When I was picking the kids up from their first day of summer camp (for real this time!), we were stopped at a light on the way home and Mira noticed a huge dust cloud go across the road as the cross-traffic went by. “Mommy, why is there so much dust?” she asked.
“Because it’s summer in Columbus, sweetie,” I replied.
I wasn’t kidding. We have four major seasons in Columbus, with several minor variations within each major season:
1. OMG, Leaves Everywhere!
2. Gray and Cold
3. Gray and Wet
4. Construction
The Construction season is a little bit of a misnomer. We have construction in Columbus year-round, but during this season when the weather gets hot and sunny, our orange barrels reproduce like bunnies and traffic slows to a crawl when three lanes are reduced to one.
The result? Dust clouds mixing in with exhaust from cars and trucks crawling along at the mercy of the orange barrels. It doesn’t exactly make you want to roll the windows down.
But is the air in my car any better? I recently learned that air inside the car’s cabin can be up to six times dirtier than the air outside. Seriously? And then I looked a little closer at my interior. There’s always a fine layer of dust that I’m forever trying to get rid of. If it was coming from the outside, I wasn’t doing us any favors by keeping the windows closed and letting the dust in, but not giving it a way out.
I had the chance to try replacing our cabin filter with a new FRAM Fresh Breeze® filter a few weeks ago. To begin with, I didn’t even know my car HAD a cabin filter! I thought the air filter that they recommend changing with every few oil changes was the same thing. Nope! FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filters filter 98% of dust, dirt, and allergens and are the only cabin air filter that uses ARM&HAMMER® baking soda to remove odors from the air entering your vehicle through the ventilation system.
When I received the filter, I wondered how hard it would be to install. I don’t change my car’s oil – putting air in the tires and using the vacuum at the car wash is about as complicated as it gets for me. However, the FRAM® website makes it easy to figure out with step-by-step instructions, and video installation instructions for many vehicles.
For my SUV, this involved unhooking the glove box (not as hard as I thought it would be), and then reaching past it to unclip the filter assembly and pull it out.
The rectangle in there is the cabin filter.
When I pulled out the filter that had been in there since the car rolled off the assembly line in 2006, I suddenly wondered why this wasn’t covered in routine maintenance:
Old filter next to new one. Notice the old one is black and full of icky stuff.
The hardest part of the entire process was having to touch that nasty old filter. The new filter popped into place in the frame, and within a few minutes the filter was back in the car, the glove box closed again, and all was ready to go.
So, how well does it work? I’m happy to report that the air within the car is fresh and I don’t notice as many of the odors coming from outside. But how do I really know it’s working? I’m not seeing that layer of dust come back on the dashboard as quickly. I haven’t needed to wipe the dust from the console in over a week.
Going back to the visual of the dust cloud in front of us on Monday – less dust, dirt and allergens coming in means I feel much better about the air that my kids and I are breathing in the car on our daily trips through the traffic and construction. I’m completely sold on changing the cabin air filter regularly now, and wish I had known sooner that this sort of thing existed in my car and needed to be changed.
FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filters can be purchased online at Amazon, or at your local Meijer, O’Reilly Auto Parts, or Walmart. FRAM is currently offering a $3 mail-in rebate on their filters – find the rebate form on their website. To learn more, follow FRAM Fresh Breeze on Twitter and Facebook.
Now that you’ve read why I love FRAM filters, how about a $100 VISA card to get you started on buying new cabin air filters for yourself? (And plenty of other goodies for yourself, too!) I’m giving this awesome prize to one lucky reader, but you have to enter to win.
How to enter, you ask? Easy! Leave a comment below with the answer to this question:
What are your favorite simple tricks to keeping the air in your home and car healthy, clean, and fresh?
Good luck!
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This sweepstakes runs from 7/1/2013 – 7/31/2013
Be sure to visit the FRAM brand page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

removing garbage before it starts to smell
I open the windows as much as possible to let fresh air in and I try to use natural cleaning products to keep the air my family breathes healthy and fresh.
We just keep windows open in the car and house all the time.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
I try to keep the windows open when I can, and I use the Yankee Candle car spray…and I had NO IDEA that there was a “cabin air filter” but you can bet I’ll be figuring out how to change it!
We change the air conditioner filter often and open the windows
we keep the windows open
tweet: https://twitter.com/akronugurl/status/351791475241127936 .
We air out the house by opening windows and also use air filters.
I change the air filters in my home every 3 months.
We have several allergy/asthma sufferers so opening windows very often is not an option. Too much pollen int the air usually. So we use as Air Purifier in the house. We keep an air freshener in the car to keep odors down.
cleaning, dusting and scensty products, and incense !
I dust weekly and we also change all of our filters when its time.
I open the windows to let fresh air in!
At home, I open the windows constantly and also use an air freshener.
I keep the cat’s litter box clean.
Changing the air filters inside my house every time I pay the mortgage.
We just bought a house so all this is new to me! I really should change our filters — who knows when the old owners did last!
Tweet: https://twitter.com/OneFrugalGirl/status/352555219298689027
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
Stick used dryer sheets in hidden places. It helps things smell fresh.
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
i vacuum everyday to get rid of pet hair and dust, instead of trying to cover it w/ fragrance
No one is allowed to smoke in the car for one thing. And I make sure to clean up any messes the kids leave behind that cause potential smelliness!
I tweeted
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I keep my car fresh my using a clip to your vent air freshner and keeping the garbage out of my car.
I try to keep both my car and home clean and humid free and smelling fresh, I spray air fresheners and lit up candles. I also turn on the air purifiers sometimes.
Tweet https://twitter.com/um_lil_cutie/status/353933341713633281
I mix lemon juice and water in the spray bottle and spray around our home and car once a week to help.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I open windows and let fresh air in
I air out the house my opening up windows. I also use an air purifier. 🙂
I keep air filters clean and changed on a regular basis and I use air fresheners in each room.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/greenhome1/status/354714585288290306
i will fill a small bowl with baking soda and set it out
I’m a fresh air person. I love to open windows (unless it’s too hot to breathe), but when I have the A/C has to be run, scented dryer sheets really come in handy!
We use air fresheners.
[email protected]
twited this today, 09/07.
We like to open our home and car windows to let fresh air in and we also use our ceiling fans at home to move the air about.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/peg42/status/354742013419192321
I use an air filter in the house to keep the air fresh
my trick at home/car is to use baking soda to naturally absorb odors and i love to leave windows/doors open
[email protected]
I make sure my filters are changed regularly as well as keeping up with dusting, vacuuming, etc. [email protected]
We open the windows to air out the house, when its nice out and regularly change our filters.
I crack open windows whenever the weather is good enough and change the furnace filter once a month.
We always have the windows open when the weather is pleasant to let the fresh air inside.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
It’s summer, I open this massive thing in the hall ceiling and change the air conditioner filter; which is always gross
I use homemade cleaners around the house!
twitted this today, 10/07
Open windows and homemade Febreze! 🙂
chambanachik at gmail dot com
We recently had our home’s air ducts cleaned. Now THAT was gross–seeing what came out. And this filter in the car? Who knew there even was one?
at home I try to keep lots of plants in the house and in the car I just roll down the windows…lol
I try to keep the air fresh by keeping it circulating Open windows to let in an outside breeze. Use fans to spread that breeze around, pushing new air in and old air out
Tweeted 🙂 – https://twitter.com/Enter_Now/status/355480798197067776
twitted this today, 11/07
I’m a proponent of changing my filters 2x a year.
I use Febreze in my car to help with smells, works well too!
twitted this today, 13/07
I open the windows
i run my fan a lot to circulate air
i tweeted
twitted this today, 14/07
using an air purifier with a hepa filter
We use air fresheners and try to keep the car clean which is not easy with 2 ids.
twitted this today, 15/07
We have an air purifier in our house – works great!
tweeted: https://twitter.com/KerryBishop/status/356954060068360192
We don’t smoke and we don’t have pets
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/rosannepm/status/356963650189266944
Lots of indoor plants!
twitted this today, 16/07
Moistened wipes in the vents
We run two air purifiers in our house.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
we have the air ducts cleaned
twitted this today, 17/07
We like to diffuse Purification essential oil – thank you.
tweet https://twitter.com/JalapenoMama/status/357706702180720641
we use an air purifier
I keep my windows(with screens) open often to naturally air out my house. Nothing replaces fresh air. I also have my car cleaned out and detailed once a year, vents and all!
We have an air purifier and HEPA filters in our furnace. When the weather is nice I open the windows.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/MRSMEIER5627/status/358811267328245762
I try to keep the windows open on days where it is not too cold or too hot in order to get new air in and smelly stuffy air out.
We will use scented candles.
My trick is to never allow anyone to smoke in my car or house.
I like to use baking soda in my cars ashtray
my tweet https://twitter.com/lindabr1001/status/359381204727889920
My favorite simple tricks to keeping the air in my home healthy, clean, and fresh is changing the air con filter often and open the window. Wow, didn’t know about the filter in the car until reading your post! Great tips! I’ve gotta get a FRAM fast! Thanks for sharing your review.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
we change our air filters regularly and also use a air purifier
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
i use plants to keep the air in my home fresh!
We change the air filters in the house regularly. In car, it helps to keep the trash cleaned out. Fast food containers can really make your car smell funky!
Keeping the house clean and not having garbage stay in the house too long.
I like the keep the house full of live plants – they help to keep the air clean and fresh. Of course, the husband has to take care of them because I inevitably kill them.
Do extra cleaning – treat the problem, not the symptom. You don’t need lots of aromas if you’ve removed the source of the odor.
i use plug in and freeze
We have an air purifier in the house and I roll down the car windows.
Changing the filters and using plug-ins
I keep my car fresh by keeping clean air filters, air fresheners and I wipe down the upholstery and dash. In my home I vacuum and dust at least once a week and I use Disinfecting Wipes to clean in every room.
We open the windows in the house and the car and of course baking always adds a fresh smell to the house.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Keep the windows open!
opening windows and febreeze
I like to use air fresheners and open windows to let fresh air in.
love the fresh air, open windows whenever possible
clean the windows and open them
I try to dust frequently because it’s amazing how much dust collects so quickly.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/cancer_free_me/status/362318500301246468
cleaner and elec air cleaner
open windows, candles and plug ins
open the windows when possible and I dont allow smoking in my home or car
I like to keep windows open in the daytime, and air out the house through the screen door when I can! 🙂
I use febreeze and let things air out
My best tip for keeping air clean is to regularly change your filters and keep a clean car/home!
Please ignore the tweet before. This is the correct one 🙂
I like to wash laundry often so it doesn’t stink up the bathroom!
i tweeted here:
Change the filters and have the ac inspected
I use scented oils and change the filters in the air/heat unit.
Three things that I do for my home, and to some extent my car, are the following:
voc eating houseplants
all green household cleaners and body/fragrance products
invest in allergen filters
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/362566597447131136
I use air fresheners and try to clean my car out once a week
I love to spray air fresheners throughout the house
I like to keep my windows open, especially in the car. I don’t have a cabin filter so when I have to keep the windows closed it can get unpleasant.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/362622325692186625
To keep the air clean at home we have lots of green house plants.
We open the windows in the house and the car and use Febreeze
I open the windows and use candles in my home and use air fresheners in the car
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I change filters ofter and use febreeze.
remove garbage before it smells.
I love using a little essential oil on an old car air freshner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I Tweeted: https://twitter.com/lisalmg/status/362682486762897408
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Air filters and when the weather allows to have doors or windows open to air out all the dust.
I open the windows whenever possible.
I use essential oils in a diffuser in my house and in a cotton ball in my car.
Thanks for the contest.
I change the a/c filters in my home every 2 weeks.
i like using himalayean salt lamps to help keep the air clean