Today is one of those days I don’t even want to venture outside into the sunshine and face other people. Because how can you explain to them that your eyes are red and you’re fighting back tears because an “online friend who you’ve never met” (yet) has lost her young child?
For those who don’t read The Spohrs are Multiplying, little Maddie passed away unexpectedly last night after being admitted to the hospital for respiratory problems. I know how sick and heartbroken I feel about it, so I can’t imagine the pain that Heather and her husband are going through right now.
Maddie was a preemie who endured several ups and downs throughout her 17 months, yet nearly every photo of her showed a bright, smiling child so incredibly full of life and happy with what she had. It is impossible to look at a photo of Maddie and not smile at her beautiful grin and the mischevous twinkle in her eye. Mira – only a few months older than Maddie – has often pointed and smiled at Maddie’s photos, one of only a few online children that Mira takes an interest in during my blog reading.
It doesn’t matter that Heather is an online friend. Whether we know her in person or only through her writing, her pain is still shared by so many of us, and her loss affects us all. She made so much of her life with Maddie available to us that it’s hard to not feel like they’re next door neighbors.
Hug your children a little tighter today as you remember Maddie and keep her family in your thoughts. The family has asked that any help be in the form of donations to March of Dimes and I’m hoping we can push her walk donations over the $10K mark.
As I mentioned last week, I’ll be walking in the Columbus March of Dimes walk at the end of this month. I’m sad that I have a new reason for my walk, and I’ve added myself to Maddie’s team to help raise more money in her name.
You’ll be missed, Maddie. All my love and strength to your family as they endure this difficult time.

Isn’t it just sickening? I can’t believe it. Heather and Mike must be an absolute hell. I have no words, just so completely sad.
And Kristine, I know exactly what you’re talking about. Last night when I found out about Maddie my husband acted the same way, sort of. What people don’t understand is is this is a community too. We create friendships and bond just like ‘real’ friends.
I agree with you 100%.
I just tried to explain to my boss about why I was so upset and how I “knew” Heather. Maddie was born eight days before my son Kiel. My boss asked me why I can’t find some “real” friends with children Kiel’s age.
It’s impossible to explain to some people how this loss hurts just as much as if the Spohr’s were my next door neighbors.
So very said for their family.
I’m so sorry! I’ve never been to that blog, but I’ll check it out.
I’m walking my local March for the Babies walk too. Me and my 13 month old. She spent some time in the NICU so I feel for the preemie mamas.
I hope your friend makes her 10K mark! I’ll think of her when I walk and I’ll tall my daughter about Madeline. (6 miles is a long way, we’ll have a lot to talk about)
horrible news…..i am behind in my blog reading so i did not see this till tonight.why do bad things happen to good people?????
oh no….. i read their blog and hadnt heard yet… oh, how sad. i understand that god needs angels, but it doesnt make this any easier or hurt any less.
so very heartbreaking!
A beautiful post for a beautiful girl.
You are a good egg my friend.
That’s a nice post you wrote for them. I hadn’t been following that blog, but just read the post over there about the circumstances. How terribly sad. I hug my children tight tonight.
I was sorry to read about Maddie. Your boss seems a little cold to me. Never mind her/him, the world is a better place when we care about each other-even from a distance.
I’ve been devastated about this for days now. It hurts my heart.
And I’m with you and the others, it’s so hard to express just how this affects us. Heather and Mike are real friends to us, not just people online. Anyone who doesn’t blog doesn’t get it. I’m glad we can all lean on one another right now.
I will be praying for this family. How difficult it must be… Ugh. Sometimes there are just no words to explain.
That is incredibly sad. I cannot imagine what that must be like, totally devastating