Whoa, hey, how’s it going? Amazing how fast December can fly by when your to-do list is a mile long, right?
We’re in the first week of winter break here, which in our house results in two kids who are really hyper, with one of them having a very hard time being off of her usual routine. I’m doing my best to control the chaos, which would be a lot easier if I could remember where I stored their snow boots from last year so they could go play in the snow.
I’m a little short on words, so here’s a photo journal of the last week.
We went to the zoo for Wild Lights and of course had to see the polar bears:
Unfortunately, we learned that the excitement of zoo lights can sometimes be too much for a five year old. She hasn’t had a potty accident for a year and a half, but she was so excited she forgot to tell us she needed to pee until it was too late. So I spent half an hour in a cold bathroom with her while Aaron ran to the gift shop to spend way too much money on sweat pants and socks.
We didn’t get to see as many of the lights as we had planned.
Next, Cosmo got a check-up at the vet, and we celebrated having him with us for one year.
Mira watched The Wizard of Oz for the first time over the weekend. Other than the wicked witch, she liked it.
Christmas Eve was spent with extended family at my cousin’s house. We enjoyed catching up with everyone and Cordy and Mira had fun playing with the other kids.
Christmas Day was filled with the tearing of wrapping paper and squeals of joy.
Also on Christmas Day, Aaron and I slipped away to go see the movie Les Miserables. Amazing movie. I loved it, even if I sobbed through a large part of it. It’s very similar to the stage musical, only now the actors are up close and the emotion is super intense.
I’ve seen the musical a few times and know it by heart, so I also had to resist the urge to criticize any cuts to the score or changing of lyrics.
And then, the day after Christmas, the snow came.
Now if only I could find our snow boots.
How has your week been?