Eating My Way Through Blissdom

OK, so my weigh-in this week wasn’t fabulous. I gained two pounds. Not a disaster by any means, but still not a welcome sight on the scale.

I can assign some of the blame to the incredible food at Blissdom. While I rarely ate an entire meal that didn’t consist of small bites of food carried past me on a tray, those small bites added up. Truthfully, the alcohol calories probably did more damage than the food.

While I was expecting a little bit of a gain, two pounds was a bit of a surprise. When you factor in that the Opryland Hotel is roughly the size of a small city and required a half-mile walk to get anywhere, two pounds seems a little unfair. I’m sure I burned some calories with all of that walking – sometimes in heels!

So this week’s plan is to get back on track. Drink more water, watch my portion sizes, and all that boring stuff that actually works. I had a great time at Blissdom, but that’s no reason to eat myself back into the 190’s again.

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