Who Really Cares About Seventeen Anyway?

“OK Cordy, what comes after thirteen?”


“And what comes after fourteen?”


“Good! Now Cordy, what comes after fifteen?”


“And what comes after sixteen?”

“A bunch of bigger numbers!”

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  1. She’s all set for school. I mean, really? Who needs those big numbers, anyway?

  2. I love the logic of small children, I really do! 🙂

  3. That’s how I feel about math, too!

  4. she could be in 2nd grade!!!

  5. tee-hee.

    Well, she understands that numbers get bigger. I probably didn’t grasp that until I WAS 17.

  6. Jennifer, Le Binky Bitch says

    She is a genius!

  7. Go, Cordy! ha ha ha ha! Sweet Pea will count to 20, but in her own way. She always leaves out 15, and goes, “14, 16, 19, 18, 17, TWENTY!!!!” Them kids. They’re goofy.

  8. Aimee Greeblemonkey says

    kids rule!

  9. Gigggle.

  10. motherbumper says

    Yup – 17 is highly overrated – especially since it has to follow sweet sixteen (though I guess you could say sexy and 17 but then Cordy is just a child – let’s not go the way of bratz dolls).

  11. Right now, all of Nick’s teen numbers are “fourteen.” So it goes, 10, 11, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 20! *shrugs* Apparently he digs 14. Which is different than when he boycotted 7. His current total boycott is 2. 1, 3, 4… and so on.

  12. Major Bedhead says

    Hysterical. She’s right, though. A whole bunch of numbers.