OK, first off: thank you. I wasn’t looking for compliments when I wrote my last post, but I truly appreciated all of the kind comments on here and on Facebook and Twitter.
I still re-read that post and mostly agree with it. The self-perception goggles we wear when we look in the mirror can be our worst enemies sometimes. I wish I could still be five years old, wearing a mis-matched outfit, messy hair, scrape on my arm and dirt on my face and think I am fabulous! Instead, I have to setting for constantly reminding myself that no, my own perception is skewed and no matter how bad I think I look, it probably isn’t that bad.
Ah well, work in progress, I guess. And I’ll keep working on it.
Anyway, I’m coming up on the end of my four months serving as a Women of Wow Ambassador for Slim-Fast. I can’t believe it’s gone by so quickly! When I first started, I wondered if I could keep up with using the Slim-Fast products without getting bored. But now that I’m over three months in, I now wonder why I ever worried? This is about as easy as it can get!
I still start nearly every morning with a Slim-Fast shake, either French Vanilla or my favorite, Rich Chocolate Royale. Mornings are chaotic around here, and I simply don’t have time to make myself breakfast while I’m getting the kids ready for school, packing their lunches, and starting my work day.
The shake is a perfect solution: it’s quick, tasty and filling. I can drink it while checking my email, or if I’m having a particularly rough morning, I can drink it in the car while taking Mira to preschool. The protein and fiber keep me feeling full for most of the morning – some days I don’t even notice I’m hungry until lunchtime, skipping a morning snack entirely. As someone who used to skip breakfast routinely (or eat something very unhealthy), a quick shake is the perfect solution and keeps me from reaching a ravenous state of hangry (you know, angry from being so hungry) by late morning.
I alternate Slim-Fast snack bars with other 100-calorie snacks now. It’s been great to discover that I can still snack without blowing my plan for the day. I always keep a Slim-Fast snack bar in my purse for when hunger hits when I’m not at home. At home, though, I’ll also include a small Greek yogurt, or baby carrots and a cheese stick, or a 100-calorie pack of almonds in my snack rotation.
The results of the past three months have been great, though: I’m down six pounds, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’ve also lost an inch from my waist and an inch and a half from my hips. I feel healthier, I look better, and I’ve done it all without starving myself or putting myself through any kind of torture. That’s the right way to lose weight!
I’m four lousy pounds away from reaching my goal. FOUR POUNDS. It’s gonna happen this year for sure, and I’m certain it’s going to happen before my birthday in June, just like I said it would.
My plan for the next month is to get back to my couch to 5K plan (which derailed during spring break) and fit in more boot camp classes to build more muscle. There’s a 5K at the end of May that I’m planning to enter, and I’d prefer to run more than walk it.
I’m planning for a GREAT summer!
Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast Women of WOW! Program. Visit www.facebook.com/slimfast to join the conversation.