Haiku Friday: School Time!

What's that sound I hear?A school bus is driving by -It's that time againNot a moment toosoon! It's back to…

17 years ago

Racing Through The Fog

I really don't have time to be depressed right now.August is shaping up to be one of the busiest months…

17 years ago

There Are No Rainbows and Unicorns Here

I should have known the monster was lurking in the shadows.Lately I've felt out-of-sorts. It started innocently enough - I…

17 years ago

Haiku Friday: Changes

A big change todayFor now, Haiku Friday willhave a single host.Jennifer has beenthe best project partner Icould ever ask forBut…

17 years ago

Meet My New Tech Support

Mark my words: in a couple of years, this kid will be hacking into government supercomputers for fun. I've been…

17 years ago