It wasn’t hard to remain motivated to watch my food intake and exercise in July. Knowing that BlogHer was around the corner kept me in line – I wanted to look my best when presenting myself to so many people.
At the conference, I ate and drank whatever I felt like having – it was a special occasion, and so I felt no need to count calories or worry about gaining weight. I’ve always had the philosophy that one day (or even a few days) cannot do that much damage, especially if you aren’t stuffing yourself to the point of feeling sick. I kept my portions in check at the conference, and for all of that food I didn’t gain a single pound while in San Diego.
But now that I’m home? Motivation is harder to find. I arrived home to a stressful situation of having my children home during the day while I needed to sleep, thanks to summer camp ending two weeks before school starts. (Not cool, summer camps. Not cool at all.) Plus I had plenty of work to catch up on. Add to that a slight depression at returning to my “real life” of responsibilities and work, and healthy living has become the last thing on my mind.
It’s been two weeks now. While I haven’t thrown all of my healthy habits out the window, I haven’t exercised in these two weeks, and I’ve eaten more than I probably should of foods I really don’t need. I’m still motivated by a goal of being healthy and feeling my best. But the external motivator of BlogHer is gone and there’s no external motivator in my near future.
I’ve scheduled a boot camp class for this Saturday. Hopefully my trainers still remember who I am after this break. And hopefully they won’t think I can do exactly what I could at the end of July – I’m a little frightened that it’s going to really hurt to get back into my workouts again.
As for food, well, I’ve eaten my way through most of my BlogHer samples, so much of the temptation is gone now. I’ve already gone back to bringing Healthy Choice meals to work again, and as soon as a routine can be established for back-to-school time we’ll probably begin cooking at home again, too.
The new, healthier habits are still with me. They just need a little encouragement to beat down the sloth that tries to take over whenever it sees an opening.