I Always Take The Shortcut

Parent Bloggers is hosting another blog blast this weekend, sponsored by Ore-Ida to get the word out about their new Steam n’ Mash potatoes, with the theme of taking shortcuts. This is something I can really get behind, since I rarely resist taking the shortcut. Just ask my high school math teacher – in calculus I found a shortcut for a proof that she had never considered. If it’ll save me time and effort, I’ll find a way to do it.

I’ve written before about my microwave and what a timesaver it is. Not only do I cook frozen meals in it, but it cooks many fresh foods, too. For ears of corn, I wrap each ear in a wet paper towel and cook for 4 minutes. Potatoes also are great when microwaved in a similar manner. (Although be sure to poke holes in whole potatoes – no one wants to clean up the aftermath of an exploding potato.) Even eggs can be cooked in the microwave. I bought a cheap microwave egg cooker and get perfect hard boiled eggs in less time than it would take to get the water boiling on the stove.

My other big cooking shortcut is pre-cooked chicken. We buy it so we can add it to pasta meals, stir-fry, etc. without having to go through the effort of cutting, marinating, and cooking chicken. When we want to add some protein to a dish, simply cook it and during the last minute or two throw in some chicken so the chicken. Of course, you have to decide if the cost is worth the time saved, but using coupons and buying on sale can help offset that cost.

When Cordy was younger, I used to sort her laundry so that each shirt was paired up with a set of pants and folded together. It took a little bit longer than sorting laundry the traditional way, but it saved a lot of time in the mornings if we needed to hurry out the door. Instead of looking for a top and pants that matched, I could pull out an entire outfit that was ready to go. Socks were also always balled up together so I didn’t have to search for a matched pair. With two kids, I gave up on this shortcut, but I think it may be time to bring it back again to keep our mornings running smoothly.

(Oh, and that whole sorting laundry into colors thing? I don’t do it. Throw it all in together and toss in a Color Catcher sheet. My whites still look white.)

What about you? What shortcuts do you take to make life easier? (And if you want to get in on the blog blast, you have until midnight Pacific time.)

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  1. interesting. i use keyboard shortcuts when i can, instead of a mouse. and i use a piece of software to help me fill in my name, email and url when i comment on blogs. 🙂

  2. What is a color catcher?

  3. Jerri Ann – They’re made by Shout and are used to absorb any colors that bleed from clothing in the wash so they don’t redeposit onto other clothing. It’s a brilliant invention.

  4. 3carnations says

    I didn’t know about the color catcher sheet. That even keeps red from bleeding onto other colors?

    We precook our own chicken and freeze it.

  5. I gave you an award. Hope you like it.

  6. I’m starting to use my microwave for cooking, too. I’ve been doing the “baked” potato in the microwave–I’ll have to try hard-boiled eggs.

  7. I wash in cold water…never get any bleeds that way and if I need really white whites…they go in warm with a bit of bleach.

    As old fashioned and anal as this may sound, I get my clothes ready the night before…I get up at 5AM and go to the club to exercise for 90 minutes….my exercise clothes are right where I can grab them and throw them on; my work clothes are all together on a hanger and my shoes are in a bag hanging over the hanger hook…I grab and go …(and brush my teeth after I exercise…not kissing anyone special at LA FItness!)

  8. Cristina Mathers says

    i try to cut up all the veggies at once. bell peppers, onions, and whatever else i think i may need during the week. and i also love to cook a baked potato in the microwave, and then wrap it foil and finish it on the bbq. mmmm!

  9. My daughter helps me a lot! I usually set out something for dinner and she will start it before I get home.

    I always lay out our clothes the night before we leave.

    I load the dishwasher, set the timer so it runs while we are asleep, and I get up earlier than the kids so I can unload it.

    I start laundry in the morning and I throw it in the dryer when I get home.

    I DVR a lot! And I watch my shows before the kids wake up, or after they go to bed.