I’d like to welcome everyone who is visiting me from CNN today. And for my regular readers, go check out the CNN article – it’s got useful information for nearly anyone who isn’t self-employed. Of course, I thought that someday I might be featured on CNN for something I’d accomplished, and not because I have no health insurance. But hey, gotta gobble up those 15 minutes of fame somehow, and it’s better than being that guy on TV in his undershirt, holding a beer and talking about how the tornado tossed his trailer around like a tin can.
As a follow-up to that article, I’ll add that we tried to buy private health insurance when Aaron began his contract job in November. I researched, got advice from those who buy their own insurance, and then settled on a provider. After filling out the mile-long application, where I had to list every stuffy nose we’ve ever had, including full dates of illness and symptom, we then endured weeks of back-and-forth with the insurance company.
They insisted on bloodwork for Aaron because it had been too long since his last routine tests. The CNN article recommends not having tests run when you have a limited time on insurance, because it could hurt your chances of getting private insurance. However, I can tell you from experience that it doesn’t matter – they’ll get the information one way or another.
Apparently they found something in his tests, but wouldn’t give us the details. (Nice, right? You’d think we have the right to know about our own health.) Instead, we were told that he was denied any prescription drug coverage. He takes no prescription meds currently, and only took one for a short time in the 11 years I’ve known him. There were also several “pre-existing conditions” based on everything we reported to them, none of which were covered for the first six months. Seeing how I was planning to need this insurance for a year at the absolute most, I thought paying that much for next to nothing wasn’t worth it.
So at the moment our family has no health insurance, and unless we can find another job by the end of the month, we’ll be unemployed again. I’ve been saving anything we can spare from each paycheck to help us pay bills the next few months. Cordy and Mira can go back onto the SCHIP health insurance plan next month, too. I graduate from nursing school in June and will hopefully find a job with full benefits quickly. Then we’ll be back to where we were before Aaron was laid off last June. I can’t wait for that point – I’ve never been without health insurance before this, and this has been one of the most stressful times in my life.
I hope the layoffs across the nation begin to slow soon. No one should have to go through this stress, and no one should be without basic access to health insurance in this country.

That’s a nice article Christina, and I hope that these next few months go quickly and smoothly for you, with some great job options come summertime!! I started reading your blog because our daughters are not to far apart in ages (mine are 5 and 2) and I’ve come to consider you a kindred spirit. I pray for you and you family everytime I visit your site.
It brings attention to such a scary topic out there – well done Christina.
A nicely written article about the state of health insurance in this slide to disgrace. I’m close to paying off a hospital bill incurred eight years ago which leaves me quite shy of spendable…or saveable. Seems like we should be able to use the perks that we’ve paid for and paid for and paid for. Good luck to you and yours.
That’s a nice article and a great picture of you and the top of Mira’s head 🙂 Thanks for putting yourself out there like that – too many people don’t really consider the ramifications of the job loss problems until they can put a face on it, and that takes some cojones. I hope your family’s employment situation improves quickly and that your health hasn’t suffered because of it.
It was a great article, and unfortunately very relevant to a lot of people. It was great of you to share your experience- very educational!
Well, hey! An article is an article. Hope it brings more advertisers your way, if nothing else. 🙂
You’ve been through a really hard year, hon. Keep up your spirits. I know you can get to that mini-finish line. It’s just within your reach….
I hate the situation you’re in, but yay for CNN!
Your family has survived so much. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for more work and an excellent job after graduation. You all deserve it!
You’re everywhere! This was a really good article. Your so brave to be so candid about your situations. At least thing will be the year things could pick up for you with your graduation coming up.
Well, at least it’s not being famous for committing a crime. That’s always good news!