Recycled, And Yet Brand New

St. Patrick’s Day, 2005:

Cordelia, 6 months old

St. Patrick’s Day, 2008:

Miranda, 9 months old

I made that dress for Cordy back in 2005, never realizing I’d get another chance to use it again. Mira got just as much attention at the parade today as Cordy did three years ago.

And while Cordy had to miss the parade due to school, she still did her part to celebrate:

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  1. That dress is adorable…but your babies are gorgeous! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  2. Happy St. Patty’s day!

  3. So very cute. 🙂

  4. So cute – I love how you can use holidays as these benchmark dates to compare notes. You know, like who’s cuter.

    (They can fight about it later)

  5. That jumper is adorable.

    And that hair…

  6. Dominique says

    I love the dress. Very unique.
    Happy St Patrick’s Day

  7. Love the outfit! They look almost identical! Hope you had a grat St. Patty’s Day!

  8. So cute! Makes me feel lame- I didn’t put either kid in green let alone celebrate. Wait till’ Easter- I have to make it up to them- we’re getting bunny costumes and all!
    (Nice LiteRider and CitiSport, by the way!) 🙂

  9. Too, too cute!!

  10. Those pictures are so cute!

  11. I have to comment, the girls are just too adorable for words.

  12. So adorable — the dress and the girls! We wore our green yesterday too. Come on by and take a peek…

  13. So cute! You should keep that one for their children. Isn’t it fun to have pictures of your kids wearing the same outfit? Thanks for sharing.

    PS I was wondering where you go to school? I live in central Ohio too, and sometimes I think about getting a nursing degree. It’s a little overwhelming to think about financially though.

  14. It’s not about who looks cuter in the dress. It’s about who can put back the most guiness when you hit the pub after the parade. My money’s on Mira.

  15. Cordy is going to look extremely beautiful when she becomes older.

  16. The Domesticator says

    You made that dress? Wow…I ca barely sew a button on *LOL*

    BTW the girls are soooooo cute! Those cheeks!

  17. What a little Irish cutie!!

  18. OK, Mira is adorable but HOLY MACKEREL CORDY LOOKS LIKE A GROWN UP! When did she get so, I don’t know, non babyish?

  19. Little hooligans is right!

    Adorable dress, I’m so impressed you made it!

  20. Mrs. Chicken says

    Your kids are beee-uuuu-tiful!

  21. MamaMichelsBabies says

    Anyone else notice that those two are very beautiful twins seperated by a few years? Those two look so much alike as babies! Well, Mira now and when Cordy was about that age.

    I’m also ashamed to say I’ve never once stiched an article of clothing…. my Mom would like to disown me.

  22. Major Bedhead says

    Oh, the cuteness!

  23. That is what I longed for when expecting my second child- to be able to recycle the thousands of dollars of adorable clothing I bought for my little girl. Alas, I had a rotten son.

    Great photo and such cuties! (:

  24. Wow – that hair! Adorable. Great photos!

  25. Green looks good…on ALL of you!

  26. Wow! Mira looks so much like Cordy and Cordy is such a big girl now. Her hair is AMAZING!

  27. Oh, your girls are beautiful.

    The dress is nice, too, of course.

    But the kids!