I’ve reached the end of my two month ambassador program with Slim-Fast, and I have to say it’s been a great success. I did the Slim-Fast program for four months at the beginning of the year, and that experience helped me get within two pounds of my goal weight. This two months has helped me finally reach that goal weight (YAY!!) and consider what’s next for me.
When I set my goal weight, I’m not sure I ever expected to see that number on the scale. I based my goal on the top of the BMI “normal” range for my height, which is 158 pounds. Now that I’m finally here, it’s time for me to re-evaluate and decide if I want to consider this good or continue on in weight loss. On one hand, I’m so happy to reach the goal I set so long ago and I’m ready to celebrate a little. This has taken YEARS and I’m ready to not carefully consider everything going into my mouth for once.
On the other hand, I’m still not entirely happy with myself. My doctor would like to see me lose a little more (preferably fat) around my waist for optimal health. So maybe losing another 10 pounds, with the added goal of more muscle as well, would be a better goal? I’m not entirely sure yet.
Either way, maintenance is a must until I make a decision. And I’m not taking that lightly. I’m still using Slim-Fast because it’s a nutritious, quick meal when I’m in a rush. It keeps portions in perspective for me, too. I’m not strictly keeping to the plan until I decide for sure if I’m going to lose more weight or not. But a Slim-Fast snack bar in my purse is still a fantastic snack when I’m out, and our dinners still are between 500-700 calories per portion.
Any diet program has the possibility of becoming routine, leading some to get bored with their program. I’ve been lucky in that I like routine, but also there’s enough variety and flexibility in the Slim-Fast program to give me plenty to choose from for each meal or snack. The key is to not let yourself become bored. If you feel limited by the choices in front of you, it’s time to switch it up a bit, and a good diet is flexible enough to place that control in your hands without straying from the plan.
I always like a shake for breakfast, but tend to switch up which flavor I go with. I also occasionally experiment with my shakes – there’s no need to keep just to the pre-mixed flavors! Try blending a Slim-Fast shake with a handful of berries, or a spoonful of peanut butter and a banana (great with the Rich Chocolate Royale!) – it’s like having dessert for a meal, without the calories of a fast-food shake. It does add some calories to the meal, but they’re minimal compared to binging from boredom, right?
Keeping your snacks interesting helps, too. I have a pantry stocked with different kinds of snacks that are close to 100 calories a portion. If I’m craving salty, I’ve got 100-calorie packs of nuts. If I want sweet, a Slim-Fast snack bar is perfect. If I want cold or crunchy, I’ve got apples or bags of baby carrots and hummus. I have several options available to me to fit whatever mood I might be in, and to keep me interested in my food choices.
A big thanks to Slim-Fast for asking me to serve as an ambassador again for these past two months. They helped me finally reach that elusive goal, giving me a fantastic end to my summer. I even bought and wore a bathing suit without shame when we were at Lake Erie two weeks ago! Beyond the bathing suit, I once again need (nearly) a whole new wardrobe to go with my smaller size. Size 8 jeans are here to stay, and it’s time to toss out all of my large shirts and sweaters for medium ones. (And even some mediums are loose!)
It has occurred to me that some people read weight-loss blogs and think, “Well, that’s great that YOU could do it, but there’s no way I could do that.” Allow me to just say: NO, I believe you can do it.
I’m not a glossy infomercial featuring someone who lost a bunch of weight in a short period of time (and somehow got a tan in the process – ever notice that?). It took years for me, with some yo-yo’ing and a lot of frustration and false starts. I’m naturally lazy, I love food and have been an emotional eater for years. I’m crazy busy with kids and a job that has me in front of a computer 8-10 hours a day. I have no more willpower than the average person.
Make a small change, stick to just that single small change until you master it, and then move on to another small change. The effect ads up. Get outside help if needed. Slim-Fast is great for teaching about portion control. Signing up for a group exercise class with a friend can provide accountability. Create a plan for yourself that’s as flexible as you need while still producing results.
I’ll post soon about what’s next for me. I have some ideas, but need to finalize the direction I want to go. However, I think another 5K will be in my future soon. Stay tuned!
Disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast® Summer Slim-Down Challenge. Visit www.facebook.com/slimfast to join the conversation.