You may have noticed I haven’t been posting as frequently in the past couple of weeks. It’s not that I’ve lost the urge to write, or even that I couldn’t think of topics to write on. Instead, I’ve been busy. Really busy. But beyond finals week for school, and trying to keep Mira from being pushed over by Cordy and Cordy’s hair out of Mira’s hands, there’s been something else.
I’m cheating on all of you, and kept it a secret until now. I’ve spent the past few weeks writing for someone else. Well, it’s for all of you, too, especially those who live near me. It all happened so quickly, giving me no time to plan so that you wouldn’t suspect anything. Today, though, the secret is out:
Technically, I was ordered to keep it a secret until now. Under the guidance of Stefania Pomponi Butler (aka CityMama) and Stacey Boyd, nearly 30 bloggers across the US were gathered to make not only the place to go for preschool reviews and finding fun activities to do with your kids at home, but now the place to go to find things to do with your 2-6 year old in your hometown. Yep, I’m now the City Expert for Columbus, bringing you all the fun and educational activities in the greater Columbus area. See that? City Expert. I feel so professional now.
How did I get this amazing new title? Dumb luck. Lots and lots of begging, pleading, and bribing. OK, maybe a little begging, but mostly by seeing the call for bloggers on Twitter. (P.S. LOVE TWITTER!)
And now that we’re live, I can officially say I’m working with some of the best bloggers out there, and if you live in or near any of the cities Savvy Source features, you should check them out. The talent feeding into this project is amazing, and they’ve made me wonder more than once how I managed to sneak into this group.
We all have our own URLs, too. You can find me at
Here’s just a small selection of what I’ll be writing about:
99 things your must do with your child in (or near) Columbus
Room to run: tiring out your preschooler
5 things to do in Columbus on a rainy day
The littlest Picasso: where to go to make art
The Columbus blog will also feature book reviews, toy reviews, and interviews with local child development experts. The media push has started too – there’s a chance I might be on TV soon! (Ahem…EEEK!!)
Now that we’re live, this space will be getting more attention again. It’s like having another child – you somehow find enough time and room in your heart for both. I hope you’ll come visit me at Being Savvy Columbus!

Way to go, Christina!
Hey, Savvy-bud! Tampa checking in.
Yay! Congrats! Thanks (eek!)
Congratulations! Way to Go Christina,I’m so proud of you! You’re my blogging role Model 🙂
Congratulations! That is wonderful! Yay!
Congrats Christina! You’re in some excellent literary company there.
Congrats… what a fab idea!!!
– Audrey
Congrats on the new gig! I hope that Myrtle Beach will be one of the upcoming cities … Charleston is close to me, but 2 hours –
Congratulations! As a fellow central-Ohioan, I’m sure I’ll enjoy reading your suggestions of what to do with my kids around here!! Let me know if you need any ideas. 🙂
Very cool, Christina. And, if you’ve been reading my blog at all lately, likely a source of great assistance to me in the coming weeks. I know Evan’s not 2 yet but I’m hoping some of your ideas and resources will help with him, too.
I like your pen name, by the way. : )
YAY! I’m so excited for you – what a cool opportunity.