I’m Not Ready For This

Yesterday, while volunteering at Cordy’s preschool, her teacher let me in on a little tidbit of Cordy’s school life.

“She’s got a boyfriend now, you know.”


“Yep, she and [boy’s name] have been really sweet on each other.”

At that point my head exploded.

Apparently over the past two weeks she and this boy have suddenly become a couple. They sit next to each other during circle time, arms around each other. He insists on being right next to her at the table and in line. He asks for the same snack she likes to eat, even though he then won’t eat it because he doesn’t like it. If someone sits next to her he will get very upset.

Maybe he’s not so much a boyfriend as a stalker?

Even worse, he’s the “bad boy” of the class. He has massive tantrums, stubbornly refuses to do things, and I once watched him throw his shoe at an adult’s head. Why couldn’t she go for one of the gentle, quiet boys in her class?

I wasn’t expecting to deal with boys for quite some time. Like, say, 30 years from now. Of course, she doesn’t even mention him at home. When asked who her friends are at school, his name doesn’t come up. So while she willingly participates in the love-fest at school, she’s either not that interested in him or is choosing not to tell us. I’m really hoping it’s the former.

At least her first boyfriend is likely to be short-lived. We don’t know his family, and she’ll be at a different school next year. That gives me all summer to teach her how to go for the sweet, quiet guys instead. Or that boys have cooties and she should avoid them at all costs.

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  1. If she’s starting out with the Bad Boy, at least she’ll get over it sooner and go for good guys when it counts!

    Still a cute story!

  2. I love your blog and I totally get the post, but teachers who talk in terms of “boyfriends” and “girlfriends” really, really annoy me.
    They’re kids!

  3. She sounds like she takes after her Mom.

    Or maybe she takes after me, it is hard to say.

  4. It would have been nice if the teacher said “she has a best friend,” huh.

  5. I don’t think the boyfriend label bothered me all that much. It was his lovey-dovey behavior that had me freaked out.

    And she still won’t even mention his name when I ask her who her friends are at school!

  6. HA! Cordy is such a heartbreaker.

  7. I promise you that my child is not in your daughter’s preschool class but the heathen has been known to throw a chair before….I’ll try to keep him away from the girls for as long as possible…..

  8. Oh my! Now you make me wonder what my son is not telling me about preschool. LOL!!

  9. This post made me smile. I raised three daughters and from the time they were in elementary school I talked about the guy wheo had earning potential — of course they didn’t understand that then, but now I’m glad to say they are wives of guys who have earning potential. So maybe not the quiet guy, but the class geek is who you should steer her toward. 🙂

  10. Wonder why she doesn’t mention him.


  11. Why, oh why, do we go for the bad boys?