So, two days ago I might have been a little worn out from Cordy begging me for three days straight to build a snowman. I would have given in, if there had been more than a dusting of snow on the ground. So then I possibly Tweeted something like this…
Sometimes? Mother Nature listens:
Naturally, now that we have the snow she no longer wants to build a snowman. Now she wants to shovel the driveway, the sidewalk, and all of the grass. Soon our entire property will be completely free of the thing she wanted so much.

I am so sick of snow-I think when you complained when had more than enough snow for her to build a snowman. Hopefully the weather there isn’t too bad-here w/ the windchill it is about -10. Its amazing how little we are actually spaced apart to how different the weather can be.
Ask and ye shall receive. Really funny. 🙂
We went out yesterday as well because I knew it would be too cold today.
Indeed. Lots of it!
That is too funny. Just proves that kids are not happy no matter what we do for them. 🙂
Love the pictures. 🙂
well hey maybe it is a sign of things turning around for you … you asked for something and actually got it! OMG – think of what 09 may have in store for you!
Fun snow! The snow here had been to try to make into snow men so they have to settle for foot prints in the snow.
LOL! I hear ya. I’ve wanted some measurable snow around our parts for a while, now I’m like… Couldn’t ya have come on a weekend or sometime more convenient? And the cold! Nobody can play outside in it anyway. 🙁
I will kick myself later for saying this, but I’m jealous! I guess when the temperatures are in the single digits, I feel like snow should accompany to make it a little bearable.
When it snows, expect to hear me bitching. That’s how I roll.
Maybe you can hire her out. At least you got more than the measly half-inch we got here. It was so cold this morning there was frost on the *inside* of my car windows.
That’s too funny. Thank you for making me appreciate having to drive three hours to the snow.
kids have been beggin for a snow day from school so far they have had two and might have tomorrow too if the wind is on their side