her to guarantee her effort in this task:


Turns out, Cordy was switched at birth. Or at least she forgot to pick up the part of my DNA having to do with my lack of domestic skill. While I avoid the kitchen at the request of the Columbus Division of Fire, she wants nothing more than to pour, mix, and stir. She even likes cracking eggs! Given the choice of any reward, she would choose baking over anything else.

All photos are of food half-eaten. Sorry, she’s a pretty good baker.

So our new deal with Cordy is that if she can keep her underwear dry until dinnertime each day, she’s allowed to bake something for dessert. We’ve Daddy and Cordy have made cookies, brownies, muffins and cupcakes in celebration of dry underwear days. Cordy says she’s the “Little Chef” and Aaron is the “Big Chef.”

Mira, when she’s allowed to participate, is the “Littlest Chef of All” but most of the time Mira is serving in the role of “Biggest Pain in the Ass Who Tries to Wreck Everything.” That one is my kid for sure.

I can’t explain why it is suddenly working, but Cordy has more dry days than wet days in just two short weeks. She still needs an overnight diaper for bedtime, she still has to be prompted to go to the bathroom, and any chance of #2 in the potty is still far off, but I’m no longer as concerned that Mira would be out of diapers before Cordy.

Baking – who knew? It’s a good thing Aaron suggested baking cookies, because I never would have thought of it. And then Cordy might have remained in diapers until her first home ec class. Of course, I’d probably be skinnier, too – if she keeps baking, I’ll keep gaining weight.

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