I Met My Inner New Yorker Yesterday

As we were checking out of our hotel yesterday morning, we hit a snag in saying goodbye to the Windy…

18 years ago

BlogHer 07 So Far

OK, so I know I'm not updating as much as I did at last year's BlogHer conference. But when you…

18 years ago

I Must Be Insane

T-minus 9 hours until Aaron and I pile in the car, with toddler and infant, and begin the drive to…

18 years ago

Welcome To Our House. Don’t Mind The Blood.

We had a first today. Laura brought her twins over for a playdate, along with McD's breakfast and coffee. (I…

18 years ago

My 10 Second Introduction

OK, enough moping, and on to something fun. So MochaMom is asking everyone to introduce themselves before BlogHer so we…

18 years ago