Categories: me me me

It’s All About The Results

The shred is working. Or, well, my entire combo of exercise is working.

I’m a shredhead, but I simply cannot keep up with doing the 30 day shred every day. The months leading up to this one were fairly sedentary, and as a result my endurance is lousy. So instead I’m doing that workout 2-3 times a week, and on alternate days I’m doing a 30 minute workout using My Fitness Coach.

Side note: I LOVE My Fitness Coach. After wishing for something a little more workout-like from my Wii Fit, I bought My Fitness Coach two weeks ago in the hopes it would provide a more solid exercise program. It has over 400 different combinations, so you’re never doing the same workout twice.

The game has you begin with a Physical Challenge to see how fit you already are. Based on those results, it customizes a program for you, constantly adjusting to make sure you’re working hard enough, but not too hard. (And no, I wasn’t asked to promote the game – I paid $29.99 like everyone else.)

The game also asks you to do another Physical Challenge after every 10 workouts. Today was my day, but after a weekend of celebrating our anniversary with large meals and desserts, I wasn’t expecting to see much in the way of results.

Instead, I was shocked.

I’ve lost three pounds in a week and a half. My heart rate is still too high for cardio, but my upper body and core strength have increased. I also track measurements, and my chest, waist and hips have lost more than half an inch each so far.

Seeing that small-yet-not-insignificant progress is awesome motivation. My knees may hurt, and I may complain most days that I don’t want to exercise, but in less than two weeks I’m already seeing results.

And speaking of motivation, I’m happy to announce that Hot by Blogher is now officially up and running! Ready to join your fellow bloggers, banding together to look and feel your best before making that trip to Chicago in July?

You may still see some cosmetic changes to the site, but the welcome post, explaining how the site will work, is available for those who want to get started. (Just like this blog, if I had charged by the hour for my design services, it would be a very expensive design.)

Look for the first weekly challenge on Monday!


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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