Laundry Experts Needed!

OK, Internets, we had a small accident today. Actually, a not-so-small poop explosion. Mira was sitting on my lap this…

18 years ago

Morning Drop Off and Bottle Opener

Amazingly, Cordy wanted to go to school today. Actually came up to me at home and said, "School?" and then…

18 years ago

Can’t Take The Heat Anymore

Summer in Ohio is much like winter in Ohio: the weather is so unbearable that you only go outside if…

18 years ago

Workin’ It at BlogHer

Work It, Mom! is having a contest asking people to write posts explaining how they worked it at the conference.…

18 years ago

Fisher Price Recall

You've probably seen news about the Fisher-Price recall by now, but I feel the need to post about it to…

18 years ago