Spooky and Kooky Days of the Week

In four short years, I’ve had to listen to a lot of music designed for kids. Some of it is fun, some of it I’d even call enjoyable, but I find the best songs are the ones that actually teach kids something in the process.

I’m volunteering at Cordy’s preschool one morning a week right now, which has been a great opportunity to see exactly what Cordy’s learning while there. I like to see the teaching methods used so I can copy them at home for some consistency. And I discovered that her teacher has a fun sense of humor when using music to teach.

My first morning there, Cordy’s teacher had them gather for circle time, and she asked them to sing the Days of the Week song. As they started singing, I suddenly realized that I knew the tune. And it wasn’t a tune I was expecting to hear, either. I had to stifle giggles while they sang it.

I learned that day that you can really take any tune at all and put new words to it to make it fun for kids. Since then, we sing it around the house, too, and I’ll share it with all of you:

Days of the Week
(Sung to the Addams Family song – if your kids can’t snap, claps work just fine)

Days of the week *snap**snap*
Days of the week *snap**snap*
Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week *snap**snap*
There’s Sunday and there’s Monday
There’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday
There’s Thursday and there’s Friday
And then there’s Saturday
Days of the week *snap**snap*
Days of the week *snap**snap*
Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week *snap**snap*

This post was written for Parent Bloggers Network as an entry for a contest sponsored by Bush’s Beans. They’re giving away two $500 gift cards to Best Buy this weekend – that could wrap up a lot of my holiday shopping this year!

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  1. I love the “Days of the Week” song! My mom taught me that one when she was still teaching kindergarten.

  2. That’s cool! My son had a “days of the week” song in preschool, too, but it was to a nursery rhyme. Not as cool as the Addam’s Family theme.

  3. i think i’d have to stifle a laugh as well. 🙂

  4. Evan’s class did that in preschool and it cracked me up. He didn’t believe me that there were other words to it…

  5. This has always been one of my favorites and my son’s kindergarten class did it at G-parents day and of course the oldies really got a kick out of it!

  6. First time commenter, here.

    Thank you for solving the mystery of the song my daughter’s been singing! She only sings the first few lines, and we had no idea what the rest of the song was.

  7. Thanks for sharing that song. Emerson loves it and has been obsessed lately with snapping his fingers. We sing it about, oh, 50 time a day!