Haiku Friday: Springtime Makeover

Haiku Friday
Spring is here! And with
it a new, fresh look here at
A Mommy Story

The background is in
purple in memory and
honor of Maddie

The header is from
the tree in my front yard – the
blossoms are lovely.

Walking out into the sunshine today, my mood was lifted just by feeling the sun on my skin and the cool breeze on my skin. It wasn’t warm enough for short-sleeves, but it felt great.

I realized that it’s been April now for over a week and I still had a photo of snow as my header. It was time for a change, and I think the new colors reflect the season well.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

Madeline Spohr

Today is one of those days I don’t even want to venture outside into the sunshine and face other people. Because how can you explain to them that your eyes are red and you’re fighting back tears because an “online friend who you’ve never met” (yet) has lost her young child?

For those who don’t read The Spohrs are Multiplying, little Maddie passed away unexpectedly last night after being admitted to the hospital for respiratory problems. I know how sick and heartbroken I feel about it, so I can’t imagine the pain that Heather and her husband are going through right now.

Maddie was a preemie who endured several ups and downs throughout her 17 months, yet nearly every photo of her showed a bright, smiling child so incredibly full of life and happy with what she had. It is impossible to look at a photo of Maddie and not smile at her beautiful grin and the mischevous twinkle in her eye. Mira – only a few months older than Maddie – has often pointed and smiled at Maddie’s photos, one of only a few online children that Mira takes an interest in during my blog reading.

It doesn’t matter that Heather is an online friend. Whether we know her in person or only through her writing, her pain is still shared by so many of us, and her loss affects us all. She made so much of her life with Maddie available to us that it’s hard to not feel like they’re next door neighbors.

Hug your children a little tighter today as you remember Maddie and keep her family in your thoughts. The family has asked that any help be in the form of donations to March of Dimes and I’m hoping we can push her walk donations over the $10K mark.

As I mentioned last week, I’ll be walking in the Columbus March of Dimes walk at the end of this month. I’m sad that I have a new reason for my walk, and I’ve added myself to Maddie’s team to help raise more money in her name.

You’ll be missed, Maddie. All my love and strength to your family as they endure this difficult time.

I Won’t Leave You Hanging

I’m sure you probably weren’t waiting all weekend to find out how I did on my exam, but in case you were curious, I passed! And if I might brag (which I can, seeing how this is my blog), I passed by quite a bit. 95th percentile. That makes me feel a lot more relaxed about taking my license exam this summer, since the questions are very similar.

In fitness news, the whole Hot by BlogHer plan is still going strong for me. I’m down 8 pounds total for March, and while it doesn’t feel like much, thanks to the 30 Day Shred I know that I am getting stronger and smaller. Apparently I have a waist again. And my hips have shed a few inches.

(However, let’s all have a moment of silence for my C cup boobs. They had a pretty good run, mostly thanks to two pregnancies and children, but sensing their unemployment might be long-standing, they were forced to turn in their surplus for the greater good. B cup bra shopping, here I come.)

I’m still using the 30 Day Shred DVD and My Fitness Coach. I’ve moved to Level 2 of the shred, and while the first day left me on the floor with my feet elevated to bring some blood flow back to my lightheaded brain, I’ve managed to make it through Level 2 without dying.

However, my knees are getting progressively worse, so I’m limiting the shred to only once or twice a week now. I decided that it might be fun to try some of The Biggest Loser workouts, and lucky for me Time Warner has them on-demand right now.

My first new workout was Level 1 of Cardio Max with Bob. First impression: loved it! Bob is very different from Jillian. He’s goofy, he runs up to the camera and talks to it, and his workout has fewer jumping motions. My knees still hurt, but now I don’t feel the need to reach for the ibuprofen bottle right after the workout. In fact, after I finished my first Cardio Max workout, I felt great and wondered if maybe it was too easy?

The next morning, however, I felt the results of that workout. Who knew it was possible to overtrain your butt? My butt and the upper back of my thighs burned with every step. And yet the only thing I could think of was Hey, cool, my ass will be smaller!

So I’m going to keep up my mix of activities. Over at the Shredheads blog, participants have split into Team Bob and Team Jillian, but I’m holding firm with a foot in each camp. I can’t commit to one style – I appreciate Jillian’s disciplined approach, and I also love Bob’s more gentle, warm&fuzzy approach. The current plan:

– work out 5x a week
– lots of water
– Weight Watchers for diet

I’ll do another round of photos mid-month to document any further changes. While my first comparision photos were dramatic, I doubt the next ones will be quite as dramatic. But I’m still hoping to rock a sundress in July. With a push-up bra, of course.

Haiku Friday: Test Stress

Haiku Friday
I’ve been MIA
these past few days because of
major test stress

Today at noon I
will take a comprehensive
graduation test.

If I pass, I will
be able to graduate
nursing school in June.

(That is assuming
I pass my class this quarter
also – not a prob.)

Please wish me luck – I’m
a little stressed, and hope I
can pass the first time.

The test I’m taking at noon is called the HESI, and it’s a comprehensive nursing exam that is required for graduation. I also have a class this quarter, too, but I’m not all that worried about passing it, because this exam is far more threatening. Imagine needing to have two full years of medical information crammed into your head, with the possibility of any detail being brought up on an exam question. Yeah, you can see how I’m a little nervous.

Of course, one reason we have to take this exam is to prepare for taking the NCLEX exam after graduation. (The NCLEX is also known as “boards” or the licensure exam so we can officially be RNs.) The two tests are very similar, and passing this with a high score generally implies you’ll do well on the NCLEX, too. I have three tries to pass it, but I’d rather pass it on the first try and then focus on other concerns for the next 10 weeks.

Hopefully I’ll pass this exam, and be less neurotic and more capable of writing interesting sentences next week. If you don’t hear from me by Monday, well…send chocolate and good alcohol.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

Crossing Interests

If you’ve been following along on Hot by Blogher, you know that I’m starting to see some real progress in my fitness goals. Muscles are getting stronger, weight is coming off, and I’m feeling pretty good.

Years ago, when I was in better shape, I walked in a 2 mile charity event. Even with being in good shape, my legs ached from the fast paced walking. I was expecting to do the same with the Autism Walk back in October, but it was more like a leisurely 1 mile stroll – not very challenging.

So when I saw Heather’s March for Babies widget the other day while I was also thinking about new ways to work out, it clicked in my head: combine two of my interests into one!

The Columbus March for Babies is April 26, a little less than a month from now. It’s a 5 mile walk and the money raised goes to support the March of Dimes in their goals of reducing the number of premature births and birth defects, and finding new ways to improve the outcomes of preemies.

Now, I don’t think I’ve ever walked 5 miles without stopping. I can barely make it through Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred, and that’s only 20 minutes. But I’m excited to do this walk, and while it’s not a race I still want to push myself to get the best time I can get. My legs are going to ache, but it’ll be a good ache. I think I’m going to love doing this. (I’m excited about exercise? What strange being has possessed me?)

If you’re interested in being a participant in the March for Babies, there are walks going on in hundreds of locations across the US. And if you want to donate, I’m taking donations on my March for Babies page. (I set a low $$ goal due to having less than a month to get going on this!)

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