How many times have I heard that the last five pounds are the hardest to lose? I’d argue it’s really the last two pounds. I’ve been hovering around 160 for weeks now, and it’s so frustrating.
Two pounds from my goal weight. More than 80 pounds lost since my highest weight. There’s no question I’m glad to be on this end of the journey, but I’m ready to blow the party horns and declare victory. Why must my body resist me so much at this point?
Due to finances being tight, we had originally planned to scrap any plans at a summer vacation. And then I won four tickets to Cedar Point. Well then…vacation is back on! The kids are asking that we visit the beach, too, which means putting on a bathing suit again. I still don’t know why this sends me into a panic, but it does.
Add on BlogHer ’12 being only a few weeks away, and I’m ready to pull out all the stops to lose these last few pounds and shape up so I can look and feel my best. I know a few pounds doesn’t really show in clothing – it’s a mental barrier for me. As I’ve lost weight, I’ve gained self-esteem. And I wouldn’t mind a little more muscle tone under my skin, either.
Luckily, I’m working with Slim-Fast again for their Slim-Fast Summer Slim-down Challenge! They helped me lose several of these last stubborn pounds, and so I’m turning to them again to help me lose the very last few. It’s not a hard plan to follow with shakes and meal bars that are so delicious and convenient.
The plan is simple: two shakes or meal bars during the day, three 100-calorie snacks, and one balanced dinner.
Mornings are always a frantic, hurried time for my family, and a Slim-Fast shake is a much better option for me than many of the other breakfast grab-and-go choices I could have. The 10 grams of protein help me feel full and keep me going all morning long. And the Rich Chocolate Royale shake tastes like I’m having dessert for breakfast!
Lunch is usually a toss-up. If I’m really busy and don’t have time to make something, I’ll grab a meal bar – the Chocolate Cookie Dough one has always been my favorite. If it’s the weekend, I often want to eat with the kids, so I’m more likely to make a 200-300 calorie lunch for myself instead.
Snacks for me usually involve 100 calories worth of nuts in the morning, a Slim-Fast snack bar in the afternoon, and either a piece of fruit or a cheese stick later in the day. It’s a flexible program, and once you learn the basics of portion control it’s easier to plan meals and snack. Still, I can’t beat the convenience of a shake or bar, and the meal and snack bars are easy to toss in my purse for on-the-go meals.
Dinner is always family time, and both Aaron and I want to create a healthier meal time for our kids. We’re working more salads and veggies into our meals, using leaner meats, and reducing our portion sizes. Honestly, I feel so much better when I haven’t been eating large amounts of sugar and carbs all day.
I’m also pulling out my “best of the best” workouts for the next two months, too. There’s a 5K through Central Park at BlogHer, and I’m planning to run as much of it as possible. There’s no way I can train up to running the entire thing by the beginning of August, but I can make it a goal to run more than I walk. Combine that with a few workout videos I love, and hopefully I’ll get a little more muscle definition on me before it’s time to put on that swimsuit.
Anyone else trying to shape up just a little before BlogHer, or before some other big end-of-summer event? We can do this, right?
Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-FastĀ® Summer Slim-Down Challenge. Visit to join the conversation.