While I was on a plane to New York last Wednesday, this happened:
That’s the buried cable line for our house, no longer buried and no longer intact. The idiot apartment builders behind us (Ardent Communities, for those who would like to know), having no respect for us or our property, trespassed onto our land and ripped up the top layer of the back property line, about four feet beyond our property line. The grass was torn out, and they cut the cable line, leaving Aaron with no ability to work from home that day.
Why did they do it? They told me yesterday that they had to clear space to put up the fence that should have been in place months ago. This is of course the complete opposite of what they told me several weeks ago, when they promised that nothing on our property would be affected by putting up the fence. They also told me that the cable line was cut because it wasn’t buried, which is a lie – I watched the cable company bury the line years ago. And you can still see where it disappeared into the ground before it got ripped up by their machinery.
They didn’t ask if we could clear our land. They didn’t ask permission to come onto our land. And they didn’t give any notice of doing it. It was trespassing and willful destruction.
Yesterday they tried to say that I was wrong about where the property line was and that really most of what they took out was their land. Um, this stake below? It’s labeled Property Line, and they were the ones who placed it there. I see a hell of a lot of dirt and missing greenery on the left side of that stake, also known as OUR LAND.
(We won’t even get into the health issues I’m suffering resulting from their unwillingness to follow the rezoning guidelines. If I’m forced into another sinus surgery because of the dust, I’ll be providing their address as the responsible party for billing.)
I finally reached my limit yesterday when I watched a Bobcat pick up a few pallets of wood from a spot about 10 feet from my property line to then drive them onto my land and dump them there. A gift of wood? I considered going outside to thank them for the peace offering and asking them to help me carry my new wood planks into our garage, but decided that sarcasm would likely be lost on these guys.
So instead I took photos and then emailed the City of Columbus contacts I’ve corresponded with before (two city council aides and a person in zoning) asking them for guidance on who to contact to report the damage to our property, the failure of the company to meet yet another deadline that has long passed, and to have the wood removed.
I’d also like to take the time to call out the City of Columbus as a collection of cowards. I continue writing to them for assistance in this matter, considering that’s part of what we pay our taxes for. And instead of responding to me, like I asked them to do, they forward my emails on to the apartment developer, like they did yesterday.
Stay classy, Columbus government – nice to see you’re doing your part to look out for and help your citizens. Or is it your political contributors? I’m fuzzy on the details. If I had more money to donate for election campaigns would I at least get an email response? I’ve got $10 – could that even get me an automated response?
And so Ardent Communities continues to “apologize” for screwing up over and over, when it’s obvious they are doing it on purpose. For a company that claims to have been in real estate for so many years, either Ardent Communities is utterly incompetent at what they do (making me wonder how they’ve been doing this for so long) or they’re simply evil bastards who are too used to getting their own way and will trample, ignore and try to destroy anything in their way to get what they want, with no respect for others. I’m betting it’s the second option.
Too bad (for them) that they had to build next to me.
I can’t stand seeing companies (with some unwise opinions about race) break the rules at the expense of everyday people just because they have more money and power. This is about waaaaaay more than a strip of land and a fence. This is about homeowners’ comfort, safety and health in their own homes being disregarded for the wants of the privileged.
Had I not complained as much as I already have, there would still be a 30ft deep pit on the edge of our property with nothing to prevent children from falling into it. There would be no partial fence on the other edge of the property line already. And they wouldn’t have even started this side of the fence.
Had I not complained and rallied the neighborhoods before the rezoning, they would have crammed even more apartment buildings into the space, with no attempts at providing any privacy screening or rules preventing convicted sex offenders from renting those apartments. We were unable to prevent the rezoning, but I was leading the community to get a few demands from the neighborhoods into that rezoning. (Which the company is still partially ignoring. Hence my continuing to shout loudly.)
The company is acting like a spoiled child who has never been told no. They drag their feet at what they’re required to do and do it poorly in the hopes of making us sorry we even demanded it in the first place. Fortunately, I have two children who have tried these tactics and been shut down before it got out of hand. Someone needs to tell these guys no as well. They need a time out and they need their toys taken away.
I don’t look kindly on entitled asshole businessmen who are so shady they renamed their company after earning a bad reputation and had an F rating with the Better Business Bureau. (The new company name has a C- so far.) They have a track record for trying to screw the average person, and that’s not right.
It’s on like Donkey Kong.
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First – you know where your line is. Get “No Trespassing Signs”, Caution tape, and posts and mark your property line every 2-3 yards. Then sit outside in a lawn chair with a baseball bat and a video camera. Tape the crap out of them, and every instance the company crosses/knocks down/screws with your property.
Second – immediately get estimates on repairing the damage. Compile that, your husband’s lost wages, and any other expenses related to this issue, and send a bill to the company for the damage. Note a due date for payment. This is setting up your small claims court case, which most companies’ insurance providers will pay rather than go to court on.
Last, it’s time to pull out the stops and use social media to your advantage. Email pics, etc to everyone in city govt and cc: your state & fed govt reps. Let them know your next step is to go public with this info on FB, Twitter, etc, and it being an election year and all…. Add info about how many times you’ve contacted them, and maybe question why they aren’t responding/getting involved… hmm…
Keep copies of all this. Then contact all the investigative & city bureau reporters at newspapers and news stations in your area. Someone somewhere might use it as filler on a slow news day.
Good luck! Nothing sucks more than slimeball developers. Well, other than local government who’s in cahoots.
I think I would be very tempted to go buy a bale of chicken wire and mark my entire property line with it. Or barbed wire.
I’m sorry you have to deal with such jerks.
Wow! If the wood is on your property, I would totally use it for kindling. A bonfire? Smores are a big hit in the summer. Seriously. Everything WorkingMom said.
I wouldn’t wait any longer, get the media involved. Do you have any investigative reporters or consumer affairs reporters at your local papers and news stations? Get them over to your house with video cameras and show them all your documentation.Put up no trespassing signs and call the police when they violate them. My blood was boiling just reading this!
Now days, property is more difficult to maintain.
Jogos de matematica
I cannot even believe that this happened. I’m sorry you have to deal with this and I hope that you kick their butts.