At least once a week, we find ourselves in a situation where one or both kids must sit somewhere boring and wait quietly. Sometimes it’s for an appointment, sometimes it’s while we take one to gymnastics or the other to her therapy session, and the other kid has to tag along because the other parent is occupied. Books work in many situations, but for longer waits or long car trips, we often like to pull out electronic media to provide additional reward for waiting patiently.
My phone and my iPad have a few apps on them specifically for the kids, although both get bored with games fairly quickly. I have different video viewers on my devices, but I also know I’m not always right there to make sure one of the girls doesn’t finish one video and then accidentally jump to another video that may not be appropriate for kids. So I either have to hover to make sure the video is appropriate, or block video apps from their allowed list.
To further complicate things, we’re planning to cut cable soon. The final straw was when the cable company announced they were raising our rates again (3rd time in a year), and were also removing some of our favorite channels from the now-higher-priced package we pay for. While I’ll be glad to save money, I know Cordy and Mira will still want to watch TV, especially when we’re making dinner or when they’re cashing in for some free time.
I recently had the chance to try out Kidoodle.TV for our family. Kidoodle.TV is a video-on-demand streaming service specifically targeted to kids 12 and under. It also has robust parental controls to give you the ability to customize what’s available for each child in your house and set viewing time limits.
The main screen of Kidoodle.TV in a child’s profile.
Signing up was a breeze, and it allowed me to create a profile for each child. (You can create up to 5 profiles per account.) Each profile can then have different customizations applied. You can select appropriate age ranges for videos, so your four year old isn’t watching Transformers Beast Wars, or your older kid isn’t watching preschool programming.
Beyond that, you can then look through the list of all shows available, and further customize, turning off shows you don’t want to make available, and turning on others that your child might like, even if it doesn’t fall in the recommended age range.
Once you’ve got the profiles set up, you can navigate to the website on your computer or launch the Kidoodle.TV app for iOS or Android, select the profile, and hand the control over to your child.
When you’re in a profile, your child can choose from any available video and watch it immediately. You then set up a passcode so that changes can’t be made to a child’s profile without the parental passcode. I also like that you can lock a profile to prevent that child from switching to another kid’s profile. (Mira, who loves to see what her sister is up to, doesn’t need to be watching all of the video options available to Cordy, for example.)
No changes made without permission.
The video controls are bright and easy to use, too. Mira had no trouble learning how to pause a video, start it again, and control the options available to her. There are a lot of different shows available on Kidoodle.TV, too. Some of the cartoons I grew up with are there–like GI Joe, Inspector Gadget and Jem–and there’s plenty of educational programming, including National Geographic, Zoo Babies, and In Space. I’m excited to introduce our kids to shows that we grew up watching, and we’re enjoying watching new ones together. But when I can’t watch with them, it’s nice to know they won’t wander into anything inappropriate.
This point is completely unrelated to the kids, but Kidoodle.TV is also useful for parent TV time. Give the kids your computer or mobile device for Kidoodle.TV while you watch the TV shows you want to watch!
So far we’re really happy with the Kidoodle.TV service. The selection of kid programming is good, and they plan to add even more great content in the future. We’ve found the iOS app is superbly stable for a video player without the frequent buffering slowdowns of other players. Kidoodle.TV provides a free trial, and then it’s $4.99 a month afterward. BUT…I’ve got a coupon code you can use for 25% off a 1 year subscription to Kidoodle.TV. Just enter this code on the payment page: BLOGHER25. This coupon code expires June 30, 2014.
Not only can you use that coupon code for a big savings on Kidoodle.TV, but they’re also giving away $100 Visa gift card to one lucky reader!
To enter, leave a comment below to these questions: what devices do you kids use? Do they have their own or share with the whole family? You can also visit here to enter for a chance to win 1 of 3 iPad Minis in March and in April!
You can find out more about Kidoodle.TV on their website, Facebook page, Twitter, and Pinterest!
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This sweepstakes runs from 3/17-4/18.
Be sure to visit the Kidoodle.TV brand page on where you can read other bloggers posts!

We have a kindle Fire for the kids to use, and they are allowed to use my husband’s iPad or my phone on occasion. I’ll have to check this out!
My eldest has an ipad that he uses for school but once it is home I decide how it is used. I like sneaking off to watch Netflix or Hulu on it.
My sons each have their own tablets.
My son has his own iPod Touch.
My son uses his own laptop and iPod Touch
Alysia only has a learning specific tablet (that takes these cartridge things) and an Ubooly with an old phone in it (it talks but is not a tv).
I posted a tweet too:
The kids in my life have their own ipads.
The only ‘device’ we use is a plain old tv, but I do let my daughter watch Sesame Street. 🙂
M boys have innotabs and as a family we have an ipad and kindle
My kids have their own devises, inexpensive tablets.
My children’s favorite education show is Super Why! They currently use my Husbands phone to watch videos, and an Innotab and a Leappad to play educationally related games! My youngest son is two so does not show much interest but my five year old is rather obsessed and they do share together!
We all share the TV and playstation.
My daughter uses my iPhone and my computer. Her use is monitored, but I still worry that she will end up on an inappropriate site by mistake.
We use the iPad and laptop.
We purchased a Nexus 7 in with the intentions of sharing it with our boys. So they don’t have their own, but can use it when given permission.
They use tablet more these days and we share together.
My daughter uses my iphone at home, so we have to share.
They share with the whole family! We try to keep media exposure limited.
My son has his own Laptop and iPhone.
My son uses my iPad and iPhone.
My kiddos have their own (iPad mini & iPod Touch) although we share a family computer 🙂
My older kids have their own tablets. My younger ones use mine to play educational games.
Only one device and that is my iPad that is shared.
My daughter uses her own tablet
Tweet link:
madelinebrubaker {at} gmail [dot] com
My child uses my laptop, and she has her own iPad mini that she bought with her own money.
We share in our house, I've never believed that everyone has to have their very own everything.
It's enough that we have enough to go around.
My kids use my ipad for videos and games in an allotted time. They also use my phone.
My kids use my ipad for videos and games in an allotted time. They also use my phone.
My kids share a Kindle and our laptop with us.
My kids all have an iPod touch that they use a lot. They also have a Kindle that they share.
they share our iphones, kindle fire, wii, and computers
My kids use a desktop PC for games and homework.
They share an ipad.
My kids are teenagers. They each have their own iPhone and laptop. Two of them also have their own tablets.
They use a computer (her own) an ipad mini (her own) and share an ipad with dad Rosanne
My son uses my samsong tablet.
We share the ipad and laptop
we share the laptop and kindle also have smartphones
My kids have tablets.
I don’t have kids, but my niece has a Android Tablet.
[email protected]
My niece owns her own iPad but our family only lets her use it to play educational games. We also limit her time with it to one hour a day if she does all her chores. She shares it with the rest of the family.
Luckily I don’t have kids. I can use the internet for iPad, computer, TVs and everything all to myself
Used to use the family iPad, but recently abandoned it…
Our oldest uses an iPad and our youngest has an iPod Touch.
My daughter just got a play tablet. She’s only 3.
They just share an Xbox
She has an iPad’.
My kids use my iPad sadly it has a broken screen now so we mostly use phones
My sons use an xbox and my iphone.
My kids have their own innotab and no they don’t share..
My nephew shares a Wii with the family but has his own Kindle.
My youngest daughter has an ipod touch and a kindle fire and my oldest has her phone. My oldest daughter is always on her phone but my youngest is hardly ever on her electronics. Thank you!
The kids have an iPod nano and a computer and that's just for them – thank you.
My kids have a Kindle Fire that they have to share
annabella @ centurytel dot net
My daughter has a Leapfrog Leappad and I find it to be very educational for her.
my kids like to 'borrow' my ipad [email protected]
tweeted [email protected]
My grandchild can use my desktop with me.
My kids share a laptop, and a nook.
my daughter uses her ipod and my son uses an ipad that is supposed to be the whole family's but he is really the only one who uses it
My kids are grown, but I’ve watched my 2yo granddaughter go from daddy’s phone, to mommy’s to the ipad. They do limit her time, but it doesn’t please her!
My son uses my tablet and laptop.
My kids have their own laptop, mp3 players and tablet. They share the laptop and tablet, for now and they also use the main, family computer as well 🙂 I think it’s important that kids learn to use technology at a young age so they can use if successfully and grow with it as the tech grows 🙂
Tweeted 🙂 –
My son uses a tablet. 🙂
My children each have their own cellphones and handheld video games players.
They get to use the family ipad.
I let my son use my Ipad, but he is too young to call a device like that his own.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I have 5 kids between ages 3-10 . The four older ones have their own tablets and laptops and my little one uses my phone to watch videos
my tweet
My nephew used my ipad and his kindle
Kids share with the whole family.
My children use our old iphones (not turned on) or ipods. We share!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
My daughter has a lap top and iphone. She is on twitter, on her iphone, all day long.
My daughter uses our Chromebook or tablet, but typically to play games or watch rainbow loom tutorials. We limit the time on it.
we just have 2 computers and share
the family uses a desktop computer
My daughter uses my laptop and cell phone sometimes
My younger daughter has her own laptop and kindle fire
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
my daughter is 5 and has a plastic lap top and pretend kitchen
My children are all adults and I think I have them all beat for the electronics except for my oldest daughter. She may just have more than I do.
Our family has an ipad and we all share
My step-daughter is grown, but she uses her own iPhone for everything.
When my daughter was little she had to share the family’s computer.
My grandkids each have their own devices, my grandson has a tablet and my granddaughter has an InnoTab.
Tweet –
My daughter uses the iPad 2 quite a bit. She doesn’t have her own. It’s mine.
[email protected]
[email protected]
My entire family shares a PC. For now…
My daughter uses our iPad mini…we all share it as a family and have passcodes, locks, and restrictions on certain things for her.
Ours each have their own iPad.
We have an old android phone that is disconnected that the kids use. My kids broke my tablet. 🙂
My son has his own iPad mini.
No kids so I don't have to share.
This looks like a great thing for families.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
slehan at juno dot com
My kids are older. My grandson has a tablet and shares the computer, phone & ipad.
Our kids shared a computer
My kids use an iPad that is shared by them and I 🙂
We have two Galaxy Tab 2 and thanks to that, I have my iPad back most of the time.
My daughter has her own Kindle Fire. She has set time limits and is supervised.
They use a Desktop and we share it. They do not have their own.
They use a Desktop and we share it. They do not have their own…
the kids don’t use any device.
My kids are 17 and up so they all have their own devices like cell phone,ipod,nook and laptop
We let the kids watch TV and use the DVD player. On occasion we will let them use the computer supervised. They are young and don’t have their own yet, but maybe we will let them when they get older.
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
My kids share the computer and ipod.
The grandkids loving using the tablet when they are here. They either share or one uses the desktop.
When our daughter was young she had to have her own tablet and iPod.
The kids in my life share with family.
My son has a Kindle Fire. He shares with us. 😉
I shared on Twitter:
My neices and nephews have various smartphones.
My kid has own phone and snags my iPad every chance he gets.
We share our devices, Ipad and Iphone 🙂
They use ipads and smartphone devices share with others
we share a pc in our home.
My son has an ipad.
They both have a tv, my son has an xbox live, my daughter has a laptop and smartphone
We all share the TV in the living room.
My kids have their own devices. My daughter has a Kindle Fire, a cell phone and her ipod shuffle. She is 11. My son has his own laptop, he is 12.
My son uses the computer, tv, bluray player, and a tablet. He can his own tv and bluray player and he used to have his own tablet but the screen got broken 🙁 We share other devices.
I tweeted