Wait, How Is It September Already?

Back to school is always a busy time of year, but this year seems extra busy for some reason. The changes that have been happening around here in the last two weeks have left me underslept and overworked. I’m running on caffeine and willpower at this point, and I’m nearly out of willpower. I spent all of yesterday convinced it was Thursday only to find it was actually Wednesday, and yes, I really do have to go through the REAL Thursday now.

Let me back up for a minute.

First grade is still going well for Cordy. Amazingly well, in fact. Every note home has been a positive one, with the teachers praising how well she’s adapting to her class. She brought homework with her on Monday and then quickly completed it, only to learn the next day that it was her homework for the entire week. When I asked her to practice her spelling words, she rolled her eyes at me and told me, “these words are too easy!” And then she spelled every one correctly.

The only issue we’re having at the moment is Cordy’s transportation. Her bus route for the ride home has her on the bus for nearly two hours. That’s a mighty long time to be trapped on a bus when you’re six years old. I’ve been appealing to the transportation office for a change to her route, but have so far been ignored.

Mira started preschool this week. She attends a half-day Pre-K class in the morning, and then attends a different half-day preschool class in the afternoon. This is similar to last year’s arrangement, allowing her to get speech therapy from the afternoon class while still getting plenty of academics from her morning class. Mira loves it, as it gives her twice as many people to perform for.

The afternoon preschool didn’t start until yesterday, though, which left me awfully tired on Monday and Tuesday. I had to take her to school, then come home for a few hours of sleep, then go get her again. After a few days of less than four hours of sleep, you can now understand how I thought yesterday was Thursday. I was delirious from sleep deprivation.

And then there’s Aaron. Three years after being laid off, after working several contract jobs that didn’t fit his interests, paid little, and/or weren’t long enough to turn into real jobs, after dealing with the depression that comes from feeling like his job skills were inadequate, he finally got his reward.

On Monday he started his new job – a real, permanent job, that requires a skilled employee, with a salary that isn’t insulting. He now has benefits that we haven’t seen in a long time – paid time off, holidays, and the holy grail of benefits: health insurance. We’re paying quite a bit for it, but it’s a decent health plan and I’m thrilled to have anything that doesn’t exclude every symptom of any illness I’ve experienced in the last thirty-five years.

Even better (to him, at least): he gets to work from home a few days each week.

So…yeah. Busy. The three of them have all of these changes happening and I’m in the center, playing ringmaster to it all and trying to keep everything running smoothly while also working my 42.5 hours each week. (It’s actually more than that, but I don’t bill for hours I spend at home worrying about work.)

My job hasn’t changed much; I still work third shift as a contract RN/manager, and most days I enjoy what I do. If I could change anything about my situation, it would be to have benefits, followed by working daylight hours at some point. Not sure if or when either of those might happen, but I hope for one of them someday.

By next week I should be able to get six hours of sleep on most days again. Maybe I’ll even try to clean the house a little? (Ha.) Or maybe I’ll just sleep even more.

Despite the constant rush of these new routines surrounding me, I’m still very happy for all of the changes. Aaron’s new job, the girls doing well in school, having health insurance again – I’ll willingly trade a little bit of my sanity for all of these things.

But I also wouldn’t mind if the weekdays would speed up and the weekends would slow down. I’d much rather repeat a Saturday than a Thursday.

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  1. Headless Mom says

    Sounds like things are humming along quite nicely! Glad to hear it!

  2. Congrats to Aaron on the new “real” job! I totally agree on the crazies of Sept. To add to it, we went through state annual inspection, the day after our DON left 3 weeks ago and now it’s rush plan of correction time. 10 hour NOCs have been frequent the last 2 weeks. Add to that my DD 6th bday tomorrow. My hubby is just entering the job market again after over a year off in school, 2 years out of job market total. I just keep telling myself sleep will come again!

  3. Wow girlfriend! You weren’t kidding about being busy. So glad Aaron’s new job started though. You guys have been through the ringer with health care.

  4. Congrats on a great first day/week back to school! My daughter too, had a good first (orientation)and day back… busing is her issue as well. She is on the bus for an hour going and 1.5 hours coming home… we live all of 12 minutes from the school. I was told by the school principal at orientation that (in our area at least) the dept of health increased the amount of time that EI and preschool kids could stay on the bus to 1.5 hours inside our county.. so that they could combine routes. I may wind up driving her home, so she’s not miserable – if it doesn’t get straightened out. That being said, I’d find out what the max time in your county is…because, you’re right, 2 hours is a lot.

  5. Wow! you sound super busy! as a future teacher it made me smile that your daughter is adapting to school so well, and did her homework for the week! I can’t even get the kids I work with at a daycare to pick up the toys the left out! Glad she has a good drive!Good luck to you all for this school year. September is half way through!