Haiku Friday: Yummy Flashbacks

Have you seen the three
new Mountain Dew flavors? I
had to try them all.

A winner emerged
Voltage is my champion
The perfect flavor

What makes me say this?
Because it tastes just like an
old-fashioned Bomb Pop!

Sure, a haiku about soda is kind of dull. And normally, tasting Mountain Dew flavors would rank at the bottom of my blogging topics. But then I tried this new flavor – I swear, it tastes just like a Bomb Pop. Remember that red, white and blue frozen goodness? Take off the cherry part at the top, and imagine the white lemon and blue raspberry flavors melting together. Add some fizz, and you have Mountain Dew Voltage.

(No, I wasn’t approached by anyone to blog about this. The flavor gave me flashbacks to summer days playing 4-square on hot asphalt, skinned knees, and drippy popsicles. It’s like childhood in a bottle.)

Next Week: We have a haiku theme for next week! If you want to play along with the theme (and it isn’t required at all), write your haiku for next week (June 13) about HAIR. Interpret how you’d like.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! We will delete any links without haiku!

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  1. No soda for me
    except now and then when I
    sip Cherry Pepsi ;–)

    My 45th Haiku Friday will post automatically at 12:04 tomorrow (Friday) morning (if all goes as it’s supposed to). FYI – it’s 10:10pm in Southern California ;–)
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. Yum! My children are going to want to try that!

  3. I hust bought those red, white, and blue popsicles for my kids! They loved them!

    It’s funny how certain flavors can take you back.

  4. i’m a bit frightened of all the funny flavors. did you try the thanksgiving jones soda flavors?? i’m just not that brave. about as crazy as i go i cherry pepsi.

  5. Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) says

    Ahhhhhhhh! Don’t give me a reason to try anything else with calories!!!! *stuffing fingers in ears and covering eyes*

  6. Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) says

    PS: It makes me feel a special kind of stupid when I get those damn word verification letters wrong! HAHA!

  7. anymommy says

    This is my first haiku. Now I’m wondering if I’ll make it to 45!

  8. You should try UDF’s new float flavors. Eerily accurate.

  9. I did my first Haiku Friday today. I can’t believe it! But I didn’t do a theme… I figure I’ll ease into this slowly.

    So Voltage is good…I might try it!

  10. I’m glad there wasn’t a theme this week because I totally forgot to check for one again.

    I use to love Mountain Dew when I was little!! Ah . . . such memories!

  11. Having fun playing
    Your Haiku game of challenge
    Thankful for the fun!

    Pam (who was a sheltered child and has no memory of these popsicles!)

  12. I’m having so much fun taking part in Haiku Friday when I can. I’m going to get the button this week, to help me remember!

  13. DeuceMom says

    Bomb pop! I’m going to crave one of those all day today. Thanks. Thanks a lot 😉

  14. Well, I have a very, very fond recollection of bomb pops. Even though I don’t drink much soda, I am going to have to try this one.

    I heard on the radio that you can vote for your favorite new Mtn. Dew flavor just this morning. I can’t remember the exact site but it had democracy in it!

  15. courtneyryan369 says

    love me some bomb pops
    have them at the summer shows
    mkes me smile to think!

    haha good to know. I’m hesitant to try the new Dew flavors, but now I will try the Voltage


  16. I don’t think they sell that over here in the UK… not where I live anyway 🙁

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂