Seems like mommybloggers have been all over the news lately. We’re accused of exploiting our kids, and a few are making news because they’re enjoying some much deserved success.
But as soon as the Wall Street Journal published their article on Heather Armstrong (Dooce) and a few mommybloggers posted their updates from Camp Baby, the Disney event, and the Sony event, the black pool of jealousy began to gurgle and bubble from deep within the internets.
How can Dooce make $40K a month posting pictures of her dog and writing letters to her daughter while I get nothing? Why didn’t I get invited to one of those events? Where’s my free Swiffer and granola bars, dammit? When is someone going to ask ME to be a contributor in a book?
Whoa. Hold up.
While it is awesome that mommybloggers have gone from being ignored or ridiculed to now being courted by big companies and advertising networks, we can’t all be famous and making our fortunes one spaghetti-covered-face picture at a time. Would you walk into a corporate office just out of college and demand to be the CEO? After they finished laughing at you, they’d tell you to work your way up and come back when you’ve learned more.
While I’m in no way a mommyblogging *superstar*, I have thought about what makes a popular mommyblogger, and I’ve narrowed it down to several elements for success.
Consistent writing – This includes both quality and quantity of writing. You need to post often, and those posts need to be quality posts. Every day is not a requirement – many of the top mommybloggers post only a few times a week. But some kind of regular schedule is needed to keep you in your readers’ minds.
Similarly, if posts are fired off haphazard, without regard to spelling, logical progression of thought, or fuzzy storytelling, you’ll lose the interest of your readers. Very few can write post after post without putting any forethought into those posts. Think about your topics. Read your own writing and edit it before hitting the Publish button. If you don’t like to do revisions, at least carefully construct the post in your head before writing. Ask someone who will be honest with you to proofread your work.
Hard work – If you didn’t already notice from the two paragraphs above, you have to be willing to invest some time and work into your blog to reap the rewards. Personally, it can take me anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours to write a post. It all depends on the topic, but most of the well-received posts took far longer than 15 minutes. If your kids are with you all day, this means you may be spending nap time writing. Or sometimes writing well into the night.
(Ignoring your children all day is an option, too. But c’mon, don’t we have to deal with that stereotype enough?)
Networking – Remember the saying “To make a friend, you have to be a friend”? That applies to blogging, too. I remember one of my first comments on my blog was left by Dutch from Sweet Juniper. At the time, he was writing for Blogging Baby along with his own successful blog. Did he need to comment on a little blog that at the time had only eight posts? Of course not. Did I appreciate the comment from someone I saw as a “popular” blogger? Yes! An important part of blogging is the community fostered through comments.
I have several friends that I would never have met had it not been for one of us commenting on the other’s blog. Leave comments. Make friends. Promote the hell out of each other, because the love you give out will come back to you.
Time – While there are always the overnight success stories, most bloggers with high traffic didn’t start out that way. They built that traffic up over time, by using their networking skills and writing consistent posts. (See how it all ties together?) Time is also needed to build up a solid archive. Some readers will find you by searching for topics that lead to your older posts.
Talent – Some people are born storytellers, some are naturals at technical writing, and others are simply not good with words. You can take all of the writing classes offered by your nearest university, practice your writing dutifully every day, and yet others might still run circles around you in writing. We all have our strengths, and if someone has a talent for the written word while you struggle with each sentence, there will probably be a difference in your posts. That doesn’t mean you should give up, because talent is only one part of blogging, but you have to accept that some people are more talented than others.
Luck (or being in the right place at the right time) – I have no idea what makes PR people contact one mommyblogger who has so-so traffic over another who has more traffic or better writing. I don’t know what algorithm was used to pick the guest list for Camp Baby. I’m guessing a lot of it was luck. Sometimes you happen to comment at another blog at just the right time, or you write a post at the exact time that someone is looking for an expert on that topic for a job.
You know this isn’t limited to the blogging world, either. You could sit down next to a company CEO on a plane and end up getting a job after that chance meeting. (It happened to my aunt.) Last year, when I was asked to write for, the offer seemed to be out of the blue. I don’t know how they found me – I could have been recommended (there’s that networking again), or it could have been luck.
Looking at this list of what you need to be a successful mommyblogger, you might notice that these elements fall into two categories. The first three are things that you can control, while the last three are out of your hands. There’s no point in getting upset or worrying over the last three, because nothing you do can change them. If you want more traffic, more notice, more product review offers or whatever, focus on the first three: consistent writing, hard work, and networking.
But it’s those last three that make it all unpredictable. You may write excellent posts, comment all the time on other blogs, and still get no notice. It happens. Life is not fair. Let me repeat that: life is not fair. Getting upset at the success of others does nothing to help you, especially when all of that negative energy could be used for more productive endeavors.
The truth is, if you’re blogging to become popular/famous, you might want to reconsider your goals. After all, being a famous mommyblogger amounts to nearly nothing outside of our little electronic boxes and internet tubes. Go ask your hairstylist who Dooce is – chances are, she doesn’t know. Ask your parents, your neighbor, the mailman. They probably don’t know, either.
Sure, some moms make money from blogging, or get to go on trips, or get published in real paper and ink form. Instead of being jealous, though, we should be congratulating them on their success. Because if there is success for a few, there will be more success for others to follow. Corporations are taking notice of mommybloggers, and publishers are finding that there is an audience for books written by mommybloggers. If we continue to support and encourage our community, the success can only grow.
I’m not one of the best writers. I don’t have a lot of traffic. But I work hard at improving my writing, and have gained many new readers as a result. I don’t think I’m owed anything because I’ve been blogging for two and a half years. Any perks I get I’m grateful for – I do feel that I’ve earned some of it, but I also credit a lot of it to luck. I write because I enjoy it, and really, shouldn’t that be the primary reason we do all this, anyway?

It feels like I actually wrote that since you spelled out every single sentiment I felt over the whole shenanigans with so many bloggers going hulabaloo on not getting this and that.
Great job on this posting!
You are also one of the most generous mom bloggers I know. That’s one of the reasons people like to work with you.
I’d offer one more piece of advice to anyone, not just parent bloggers, that *would* like to be invited to a shindig or be contacted by firms. Start writing about the topic more often. Smart companies should not approach bloggers who are not demonstrably interested in their product segment. Wanna get a first look at cameras? Write about photography more often. Want to get invited to fancy resorts? Write about travel. Want access to sci fi channel? Write about sci fi.
Doesn’t have to be all the time, nor about any specific products. You don’t have to pander or pimp your blog. But you do have to show some reason why it makes sense to approach you.
Why would you want to be invited to something that didn’t pertain to your interests anyway.
PS — anyone interested in the travel idea, give me a shout. I have a great idea for a blog but I don’t have time to do it on my own.
Because we enjoy it …. and because mommybloggers are going to achieve world domination by 2012! (I think that’s going to be my new mantra!)
And Susan Getgood — dang, guess I’m not going to get anything by writing about politics! ;(
I couldn’t agree more – you’ve articulated everything I’ve wanted to say whenever I’ve read a snippy comment or post about the mommyblogger “haves v.s. have nots.”
great post!
instead of being jealous and wondering why we aren’t getting free trips/earning lots of $$/getting book deals…let’s be happy for the bloggers who are getting these things! it’s great!
for me, it’s about good writing and being a good blog citizen. that is what will keep me coming back to a site. i don’t care if a blogger is popular or not, how many trips she’s won, or how much money she makes. if it’s entertaining, and it makes me think, and there’s some acknowledgement that the blogger appreciates my comments etc….i’ll be back 🙂
Well said!
I blog because I really enjoy it. If anything more ever came of it? That would be icing on the cake. I’m so thrilled other mommybloggers are reaping some benefits.
Susan – Very good point about blogging about the topics that interest you to get noticed by firms representing those interests.
Kristen (M.U.) – Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it sound like anyone could become rich off a blog. Heather is probably the only one who is living off her blog. But serious part-time incomes can be made, usually by using the personal blog as a launching point to other ventures, like you suggested.
Mamma – Hey now, I didn’t say I wasn’t a *good* writer, I said I wasn’t one of the *best* writers. I’ll admit to some skill in writing. 🙂
Very well put!
‘Popular’ can be interpreted so many different ways…knowing what you want from your blog makes it that much more likely to be achieveable.
yes, I totally agree. Just recently I’ve been noticing that sentiment sort of buzzing around out there – the thing is I know myself, I know my time/$ budget for this particular project at this time in my life. I have to be willing to stick to those decisions – and the outcomes of those decisions – without in anyway having that impact my relationships to bloggers who are in a position to do/be/create more in anyway. And you are right, it is about remembering why in the world I ever sit down to write anything anyway.
Very good post!
This is a great post, Christina, and the demand-to-be-a CEO analogy is such a perfect one.
I think that it’s much easier for wannabes to bash paid/successful bloggers who are succesful after years of unpaid blogging than to put in the time and effort such an endevor takes. As a newbie blogger, I’m not looking for riches, I’m just happy if someone reads and comments on my blog!
Yes, indeedy! I blog every single day, often several times a day. I’m a freelance copyeditor, so my writing is above average (I’m not bragging — we all know what we see out there in the blogosophere!). I blog about mommy stuff as well as food and movies and books and politics and grammar and web stuff and whatever else tickles my fancy. And that, I think, may be the rub. I am not “just” a Mommyblogger. I’m a real, live, WHOLE person with other interests. My blog was recently placed on, but not in the Mommy section, in the Life section. I blog about My Life.
Thanks for this post! I just started blogging a few weeks ago, and while of course I love to see new comments and find new blogs to read, I’m not trying to get rich! So I got a little nervous while browsing different mommyblogs and seeing all of this controversy that is going on.
First of all, you are (and always have been) gracious, eloquent, and extremely articulate. (Shit, I sound like I’m about to propose to you).
The truth is Dooce is an anomale. No one really makes “a living” off their “personal blog” — even folks with a ton of traffic. What the dedication to writing, topic choices (as Susan said, those really do matter), talent, and hell luck do offer are connections and opportunities.
That can be anything from meeting really cool people, to meeting really cool people that just so happen to be looking for bloggers/writers.
I think what’s frustrating (at one level or another) is that these events have seemed sort of haphazard in how people are chosen. It would make sense, at least to me, if there were niches that event planners were aiming to fill. For example, it would make sense to me for Sony to have invited avid photo bloggers, or at least, bloggers that post photos often. I would NEVER EVER EVER expect to be invited to such an event. The same might go for a travel event. I never write about travel, and therefore, wouldn’t expect to be invited.
I think that when blogger outreach gets a bit “tighter,” there will be a lot less of folks saying “huh” after seeing invites.
But really, we should be truly happy for our comrades who do get invited. And super glad that the opportunities are flowing!
>>Would you walk into a corporate office just out of college and demand to be the CEO?
Exactly. Your whole post was well said. And I’m glad I got to meet you both online and at BlogHer – making new friends ranks high than getting a free Swiffer.
Thanks for this. I beg to differ – you are a wonderful writer and a mommyblogger superstar. Thank goodness you are too real and kind to lord it over the rest of us!
This is the most rational, articulate and positive response to the negativity we’ve seen in our community. Thank you for putting such a thoughtful piece together. Every word of it is true (well except for the part about you not being a good writer).
Great job! I think you were more articulate here than I was in my post.
And for all those curious about the book — I’ve been working on it for two years. I’ve sunk $1500 of my own money and about 400 hours into it. And it was still kind of a fluke.
I would say the best thing you can do for yourself as a blogger is meet other bloggers in person. Sometimes this involves travel, which involves money. It’s unfortunate, but I’ve found nothing replaces meeting people in person.
Great post! I’m working on a similar one… Do you mind if I link to you?
I love this post! Not only do you have great points, but you also made a handy list for anyone looking for help (it’s that generosity everyone is talking about, right?).
Most of the whiners sit at home being a hermit, instead of sitting at home and networking and putting themselves out there to meet people. Like attracts like, ya know?
`Arianne (ToThink on Twitter)
“Getting upset at the success of others does nothing to help you, especially when all of that negative energy could be used for more productive endeavors.”
PERFECTLY said! AND that applies to MOST areas of life where others have achieved (usually through lots of time and hard work) what we’d really like to achieve as well. Less comparing ourselves to others and more actual work is the way to go.
Great and wonderful post! 🙂
Fabulous post, Christina. So many excellent points, and you made them so well.
Great post Christina! You hit the mark on so many relevant points.
Awesome post! Yes, I definitely agree with all you’ve said here. Luck is a HUGE part of it. Knowing the right people helps too. I’ve gotten a few perks over the years, but for the most part, I’m still a pretty “small” blogger. And you know, I’m pretty okay with that. I love seeing all this success and exposure. Not only is it fabulous for them, it can only mean GREAT things for the rest of us!
Oh, Christina. How I love you. Oh, wait — I’m not allowed to say that, right? Because it means I’m sucking up or pimping you? Whatev.
Another crucial point here is that sometimes certain people feel the need to decry how SO-AND-SO IS AN AWFUL WRITER or whatever. There are people who are successful bloggers because of their writing, and people who are successful bloggers because of their marketing. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle. But aside the stupidity and lousy karma of pointing fingers and declaring so-and-so doesn’t deserve it, guess what — if you think they’re undeserving but they’re getting more money/traffic/attention than you, maybe your time would be better spent examining HOW that came to be. Because clearly there’s something to be learned, there.
I’ve yet to see a single instance of someone who has NO talent rising through the ranks. There is ALWAYS a reason behind the successes around us, and despite what some people may be making a career of whining about, I’ve yet to see that reason be “mindless pimpage.” When I don’t understand someone’s success, I shut my mouth and study it, because clearly there’s something to be learned there.
The thing that tickles me is that when someone stamps and hollers that I don’t “deserve” it is still just angry and unemployable at the end of the day, whereas I’m very much enjoying my successful career — a career I BUILT using all the tools available to me: talent, networking, perseverance, and ethical standards. I will not apologize to anyone for any of it.
The proliferation of sour grapes ’round the blogosphere lately only serves to make the complainers look every inch the amateurs they are.
At this point in my blogging “career”, the best “payment” is comments. I must admit, though, when I got into this blogging stuff, I was shocked at the talent and time that some people invest into their blogs.
Everything you’ve written makes total sense, and I think it applies to all bloggers, not just mommybloggers!
YES! *whistling, clapping* Well said, Christina! My invitation to the Disney event came about from a series of situations that started with nothing more than my handing my business card to someone at BlogHer last year! It could have been anyone, it happened to be me, and I was honored to be asked.
I constantly have to take a fresh look at my blog and what I’m writing about, make sure that I’m not giving too much space and time to sponsors. It’s hard to balance it sometimes. I have to remind myself that it’s more important to contribute something positive to the Mommmyblogger community, and that recognition and such are just the icing on the cake.
But I have to admit, it would be pretty cool to be asked to contribute something to a book 🙂
Yep. As much as I’d loooovvveee to be offered free stuff, I simply don’t have the amount of time required to produce quality posts on a regular basis. If I can post 1 or 2 posts a week that I’m PROUD of, in addition to the ones that simply document my life? I’m thrilled.
Also? IF you want to be popular? You have to ask for it. You have to not only network, but also be the person that hosts the contest/haiku Friday/etc. It draws people to you and then? If your writing is good enough, it keeps them coming back!
Totally agree. Just look at Dooce, who spent years writing before she hit the point where she’s at. We all do things our own way and that’s what people need to realize. Sure, it’s hard when you see people come back with all this amazing swag, but like you said, check your priorities!
Im new to blogging also and I agree with your post. I don’t think I would want Heather’s life if you gave it to me, but I hope to gain a few loyal readers and build my craft business as well.
So you’re saying I was out of line when I set fire to Dooce’s garage? Because it’s really less my fault and more my dog’s because he told me to.
Also? I agree with it all. Especially the luck part. Popular vs. Nonpopular is largely a function of chance, just as it is in the real world.
Seriously. A rising tide lifts all boats, and all that. I guess the thing that baffles me is that people have TIME and ENERGY to waste just spewing negativity. Really? There’s not ANYTHING better you could be doing? Sad.
I begrudge no blogger their success. I’m proud to be part of a community of such talented women.
now where’s my friggen book deal?
AMEN. Thank you for putting it in writing and putting it out there.
Thanks for this post. I sit down and write because I want to share stories and connect with other mothers. I love it when other mothers comment, it’s great feedback. Luck and hard work make success and that success isn’t always financial.
Excellent post. I keep hearing about all this negativity but I haven’t really seen that much of the sour grapes myself. It always amazes me when I do though.
I guess I’ve got excellent taste, if I haven’t stumbled across any of the nitpicking and jealousy myself, right? That’s what I’m telling myself anyway. 🙂
Great post! Seth Godin said something recently that applies to all bloggers…I’m paraphrasing, but he basically said that you shouldn’t get into blogging for the money. Do it for love…do it well… and if you’re lucky rewards will follow.
Thank goodness your first point was about the writing. There’s nothing more maddening than reading posts (or anything else for that matter) with crappy grammar and too many exclamation points!!! Storytelling is a craft. The trick is to find your voice and make it your own, Dawg (as Randy would say). Thanks for a great post. I’m tucking it all in my back pocket on my journey to being a “real’ Mommyblogger.
You’re so cool Christina.
What a great post.. I agree.
As a newbie mommyblogger, I have to thank you for this entry. It puts so much into prespective. I blog about my family because I love them and all the funny things they do and I want to share some of that with the world (or at least the few people who do read my blog). I think its great that some bloggers “get noticed”; I am just happy being able share my stories. You are totally being added to my “I Heart These Blogs” list. It’s a rare honor – really!
So well said. I wish everyone could be as positive and not-insane as you.
Darnit, and I thought it was just about having cute kids… excellent post. And you are so right, it applies to more tan just the blogging world, although perhaps the politics arise a bit less since there isn’t as much cubicle gossip.
You’re popular with me, sweetie (*wink*)
Beautifully, perfectly said.
It’s times like these when I’m glad I haven’t had much time to read blogs lately – not that I have an overly inflated ego or anything (NOT ME!) but really, how undignified can you be complaining about someone else’s success publicly? I mean, have a drink and vent to your real-life girlfriend if you’re feeling down. Gees louise!
Plus, I have sometimes wondered, why not me, and then I’ve been approached for an opportunity I’m so not interested in and thought, oh god, WHY ME?? 😉
And great post.
Whoever said that up there about being the hostess is right. I don’t think Fussypants has been blogging that long but MY LANDS she’s set up a heap of related sites. And Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer has a “Works for me Wed” that gets tons of hits.
Or you can tootle along and get struck by luck as I did (I was asked to blog for ivillage out of the blue, which I no longer do, but it was a fun short gig.)
I think as long as a blogger is sure about her goals (and sometimes mine are confued!) the sky’s the limit.
Visiting for the first time—I thought this was an excellent post and you really did a great job.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Thanks for that.
Now that was a well thought out post for sure! I agree with what you said. I started out with no readers except my friends and only through commenting endlessly on other’s blogs did I start finding readers. Now I’m not sure where my readers come from but I’m thankful they come. And also thankful for spellcheck because I often look back on my posts and cringe!
I like to add one more word of advice that I never would’ve known if it hadn’t happened to me by accident: if you have an ongoing story, people will tune in to see how everything turns out. It’s human nature and it’s what draws me to certain blogs and what draws many readers to mine. Something to think about.
This was such a great post!
I was lucky enough to be invited to the Sony event, and honestly – I can’t believe they picked me! But I’ve been a mommy blogger for *cough* EIGHT YEARS now, so I was pretty tickled that I got to do something cool. Yay! Still, I felt like sort of a wannabe among so many Big Time Mommy Bloggers!
Thanks for letting me link to you in my post… (shameless plug)It’s up now, if you want to check it out(/shameless plug)!
Wonderfully written, woman. You are right on all of those counts. It takes alot of time, energy and dedication to reach the top. The rules and what’s fair/not fair are pretty much the same in any profession… Why bash mombloggers? Its amazing to see fellow bloggers get book deals, new jobs, trips, and meet new people through their blogs. And its great that they blog about it so people like me (with simple boring lives) can read about it and cheer them on!
And YOU? Are a fabulous writer! I love your writing style.
Oooh, good one.
THANK YOU! I think this is just what the doctor ordered. I needed to hear this too. Since J&J I’ve been a bit lost and not knowing how to dig my way out. This helped to put things back into perspective.
Glad we met and see you at BlogHer!
I had no idea all this was happening, that’s what I get for being sick and not logging on 🙂
Well worded, well written… just perfect!
great post. I wish I knew you were close to where I was visiting last week. We could have had a tweet-up!
These sound like pretty good recommendations for all bloggers, not just mommmybloggers!
What a great post! I’m here by way of Zoot. I’m an obscure blogger that just does it to blow off a little steam. Would I like to have some traffic? Of course but it doesn’t make me want to write less because I don’t get it or jealous of someone else because they get a million hits a day. As for Dooce, she’s awesome and I’m thrilled for her! I probably contribute to at least 1000 of her hits a week. You talked about leaving and getting comments, well Dad Gone Mad recently opened his comment section up for new and obscure bloggers to post their links and he got over 200 hits. Because I had no screaming kiddies last night tugging at me I complied them all into one list and posted them on my blog today in hopes of generating some clicks for myself and everyone on that list!
I’m not striving for popularity just someone to drop in every now and then and say, “I can relate to that!!” regardless of how kooky or embarrassing the situation!!
Having been away from my pc I’m not aware of the backbiting, but then, I probably wouldn’t have noticed most of it anyway.
I’m comfortable with my little no name blog, the idea of having the reader base of Dooce, or you for that matter makes me tummy get all twisty. No.. my 5 comments a post makes me happy.
Although that 40 a month wouldn’t hurt either 😉
Great post.
“Life is not fair.” Amen sister! I tell my son that all the time.
Great post! I first began blogging out of curiosity. Then, as I got to visit the sites of some of the more famous mommybloggers, I had those pangs of jealousy. “Where’s my book deal/free stuff/trip to Disney World?” I even thought about giving up the blog altogether. But then I remembered–I blog for myself. Even if nobody else reads it, I discovered a way to document my journey as a mom, and that means a lot. Not as much as a trip to Disney, though. 😉
Yes. What you just said. Yes. Yes. yes.
First time to your blog… got here from Mommy Bits…
Could not agree more and well said! Thank you!
Everyone has different motives for blogging, but seriously, if you’re not in it to have fun and just come what may… why do it at all?
And kudos to all those out there that have been successful!
Oh, man, this is such good stuff. I keep reading posts that say, basically, “Why does no one comment?” and “I want to make money from my writing!!!” And I think, This is something that is a hobby, like golf. If you like golfing, do it a lot and maybe one day it’ll turn into more than a hobby. And maybe it won’t.
It’s pointless to go into blogging because you want fame and fortune.
Thanks! Great advice! and well written.
Came over from Jennifer at Playgroups are No Place for Children-
It’s a lonely world out there blogging, especially when you get ZERO comments! It’s a lot of work promoting your own blog and getting people interested. That seems to be the real nut to crack.
I’ve just published a book, and instead of doing a fancy book tour, I get to do a virtual book tour — sit at my desk for hours each day posting comments… and trying to get people to comment on my blog. It’s really fun in a way becuase I am learning so much ( I am a “traditional” print writer and editor), but it’s also a whole new world, and not one in which you can just hope to become queen in a day.
Or two.
Or a year.
Or two!
As of right now, I think I am commentor # 73…
I can’t remember ever taking the time to actually read that many comments. Everyone has such wonderful things to add. Just goes to show the quality of your work here.
What a great summary! I always had you in mind as a rockstar blogger.
Thank you for taking the time to write this post. I’m just starting out, so it really helps. I’m just learning about the networking part and really didn’t know how important it was.
It’s hard to keep up with my posts without a big readership, so I hope to get it going! It is fun writing again no matter what, though. And good for me, I think.
Something other than answering to a screaming three-year-old!
Just the fact that you got 72 comments (and counting) on this post shows that you ARE well-read.
I’ll be honest: I do get envious at people who get more traffic and recognition. I don’t think the others don’t “deserve it,” I am just being truthful when I say that sometimes I get that pang of green.
Now, I WAS at Camp Baby, so somehow I got on “a list,” but the most comments that any post I’ve written on my current blog has received was something like 7.
(On the defunct ClubMom blog I reached 50-something on the post I wrote when the Cat was expelled from Kindergarten, but that was only because Amalah linked me)
So yes, I do get jealous. But since I enjoy writing, networking, and the like, it is worth it to keep going even without “glory!”
Jen Lemen’s “small audience” panel at BlogHer ’07 was really inspirational, but I guess I am not completely at peace with it yet.
Intellectually, I “get it,” but emotionally I still feel “left-out” sometimes.
I know I am late to the party. I just stumbled on to your site through miss zoot. This is such a great post! Something I needed to hear and I agree. Sometimes I think about how long the bigger bloggers have been blogging. A lot of growing your blog comes with time and good writing! Well said!
Great article. I’ve been writing for several years, but only blogging for a month…and learning a ton. I already appreciate the sense of “community” amongst mom-bloggers. Thanks for the tips!
This is a great post.
I agree it takes a ton of work to be a popular mommy blogger. I don’t know how people find the time but i do admire them for working so hard at it.
I find the most difficult aspect is the networking. I am not so great at keeping in touch irl so it is a challenge to do it in the blogosphere. But I keep trying.
I have to ditto all the AMENS.
By far one of the most excellent posts on mommy bloggers I’ve read in a long time.
Just want to add my voice to the cacophony of praise you’ve received for this post.
I puff up with pride when I look at the accomplishments of my blogging sistahs.
That doesn’t mean I don’t get pangs of jealousy from time to time… but I did not start blogging for find fame or fortune or KY products. I do it because writing is a compulsion, and I am still surprised when people tell me they like what I do.
Just as I’m telling you now 🙂
Thank you so much. I’m not a mommyblogger, but a friend shared it and I’m so glad she did. I think you write for a wider audience than you give yourself credit for!
terrific, practical and down to earth. proud that mir linked us together.
Yeah Zoot sent me too. This is a much much bigger world and much much bigger community than I ever imagined when I started my own blog/vlog. It is great to see how generous it is…and daunting a bit to see how massive it is. But I’m glad to be here and very glad for the advice. And we newbies have to stick together a bit too, you know? Find and collaborate and lift up each other. Plus, Oprah would want us to be supportive of each other. And who wants to cross Oprah, you know?
Thanks for the advice! I love blogging and when I get a review it’s a nice “perk” but it’s not the reason I blog. I love the blogging community. 🙂
Great post on the work and reality of being a popular blog. I know I’ve worked at it for a couple years (as many of you have too) and it isn’t for the whimpy!
If there is anything I can promote/share on my site and blogs, let me know.
You rock! Debba,,
Well said! It is hard sometimes to devote the time I want to, to my blog. I also do a blog design business, when that started to take off, I noticed it affected the quality of my personal blog…it’s a tough balance. I read about the folks going to Disney, I think it’s great the success people have found, and I’m one of them:) Oh to have all the time in the world…
nice post!
I’m not one of the best writers.
I beg to differ on that. Your writing is consistently good and solid. I’ve always thought that about you (and your blog).
Thank you for a wonderful, well thought out, well researched blog!
:::shaking head in huge agreement::: This isn’t any popularity contest.. its mothers who are coming together and going on this journey of motherhood with some kind of sane mind! Thank you for this post 🙂
Thank you for sharing your (well-written) thoughts on the subject! I am fairly new to the blogging world, only a few months in. I do love writing, and it can be so addictive! The entire ‘big name blogger’ phenomenon seems SO beyond me, but I enjoy the small group of blogging friends that I have made online, and the support that we offer eachother. If only there were more hours in the day.
This is an awesome post. Thank you for this advice. I’ve been blogging for almost a month and, I actually enjoy posting. I have to make myself wait a day or two before I post to give my oh so little bit of traffic time to read them. LOL Thank you so much. I have you book marked! God bless!
Great post…glad I found you!
Great post…glad I found you!
I’m happy and grateful for all the successful mommybloggers. These mommys who complain about the success of their peers need to stop their clucking, and leave the schoolyard, because I left high school a long time ago.
I’m happy and grateful for all the successful mommybloggers. These mommys who complain about the success of their peers need to stop their clucking, and leave the schoolyard, because I left high school a long time ago.
Interesting. My friends mostly judge me because I am not a “private” blog, thus allowing the crazies out there to look at me and my family. Can’t win.
Great Post.
You know, when I got into this (oh, about a month ago) I was terrified of the mommy blogging community. There are so many of us out there, I couldn’t see how anyone could be successful coming in this late. What I’ve come to discover is how kind and generous everyone is. Every mom I”ve talked with wants me to succeed. I’ve exchanged “buttons” and really feel no competition with anyone. We’re all mothers, we all have something unique to offer. I’m thrilled to have embarked on this journey and thank you for the advice.