So I’m back from BlogHer. It was a crazy whirlwind of five days, and during that time I can admit to a lot of eating and drinking. I never eat a lot at individual meals at BlogHer, but I do snack and drink my way through the entire conference. I mean, who can resist this:
Yum. Hershey’s s’mores. I could have spent all day in there.
As for drinking, I scaled it way back this year. I mean, I did have several alcoholic drinks, but at the end of the weekend I’d only used three of my drink tickets, and one of those was for a Diet Coke. San Diego is very fond of the margarita, but tequila is not my alcohol of choice. It wasn’t until the CheeseburgHer party that I found someone who could make a good vodka mixed drink.
Yet for all of my “sinful” eating, when I stepped on the scale the morning after arriving home, I was greeted with the same number that I left with: 167.
While I missed out on the workouts at BlogHer, I did get more than enough walking in. The blister band aids on my feet will attest to that. And I tore up the dance floor at the CheeseburgHer party – that had to be enough exercise to counter the McDonald’s cheeseburger and small fries that I inhaled.
But the best moment of the weekend for my little fitness heart came from having breakfast with Bob Harper. (If you’re drawing a blank, he’s one of the trainers from The Biggest Loser.) He had a workout earlier in the morning that filled up before I could claim a spot, but I did get registered for the breakfast Q&A session.
Kari, Laura and I got there early and quickly scoped out the best seats. We claimed the center front table, making sure we had prime position to see Bob and hopefully get noticed when it came time for questions. After a quick intro speech from Bob, he sat down in a chair less than five feet away and was ready to answer some of our questions.
Laura went first and asked about how to time your eating when you have a third shift schedule. (It’s like she read my mind!) He discussed making sure you eat regularly with a solid mix of carbs, protein and fat.
As soon as he started to wrap up his answer, my hand shot up again. Normally I’m shy about asking questions in a session, but when I’ve got an expert like Bob in front of me, I’m not going to miss my chance!
Kari was far smarter than me and recorded the entire thing (you may need to crank your volume way up to hear it):
OK, so he berated me for my choice of words. For the record, YES, I’m happy that I’ve lost 80 pounds. When I think about how much I used to weigh, and how heavy and weak I felt all the time, I’m thrilled that I will never have to endure that again.
However, my goal weight is so close I can nearly touch it. No longer a vague number way out on the edge of the horizon, it now has shape and substance to it. I can imagine what I’ll look like at my goal weight, and I like the idea. So yeah, I’m happy with 80 pounds lost. But I’ll be even happier when I reach my goal weight.
Sadly, I didn’t take many full-length photos of myself during my time at BlogHer, and I don’t remember finding myself in front of many camera lenses, either. I did receive lots of compliments on how good I looked and – being completely honest and vain at the moment – I ate those comments up like fine chocolates. It felt good to receive that outside validation of my hard work.
I’m 80 pounds away from the time I stepped on the scale after graduating college and saw myself at nearly 250 pounds. I like the course I’m on, even if I’m not getting there as quickly as I’d like.
I remarked to a friend that I’ve been one dress size smaller at each BlogHer since my first in 2006. She joked that the trend can’t continue or I’ll disappear. True, but I’m hoping that next year will be my triumph, when I declare my weight loss complete at BlogHer 12.
And then will begin what Bob told us was the hardest part of the journey: maintaining the loss.

One size down each year? That’s pretty cool! You look amazing and what’s even better is that you feel better and know it. So great to have spent some time with you this year.
you were HOT at BlogHer!
I wasn’t there, but I heard how good you looked! And I’m proud of you for making a lifestyle change – that’s bigger than any changes on the scale or the tags in your clothes. Congrats!
Christina, I didn’t get a chance to say it, but you looked so happy and healthy. I noticed right away, but I think we got distracted talking about our schedules! Good for you! You deserve all the compliments!
It was nice meeting you and spending some time on Wednesday with you. 🙂