Haiku Friday: Costumes Subject to Change

“I want to be a
superhero!” she tells me
for this Halloween.

So superhero
costume purchased, and now? She
wants to be a bat.

I sometimes wonder
if she does this on purpose
just to screw with us.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

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  1. they totally do.

    and they’re all good at it too.

  2. So much for trying to be prepared!

  3. Yes, the do. And it doesn’t get better as they get older. Sorry.

  4. Oops…

  5. LOL! My son tries to do that, but I just tell him that he can be that next year. ;P

    You have an award waiting for you here . . .


  6. Well, children are so imaginative I guess so comes with it is how fast they change their minds… 😉

    I am sharing a very moving story about a baby names Rowan, hope you can drop by when you have the time.

    Happy Friday!

  7. ya ya's mom says

    kids can be such turds!

  8. Batgirl is a superhero…^_~

  9. I don’t even consider buying the costume until ten days before for just that reason.

  10. I guess I was lucky…not only did mine always know exactly what they wanted to be, I almost NEVER had to purchase a costume…they put themselves together and I might only need to buy a small item or two! I Love Halloween…what fun!

  11. Perhaps she could carry a ‘bat’ while wearing the Super Hero costume? I’ve published my Haiku at Sacred Ruminations and am working on the one for Small Reflections, so it should be published in a little while. Happy Friday to all ;–)
    Hugs and blessings,

  12. yikes. kids…

  13. Hahahahahaha! I think my oldest did this to me like 3 years in a row! Yeah, I am a little slow on the uptake!
    Bats are great!! Happy Halloween!

  14. yeah..will wanted to be a french fry, (told him he was going to turn into one like a week before) and now he has totally changed his mind after his uncle handmade him a french fry costume, kid is gonna be a fry!

  15. I hope you can persuade her to change her mind again. 🙂

  16. bad news for you…. at fourteen they still do it!

  17. Misguided Mommy says

    i think you should do BATMAN,a superhero and a bat!

  18. It wouldn’t be Halloween without multiple costume changes.

  19. The Laundress says

    Ha, I love that!!!

    I wait until the day before to Make it costume….

  20. Undercover-Princess says

    Of course she does!

  21. the dragonfly says

    Once again, I’m late to the party…but in my defense, it’s been a very busy day. Anyway, my haiku is up!

    I was like that on Halloweens past. I’m guessing my son will be the same way. 🙂

  22. hmmm…sounds familiar…I have an awesome fireman costume upstairs, and now he wants to be a tiger.

  23. Well, I just purchased the huge, red feathered butterfly wings for Sam today and he best not change his mind now. We’re committed.

  24. Amelia Sprout says

    M outgrew her costume I bought a size big already before we even made it to Halloween, and now I can’t find another monkey costume… wah!