Haiku Friday: Stop the Ads!

I’m already sick
of campaign ads on TV
every five minutes

One more month to go
of attacks and one-sided
tales to influence

The one benefit
of these ads is I am now
watching less TV

Don’t get me wrong – I’m excited about this election and hope everyone votes, but if I have to watch another month of slanted, mud-slinging campaign ads, I think I might become a fan of anarchy. I’ve turned off the TV more than once this week just because I was sick of seeing the campaign ads during commercials.

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  1. If the ads weren’t so full of snark and deliberately twisting facts it wouldn’t be as bad, but sadly, that’s mostly what I see.

  2. oh i’m SO with you here!!!!

  3. I can relate to you every time we have our election here…

    Happy Friday and hope your weekend is great!

  4. Sometimes I wish to just be a fly on the wall inside the candidates lives and see the real truth beyond the ads and accusations!!

  5. I know what you mean. I’m not over missing Grey’s Anatomy tonight because of the debate. LOL!!

    Karen of the MomDot Street Team

  6. My ballot is in already and oh, yeah, I live in Europe so we don’t get bombarded with all of those worthless commercials.

  7. We don’t have cable right now and just watch everything online. Last week I was at my friends and we watched the Grey’s Anatomy 2 hour premiere so I was reminded of the commercials. Ugh. I was sick of it after only 2 hours!

  8. indeed. the ads do offer insight on the two campaigns though.

  9. Do you get the phone calls too? I feel like I can just turn off the TV, but when their LOUD messages get on the answering machine (because I didn’t pick up – caller ID you know, LOL) and it WAKES the baby, I’m ready to knock some heads together. ;-P

  10. Yup … I’m often irritated by ads filled with innuendo and twisted assertion designed to make one side look better by pointing the finger of ‘blame’ at the other. Methinks most of us would much rather each side simply share real reasons why we’d be better off with their candidate in office. I’ve got Haiku at Small Reflections and Sacred Ruminations this morning … already.
    Hugs and blessings,

  11. Haha… totally agree. The mud is totally deep now since the election is so close.

  12. Molly's Mom says

    I hate them too…and am glad that there are rumors of McCain pulling them from Michigan (cause he’s losing here anyway)!

  13. I agree, I look forward to the election and a chance for our voices to be heard, but if the networks never showed another ad for the rest of my life it would be perfect.

  14. ya ya's mom says

    i hear ya!!!

  15. Greyscale Territory says

    I am glad I am not going through your political debates! Whenever it happens that debates on Australian TV walk hand in hand with political elections, I even cut down on my news watching! It all goes into overload!

  16. T with Honey says

    The radio is just as bad, if not worse than the TV. I’ve actually driven to and from work in silence a few times just to get away from it. A person can only take so much of the negativity.

    We get the phone calls too. I think we may have to go back to screening all our calls (we’re too cheap to pay for caller ID) like we did before the primary although that still won’t prevent Princess being woken up by the phone ringing at 8:45 PM!

  17. The Laundress says

    That debate was blinding.

  18. Condo Blues says

    Yeah, I’m not thrilled that the candidates say in the beginning of the camgain that they aren’t going to do attack ads and then they end up doing attack ads. Unfortunately attack ads work so that’s why the candidates end up doing them. *sigh*

  19. I’m right there with you. I know the importance of voting — my weak voice must be heard, but I’m soooooo tired of the ads. 🙂

  20. Which is worse, to be oversaturated with it or to be so out of touch that you get your debate info solely from blogs and twitter? (Uh, I’m the latter…)

  21. of course consider the alternative to campaign ads…if you lived in like cuba there is no ad because you have no choices!

  22. The only thing I like about the ads: the Obama ads citing their sources of information. I’ve never seen that done before, and I’m a fan.

  23. Amelia Sprout says

    This would be the reason I don’t think I could ever go through another political season without a DVR.

  24. I don’t like them either.