One perk of living in Columbus is having a wealth of options when it comes to entertaining your kids. Want to see some animals? Well, we’ve got the number one rated zoo in America! Want a good children’s science museum? Oh yeah, we’ve got the number one rated one of those, too!
The COSI (Center of Science & Industry) children’s science museum has been a part of Columbus for as long as I can remember. As a kid, our elementary school would take field trips to COSI, and I remembered wandering the dark hallways learning about the refraction of light or the makings of the human body or how rats could be trained to play basketball or what life was like a hundred years ago and how we’ve progressed. I still have my drawing of the space shuttle made by a robot in the early 80’s. (That robot is no longer around, sadly. I’m sure it’s no longer all that special for a robot to draw a picture when we have iPhones, but I thought he was pretty awesome.)
COSI has moved since I was a child, relocating further down Broad Street to perch on the edge of the Scioto River. It’s bigger now, with even more room to offer some pretty fantastic exhibits and classes. Cordy and Mira spent many of their toddler days in the Little Kidspace area, so I was delighted to be invited back with Mira last week to learn more about their early childhood classes.
We started off the morning in Little Kidspace for some free play time. If you’ve never been to COSI, Little Kidspace is an area designed just for the five and under crowd. Older kids aren’t allowed in to play (but they do have a holding area with some video games if an older kid wants to wait while their younger sibling plays) so there’s no chance of a big kid running over a little one or shoving them out of the way.
You also have to check in and check out with the attendant at the gate – you can’t leave without the same number of adults and kids, and no kids are allowed to leave the area by themselves. This is handy when the area is enormous and you can’t always be aware of where your child is at all times, especially with more than one. The Little Kidspace area even has its own bathrooms, nursing area and snack area, so there’s no reason to leave while the little ones are playing.
Mira, of course, quickly found her way to the water tables. I always groan at having her go there, knowing she’ll find a way to soak herself. But other parents should know that they do provide raincoats for the kids, and dryers are available for free, too, if you need a shirt or pants dried and have a spare set.
When it was time for our class, we met in the Little Kidspace classroom and joined the circle. There are a ton of classes and camps and programs for families year-round at COSI. After a welcome song, we read a book together and then were set free to explore the different science stations around us. There was a goop station (cornstarch and water goop), a place to create bubble art by blowing bubbles into dyed soapy water, a building area with bricks and rocks, a sensory area with dyed, cooked spaghetti, and a nature area with bugs and worms to examine up close.
Mira loved the rainbow colored spaghetti.
And the bubble art.
She looked at the worms through the magnifying glass, but wouldn’t hold any of the bugs. I also have no photos of this because I wasn’t about to get close enough to take one.
After playing for awhile, we met back in the circle for a goodbye song. We then had lunch and we were set free to explore the rest of COSI. There are so many cool areas to visit – along with an extreme screen theater showing 3D films on a rotating subject basis – that you can easily spend the entire day there.
One of my favorite areas is Progress. You step through the corridor and into a street made to look like 1898. You can play with an old cash register, see what the telegraph office looked like, step up into a buggy in the livery stables and imagine what it was like to ride behind a horse, and pretend to be an operator for a very basic telephone service before we all had data plans with our phones.
Then you walk through another corridor and see the same street, only now it’s 1962! Mira was amazed at how much had changed, while I marveled at how I remembered my grandmother’s TV looking just like the one in the appliance store and then taught Mira the basics of playing pinball in the diner.
Of course, telling you about COSI isn’t nearly as much fun as experiencing it firsthand, so I have four general admission passes to COSI and four passes for the Extreme Screen to give away to one lucky reader! Obviously this is more convenient for readers local to the area, but if you’re planning a family trip to Columbus at any point this year (hey, why not?), these passes are good through the end of the year.
To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment below telling me what part of COSI you would most like to explore with your kids. That’s it, easy-peasy. One entry per person. I’ll accept entries until end of the day on Thursday, June 28, then select one winner at random. Please make sure I have a way to contact you if you’re the winner.
Good luck!
Full disclosure: Mira and I received a free admission. All opinions are my own, including the opinion to bring extra clothing if your kids want to play at the water tables. You’ve been warned.

I’ve loved the halls of progress at COSI since going there as a kid. In their old facility and their new. I’d love for my kids to experience it too again!
I’d love to take Hunter to the 5 and under area before he out grows it! I think we could handle the road trip and I haven’t visited COSI since I was a kid and my Dad forgot me there! To be fair I had my two cousins with me and Dad was out of his element with three girls.
Hello! I actually live in Columbus! (Westerville, really!)
My kids are older — a fourteen year old daughter and twin boys who be twelve on Thursday. They LOVED the kids area, as did I! I was *just* thinking this week that I should look into the movies at COSI because they enjoy stuff like that. Some of my favorite parts of COSI have been the special exhibits — the Titanic and Star Wars exhibits were awesome.
I would love to go back and look at the ocean and space exhibits again.
(BTW, your girls are adorable.)
[email protected]
I would like to see the Adventure exhibit. We have yet to do that! My 12 year old also wants to see the Mythbusters exhibit. He is a big fan.
The Barbie case reminds me of a Barbie carrying case I had that was similar only it was designed to hold ballet shoes and costumes for dance classes. That brings back memories. 🙂
tiffany at naturemoms dot com
I’d love to take our grandchildren to COSI, letting them chose which areas they’d like to ‘show’ us! Thanks for the chance to win such a special outing. Judy
Being in Minnesota and no chance to travel this year, can’t use the tickets. But I have to say that just seeing and hearing about it, this place sounds fabulous!
I’d love to take my step-son there this summer. I’m about 6 months pregnant with his first sibling (and he’s 10 so he’s in for a shocker of a life changer). He loves history so I think that going through and seeing how things have changed would be especially fun for him.
wow my sons would love the bubble art-looks super fun.
My boys have yet to be to Cosi and I would love to win this for them!
Jennifer Marie
lilnursejen at yahoo dot com
wow my sons would love the bubble art-looks super fun.
My boys have yet to be to Cosi and I would love to win this for them!
Jennifer Marie
lilnursejen at yahoo dot com