A Premonition Of Teen Years To Come?

“Mommy, you’re soooo boring.”

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  1. hmmmm. funny, but my 13-year-old daughter just told me “mom, you NEVER bore me.”

    of course this came right after a slew of plastic knives rained on my head when i opened a kitchen cabinet … but there’s hope, right?

  2. Oh beware – it get’s worse than that. I swear that my 6 year old is going on 16. She has entered a new talk-back, I am equal stage. I need to figure out how to nip that in the bud 😉


  3. courtneyryan369 says

    Aww. Mental hugs!

    My sister said the same thing for years “Daddy, I don’t want Courie to babysit, she’s boring!”

    …now she’s finally catching on and thinks its cool to hang out with me…

  4. Dana J. Tuszke says

    You might be boring, but Dawson thinks I’m “Sooo mean, Mommy.” I’m telling you, these three year olds are growing up too fast!

  5. That is hilarious!

  6. Jerseygirl89 says

    At least it’s better than, “I hate you,” which my three year old’s new fave.

  7. Amy [Taste Like Crazy] says

    Quote of the day, right?

    I can laugh at you now cause mine hasn’t said that yet,

  8. Wisconsin Mommy says

    We’ve got a case of “get out of my room” going on over here!

  9. It’s KINDA cute, though. : )