Wordless Wednesday: Yes We Can

I don’t usually do Wordless Wednesday, but this photo really says it all for me. Taken last night at 11:00 pm EST:

I believe at this point everyone at my house erupted into cheers and tears of joy

And with that, the election is over. Now back to your regularly scheduled mommyblogging.

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  1. I stayed up too … what an amazing night it was!
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. Yawn.. I am exhausted. My kids and I watched way too much of that last night. They were pretty excited, though!

  3. Was “tears of joy” ing right along with you. And then a little more this morning:)

  4. Hope…finally some hope for this country. Glad to see Ohio go blue this time around! 🙂

  5. PA is blue as well (yay!) – it’s where I live and it kinda felt like a miracle! 🙂

  6. I’m just tingling all over. So excited! Ohio finally goes blue.