The sales this year promised some amazing deals. And most of them required you to stand out in the rain and cold for half of Thanksgiving if you wanted any chance at the hot doorbuster items. Seems like a lot of suffering for a cheap waffle maker.
Me? I waited for a total of 20 minutes combined at all of the stores I went to. I don’t mess around on Black Friday.
First, I took advantage of Black Friday online deals. Why wait until Cyber Monday when many of the same Black Friday doorbuster deals are available online on Thanksgiving day? At 6am I scored a new laptop at an incredible discount to replace Aaron’s broken laptop, all from the comfort of my computer desk. (And with convenient local store pickup!) I had to click quickly, as they sold out in less than five minutes, but it worked.
On Friday, when the checkout line for Kohl’s wrapped to the back of the store, I briefly considered not buying the new clothing my two growing kids needed. But then a sales associate announced that anyone who signed up for a Kohl’s card that day could go to the front of the line. Bingo. I was out the door quickly. I’ve been waiting for the right time to sign up for a card, and the right time presented itself.
We also didn’t shop for a lot of the big ticket items. The Xbox 360 bundle was hot this year, but we wanted the deal on the Wii as a gift for my aunt. Aaron did have to wait a little for that one at Walmart, but not too long. Everyone else wanted the TVs and Xbox bundles.
But my top score of the shopping weekend? A new mattress. (Exciting, no?) Macy’s had a mattress set for $249, normally $850. My lumpy mattress has been a constant source of back pain and poor sleep for quite some time. So I was in line when the doors opened at midnight for that one, and made sure I was the first to the mattress department. It’s a lovely mattress with a great warranty and I can’t wait to sleep on it.
I honestly hate the crowds and the frenzy of Black Friday, but I do appreciate the deep discounts on items I’m looking for. The key is to stick to the sale items, and really think about what you need versus what the hype is telling you to buy. We bought a few gifts and a few must-have items for our house that we were already planning to buy, and we saved well over $1200 compared to what we would have paid for these same items if they weren’t on sale.
Which means when it comes to Black Friday shopping, I think I can safely say I won.
Anyone else get any great deals online or in the store this weekend?

I’m too small to safely do Black Friday shopping IRL. I do it on the computer in my jammies. I had almost all of my shopping done before Thanksgiving. I got a couple of things on Cyber Monday for next year.
When we bought our mattress last year, we couldn’t believe how well we slept! Sweet dreams.