More Cordy-isms: The Passive-Aggressive Edition

“Mommy, I have a cold.”

“Oh, really? I’m sorry to hear that, Cordy.”

“I need ice cream to feel me better.”

“Are you saying you want some ice cream?”

“No, I need ice cream to feel me better.”


“Mommy, what’s the word on the street?”

“I don’t know, what’s the word on the street?”


“Are you trying to tell me you want lunch?”



“Do you miss your grandma, Cordy?”

“Yes! Grandma wants to see me now!”

“Do you mean you want to see grandma?”

“No, grandma wants to see me now!”


“Oh-my-dear! My tummy is rumbly!”

(The fact that she exclaims “Oh my dear!” is perhaps the cutest thing in the world.)


“Mommy, car is saying something!”

“What’s the car saying, sweetie?”


“Do you mean you want to go home?”

“Yes. Car takes me home.”


As you can see, my child never wants anything. At least she never wants anything directly.

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  1. Smart as a tack, just like her mum.
    Best wishes

  2. mothergoosemouse says

    “What’s the word on the street?” – oh, that is priceless!

  3. oh-my-dear! that is so sweet!

  4. Psst. The word on the street is pizza.

    Mmmmm. Pizza.

  5. LOL! Those are hysterical. Love the “word on the street” 🙂

  6. So cute!

  7. There’s NO way I could have not burst into laughter at “word on the street”. She is priceless.

  8. Amelia Sprout says

    She’s a Minnesotan at heart apparently. 😉

    The word on the street is perhaps the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard of a kid saying.

  9. Word on the street… too funny…

    She needs to meet my son!

  10. That is so cute. She is very smart and it sounds like you have your hands full!

  11. That’s awesome! And yes, ice cream feels me better, too.

  12. Condo Blues says

    I hear you Cordy, I need ice cream to feel me better too.

    *leaves computer in search of ice cream*

  13. love it! Love all of them!

  14. MamaMichelsBabies says

    Tee hee!! That’s awesome! She’s a smart one. Aaron had no idea whats coming does he? 😉

    That’s right up there with “Hun, pick up ice cream, the baby wants ice cream”

    Said to Ug earlier on. And he got baby ice cream… best dang ice cream Mama ever ate for baby.

  15. What a sweetie-pie! She sounds very bright just by the way she makes connections. You’re very lucky. My children are very direct when they want something. LOL!!

    Karen of the MomDot Street Team

  16. Perfect. Sam has been doing this too in his own little way. When i want him to do something he tells me that he’s not Sam, but Thomas (the tank engine) and that Thomas can’t do it because – insert excuse here: his track doesn’t go that way, he’s out of steam, etc. Hard to be angry about it…usually.

  17. I love “What’s the word on the street”, too! Ahhh….

  18. the word on this street is cookies. i need them to feel me better. yes, i do.

  19. Those are such precious “Cordy-isms”. You will treasure them forever. It is so important that you do write them down. I love the What’s the word on the street? I am going to have to remember that one! hahahaha

  20. I love her!