“But I miss my old teacher, mommy!”
I was worried that Cordy’s first day of school was going to go poorly. She’s had a lot of anxiety about being in a new class with a new teacher, even though she knows the teacher from breakfast and lunch times at school. The school work might be too hard this year, and she might not see her friends. So as we waited for the bus yesterday morning I tried to reassure her that she’d love her new class and her friends from last year would be with her.
She was happy to have her new school clothing and new backpack, though, and she put on a brave face waiting for the bus.
Unfortunately, the bus didn’t arrive on time. After it was more than thirty minutes late – meaning Cordy would be late for school if it didn’t show up right then – Aaron made the choice to take her to school instead. We couldn’t risk setting the whole year off to the wrong start by making Cordy anxious over being late to school.
The bus did show up an hour after it was supposed to be here (and 10 minutes before class was to start at a school on the other side of Columbus), and they promised that they’d be on time the next day. They were only 15 minutes late today.
Mira was very unhappy that her sister got to go to school and she didn’t. Kindergarten always starts a day or two late in our district, so Mira won’t begin until Friday. She pouted at the door as Aaron’s car pulled out of the driveway.
I spent the whole day worried about how Cordy’s first day would go. They are team teaching this year, meaning she’ll have her class subjects split between two teachers, and have to adjust to two different styles of teaching and classroom management. Could she handle it?
Waiting for the bus to bring her home was even more stressful. Her route was scheduled to drop her off at 4:30. Fifteen minutes passed the scheduled time and I chalked it up to being the first day of school. Then thirty minutes passed. Then forty-five. Calls to transportation resulted in a busy signal or a “not in service” message.
Finally, just over an hour after her scheduled drop-off time, and two hours since she got on the bus, she arrived at home. If this continues, we’ll strongly consider picking them up from school each day. Last year’s afternoon bus promised to get better and still never improved beyond an hour and a half ride home.
The verdict? Cordy had a great first day. She loved her new teacher, she was happy to see her friends and she was no longer anxious about the school work. As we walked in the front door, her backpack erupted into a mountain of paperwork (for me? you shouldn’t have…) and she rattled off all of the good points of the day without taking a breath between each. We worked through her first homework assignment together as she smiled and sighed, “School is gonna be awesome this year!”
Oh, I hope for nothing less than awesome.

Yes, school will be awesome for Cordy this year! Good news. But, that bus situation is ridiculous. Hope that resolves ASAP!
Good luck with Mira’s first day!
Yay for Cordy! She looks so stylin’. Glad she had a good day.
Awesome! I hope this is the start of an amazing year.