Well, hello there. Got a little quiet in here, didn’t it?
I’d like to say I was too busy with fantastic adventures since I last wrote a post, but the truth is my entire family was brought to its knees thanks to a microscopic villain.
It all started just over a week ago.We had a family outing that Friday to my company’s annual holiday party. Everyone was in good spirits at the party. Mira got her face painted:
Cordy visited with Santa:
That night we arrived home full of happiness and holiday cheer, tucked the children into their beds, and then tucked ourselves into our new (Black Friday sale) bed that had just been delivered earlier that day. Ahhh…domestic bliss.
And then Mira started vomiting at 3:30am.
Aaron and I changed her sheets, cleaned her up, and put her back to bed. I started the washing machine and went back to bed myself. We thought maybe it was too many cookies before bed that caused it.
Half an hour later, she threw up again. Change sheets, clean her up, put her back to bed, set old sheets near washing machine. Back to bed.
Thirty minutes later…well, you can probably guess the pattern at this point. It reached a point that I ran out of sheets and had her sleeping on towels. Towels that I still had to change every thirty minutes.
Aaron got up with her eventually and moved her downstairs. At least if he was nearby he could get a bucket to her when she started to feel sick, thereby sparing us more laundry. Every time she was sick, I was meticulous about cleaning up with antibacterial soap and insisted we wash our hands well. It could have been the cookies, but I didn’t want to take any chances.
By the end of the day on Saturday, Mira was mostly back to normal. She ate dinner, teased her sister, and it seemed the worst was over. Sunday morning and afternoon were also happily boring and normal.
I took a nap Sunday afternoon to prepare for going to work that night, and when I woke up I discovered Aaron now felt ill. Within an hour his nausea turned into a full stomach virus with all the symptoms you can imagine. The cookies were now no longer being blamed on Mira’s illness. I put the girls to bed on my own, as Aaron was completely down and out at this point.
I felt completely fine at this point, so I made myself dinner then showered and prepared for work. Suddenly at 9:30pm, my stomach felt a little off. I still had an hour before I had to leave, and made the decision that a quick nap would make everything better.
Half an hour later, I knew I had been conquered by the viral army. I called off work, told Aaron I was sick, too (he was still camped out on the couch) and went back up to bed. It didn’t take long before the vomiting started.
Twelve hours later, the vomiting finally stopped. Like Mira, I threw up at least every thirty minutes all night long. I didn’t sleep, and I was hot and then cold all night long. I stayed in bed all day the next day, and by evening I still didn’t feel strong enough to even walk downstairs or eat anything. No work again that night. Aaron (who had mostly recovered by this point) brought me Sprite to sip and took care of the girls that evening.
Tuesday morning, I felt a little better. I ate a little bit of toast and had finally gone downstairs. I was thankful to be over this virus, and thankful Cordy had avoided it. Aaron told me how she had avoided us the past two days, saying she didn’t want to touch either of us for fear of getting sick. Poor kid – she was so scared of getting sick.
Which is why I felt even worse when the school called at 2:30pm that day to say Cordy had just lost her lunch on the office floor.
I didn’t go to work again that night. I still felt weak, and poor Cordy spent the night delirious from being sick, drifting in and out of a restless sleep, talking to no one, and constantly moving as if she couldn’t get comfortable. Aaron and I took turns being with her and as a result got little sleep ourselves.
Wednesday morning, Cordy finally snapped out of it. She was tired, but was at least making sense when you talked to her. By mid-afternoon she was asking for food and by evening she was back to normal.
I still wasn’t feeling great, but went to work that night anyway. While the rest of the family had fully recovered, I couldn’t entirely rid myself of the nausea and an odd, dizzy feeling. The feeling was still there when I woke up Thursday afternoon, so as soon as Aaron got home I went to urgent care.
The result? Double ear infection. Apparently this wasn’t my week.
I started antibiotics that night, and then spent the weekend trying to catch up from everything I’d missed during the week. Sadly, the world doesn’t pause when you’re sick, and I never realized how fast email could pile up in an inbox. (Or laundry in a hamper. Ugh.)
At the moment I’m mostly back to normal. I’m not entirely convinced the antibiotics are strong enough to do the job, but I’ll give them a few more days to prove themselves.
It seems the evil stomach virus that brought down all of us has been making its way into many homes this week. I guess I should be thankful we got it out of the way before Christmas. We’ve had far too many Christmas celebrations that ended with someone sick.
So that was my last week or so. How are you?

That’s a pretty full week and not in a good way. I’m impressed that you managed to avoid the ER and fluids with all four of you getting it! Though I guess one urgent care trip might offset that a bit…
Hope everyone is feeling all the way better now and ready to conquer the world!
My first thought was not a GI virus – food poisoning! Good luck with the ABX and ear infection. Hope you are feeling better soon. Somehow when my family goes down, me and the kid get the sickest (colds recently) and I’m the last to recover. I blame it on lack of sleep and stress personally. 🙂