Apparently today is a delurking day – one of those days where those of us who are out here writing all the time ask you to show yourself.
Bloggers love comments. We have to, or we’d be writing in little paper journals kept in our desks. Feedback is nourishment to us.
So just for this one day, leave me a comment to let me know you’ve been here. I look over my stats all the time, and I know there are more people visiting than commenting. I’m not hurt by that – I’m a secret stalker for many other blogs, and sometimes I read my favorite blogs and don’t have anything to say.
But I do love me some comments. Seeing that e-mail pop up telling me I have a new comment on a post is like getting another fix of my favorite drug. When I get a lot of comments, I’m downright giddy.
You don’t have to be witty, or funny, or philosophical. A simple “Hi!” works fine. Anonymous is cool, too. (Spammers and trolls excluded, of course.)
Or if you want a reason to comment, answer me this question:
You have discovered one lonely cookie left in a bag. It’s your favorite type of cookie. Do you:
A. give it to your child
B. share it with your child or…
C. turn the TV on and hide out in the kitchen so your kid doesn’t see you eat the cookie?
OK, let’s see how many people are out there. I’d love to see over 50 comments. And just to add a little guilt:
PS – Want to really make me happy? There are some blog awards going on right now. And I hear there’s a Parenting blog category. And I’ve never been nominated.
Just sayin’. If you think I’m cool enough and all…

(I’m like you – I read way more than I comment. Sorry for that, lady!)
I read you all the time….but, you are one of the popular intimidate, are great, your daughters are absolutely adorable…so…Hi! And, um…I would totally share my cookie!
Oh Christina, I am so swamped today, I can’t even comment coherently on the cookie issue.
But you come and comment on mine, and you are one of my favorite bloggers, so here you go.
I enjoy your blog and I probably would eat the cookie myself!!
I found your blog maybe a few months ago? Through Amalah or the daily dose or something like that. I can’t remember! I usually read through google reader though and don’t leave many comments, although I know how much fun it is to receive them! Your girls are so cute, I want to pinch those little cheeks.
I found your blog maybe a few months ago? Through Amalah or the daily dose or something like that. I can’t remember! I usually read through google reader though and don’t leave many comments, although I know how much fun it is to receive them! Your girls are so cute, I want to pinch those little cheeks.
Stalker reporting for delurking duty… Hi! Really enjoy reading your site.
And C. I would totally not share a cookie with my kid.
Yeah. Like the rest of us, I don’t always comment. But I love to read!!
C – sugar is bad for kids – Haven’t you heard?
Ha! I would so eat the cookie.
I am 39 weeks preggers… Ummmm C!!!! EAT THE COOKIE… and then pay dearly with heartburn. BTW Where did the cookie come from!?? I have been searching for one for 3 days and I don’t dare brave the grocery with a 2.5 year old and my 39 wk pregger butt!
It would be “uhh, my water broke….” then wait in line for the cookies!
My answer is C!
I’ve been a crappy commenter lately.
Well, being that I’m 6 months pregnant with my first, I can have the cookie for myself and still technically share it with my kid. It’s a win-win!
Hi, I’m here.
And my answer is “C”. Without a doubt.
I love your blog. If I become a mom I hope that I’m half as cool as you. And dude, I’m all over the C. Share? Whatever, that’s so mine. I remember that post where Cordy wanted some of your pizza. Hmmm…maybe there’s a reason I’m not with child. Nothing comes between me and my eats. 🙂 Happy day to you!
whatever…i’ve already eaten it…before i even got to my hiding place 🙂
I love to reading your blog.
As for the cookie…
B. Share
Unless I’m feeling selfish that day then I answer..
C.Hide out in the kitchen and hope my 2 year old doesn’t see, lol.
I’m here often but rarely comment so here’s me waving back (while sharing that cookie with my daughter–why should the kids get to have all the fun???).
Love that face!
We are comment junkies aren’t we 🙂 LOL.
Cute post.
I always comment 🙂 Love, Love Love that face!
Hi, delurking from right here in Columbus, OH. Love your blog!
And I would TOTALLY hide from all 3 of my kids and eat the cookie 🙂
I would not even bother to turn on the tv, I would just stuff it into my mouth very quickly and chew away. By the time the kids figure out that I am eating something it will be gone. I am quite practiced at sneak eating around my kids. I have gotten busted more than a few times and I will share if that does happen.
delurk delurk delurk.
love ze blog
Oh C. No question!
I see your guilt and raise you another!
Duh. I eat the cookie.
I’ve been lurking for a while, and am right here in the C-town too. I enjoy keeping up with your blog, although I rarely comment or keep up with my own!
Oh, and I would totally keep the cookie for myself!
I’m not sure how I found you, but I do read and enjoy your blog. Your girls are precious.
I’ve been lurking a long time! Its a great blog! As for the cookie, no kids yet but I would probably offer to share it with my husband (but would also probably give him the smaller half.)
I just found you last week for Haiku Friday if memory serves, but I can’t resist that little face. Shame on you for using you baby like this. LOL
I added your blog to my reader last week , but I’m so far behind on my regular blogs because of the Blog 365 MegaFeed that I’m thinking about deleting it altogether so I can return to sanity. Sigh! Hope this helps you get to 50 and I’ll be back tomorrow.
Hugs and blessings,
A big TX howdy from 41yr old military wife and mom of 3! I would totally save my kids from destroying their health with that last cookie….hehehehe…..
So here’s my story. I came across a post of yours some time ago, while researching the benefits of having an only child. At the time, we were seriously contemplating not giving Q any siblings. I liked your style, and checked back occasionally to see how you were doing, and whether your baby had been born (you were already pregnant by the time I came across that post, I believe).
And one day you started Haiku Friday. “Finally!” I thought, “Something I can do!” And I did. And thus began my foray into the world of mommy-bloggers and my standing on the outskirts of your circle of popular girls. 🙂
I now have Real Live Readers, 5 whole subscribers, and a few regular comments. But the great part is the blog stats. 🙂 I have more regular viewers than ever before, especially on Fridays.
So here’s my comment and here’s to you. 🙂
i’m ashamed to admit, but i too would choose C. i’m selfish like that…
OH and I would definitely choose C.
I am a daily lurker and just wanted to say hello!
I’d eat the cookie myself.
And I’ve become a major lurker these days, just no time to comment everywhere.
I would totally do C. Or possibly D, in which I wait until the kid has gone to bed, or hide in the bathroom, or pop it in my mouth and when she asks what I’m eating, LIE.
… no, I’ve never done that. Really! 😉
Delurking and Hi!
I’d eat the cookie. But my kid is too little for cookies, so I don’t feel guilty about it.
Hi there! I have commented a few times, so I am not a complete lurker. But I do lurk probably more than I comment.
And my answer? C of course. I will try to justify and say that with 2 girls who fight over it, it would be easier to just eat it myself. But most likely, I am just being selfish. Terrible, I know. But I am glad to see I am not nearly the only one!
Ok, so I would eat the cookie, and yeah, I don’t comment so often. Oh well. Life with a toddler, gotta love it especially when they don’t want a nap.
Hi…lurker here…I read so many blogs but rarely comment.
I’m delurking!! I have lurked for a while! I love reading your blog and your daughters are precious. I have two girls also. Check out my myspace page if you have one as well.
I would turn on the TV and eat the cookie for sure.
Ok, how can I not de-lurk and leave a comment with that cute pic of Mira staring out at me! I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now and I really enjoy it! Your stories are so easy for me to relate to…I have a 3 year old and a 10 month old. Keep up the great writing!
Oh, and I would eat the cookie but try to hide the fact that I was doing so…was that option C ??
C all the way. Nice guilt picture, too…
C! But that’s why I’m dieting. I’ve been picking the ‘c’ option WAYYYYY too much!
Hi there!
Having a 6-month-old has its benefits — he can’t eat cookies!
Definitely C! And I’m not sure I’ve ever commented here or not, but I’ve been reading for a long time!
C. Oh, God, I hate to admit but C. (Unless one of my kids had been REALLY good that day or was having a REALLY bad day)
I read you often but don’t frequently comment. I think you write really well, which is cool, but also makes me self conscious about leaving a boring, dumb-ass comment.
I’d be in the kitchen hiding behind a cabinet door savoring that cookie!
**Waving from Central Illinois!**
I read you all the time through bloglines but I’m lazy and rarely click through. Love your blog!
Oh, and I would definitely choose option C with the cookie, and then have to leave the kids with hubby to make a run to the store for another bag because I wanted another cookie!
I would totally eat the cookie.
D. Keep stash of favorite cookies at work so I can have them all to myself, including the last one!
Oh, and I’m way to busy holding the steering wheel and trying to talk on my cell phone as I drive past to even attempt waving back. At least that’s how I feel most days.
I love your blog and read you all the time through Bloglines.
Hi from Florida!
C – every time.
Hello, waving from Galveston, TX! -EE
Mira could convince me to do anything with that look on her face!
I’m Amanda from Boise, my kids are 12 and 14 and I enjoy reading about your daily life and struggles with Cordy and Mira. There, I delurked. Huh, it didn’t even hurt!
I enjoy your site a lot and never comment…until now. I’d share the cookie.
Regarding the cookie…I would offer it to my son at dessert. If he preferred something else, I would offer it to hubby, who would most likely decline if it is my favorite. 🙂
Awww…. don’t be sad!
And that cookie… it would be all mine.
Delurking as ordered. I would choose B. But my husband would for sure choose C. Not that I’m bitter about that behaviour, oh no…
I’d totally snarf down that cookie all by myself. I let that kid hang out for 9 months in my uterus, she’s not getting my cookie too.
I would share it with my child, but I only have one. That would mean half a cookie for me!
Oh totally C. I can’t let her have too much sugar, after all. I eat because I care.
Hi- I’m a Midwesterner transplanted to the East Coast, mother of a toddler and inveterate lurker.
Waving Hi!
I would totally be hiding out in the kitchen eating that cookie.
You know me!
I don’t have a kid.
But I’d probably share the cookie, and then realize I’m still craving for more. Then I’d have to wait for the opportunity to go get another bag and devour it to my heart’s content.
Delurking here. I am a mom to three and I live in Las Vegas. As for the cookie I would be trying to break it into three even pieces so none of the kids could complain someone got a bigger piece. Chrissy
i would definately eat the cookie myself, i’m doing all the work around here anyway!
I discovered your blog on a Haiku Friday. Have been reading it (not commenting)for a while now. Thanks for the inspiration
So you’ve already reached waaaay over 50, but here I am. Not delurking, but saying hi just the same. I read all of your posts, some days I’m just too tired to comment.
Oh and I totally choose C. I’m horrible like that, but nothing stands in the way of me and my favorite cookie.
C all the way, no guilt. Mama needs sone special treats all to herself every now and then, after all.
69 comments? You definitely got a few waves there lady!!
Hi! I’m posting the lurking post and telling them I got it from you!
Great writing. I love reading about Cordy and Mira (and Aaron too…where do I find a hubby like him?)
I used to teach special needs swimming lessons and kids with autism and aspergers were my specialty so Cordy reminds me of several of my “kids”.
Keep up the good work!
hi. I’ve got a daughter with the ability to give that face that Mira gave to convince me to leave a comment so I’d have to say I’d give her the cookie…I couldn’t turn down that face.
Delurking for you. I read you all the time. Found a link to your blog from another blog from another blog, you know how it goes. I’m a newbie in this blogging world.
I read you often. Love your mothering adventures with Cordy and Mira.
Share …
I like the way you write…your honesty and your love for your kids shine thru…
Either B or C depending on whether I think I could get away with it!
Hi! I’m de-lurking a day late. I really enjoy your blog, esp. reading about your adorable daughters. 🙂
While I’m married, we don’t have children so as for the cookie question, I usually ask my husband if he wants it or wants to split it…sometimes he wants it, sometimes he gives it to me. But! Though we try to divide things fairly when it comes to sweets (and most other things, too), I must confess that I sometimes eat more than my 50%. 🙂
I’d share the cookie…and I love your blog!
De-lurking a day late but I still like to show the love. I have been reading for awhile, don’t remember how I got here but I do enjoy stopping by:)
Oh-the cookie thing-depends on the day but if I am stressed enough and need that cookie I would hide out or wait until naptime.
Hi – Delurking a day late also.
I love reading your blog, it is the first one I check. I am in Columbus also, and I actually saw Aaron with Cordy at the Main Library downtown several months ago – it was (for me 🙂 like seeing a celebrity in person!
Oh yeah – I would share the cookie for now with my 2 year old, but when the baby gets older (he is 10 months) my answer will probably change to C!
Hey chica!
I’d probably share with Paul, he’s so skinny…
Not a lurker, just a bad commenter lately! Happy delurking day!
You know, when you have 4 kids under the age of 9, you are NEVER on time to anything. Ever.
So, here I am. Hi! I lurk here often. I’d give the kids the cookie – my butt doesn’t need any help getting bigger.
80 comments for delurking day!?! I’m delurking again to compliment you on that. I’m hoping for double digits, myself… 🙂
I’ve been lurking for some time and I don’t believe I have ever commented on your blog. As far as the question regarding the cookie, honestly, I’d totally eat it in secret. I admit it. I’m sure there would be another snack in the house my child would like just as much and could have that instead (rationalize, rationalize).
I’ve been lurking for some time and I don’t believe I have ever commented on your blog. As far as the question regarding the cookie, honestly, I’d totally eat it in secret. I admit it. I’m sure there would be another snack in the house my child would like just as much and could have that instead (rationalize, rationalize).
I’m here often too. I don’t have a lot of time to comment as much as I would like!
I love comments too…comments are great! My blog is new so i haven’t gotten many comments. I figure it works like a tip jar. Once one person leaves a comment, hopefully a whole FLOOD OF HUMANITY comes and leaves comments. So HI!
I share the cookie with my daughter because it’s one more happy memory in the bank!
ps I would eat the cookie … haha
Cookie? What cookie? I’ve already eaten every cookie out there. Don’t tell me I missed one.
Uh, C, of course. Cookies aren’t good for the kids, so really I am doing them a favor.
Answer C- I would so eat it myself. I have twins… there is no way to break it evenly without a screaming fit.
And I get to comfort myself with food!
Just long lost Laura. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
me too. I’d eat it. And wouldn’t have thought of hiding… geez.
I’m a selfish bad mom already!
Just recently started writing poetry/haiku and a poetry blog, so here I am.
I’d hide and eat. Kids to get too much sugar anyways.
thank you for helping me learn the ins and outs of blogging. i’m trying to figure out how to make money blogging, and your blog was one of the first to pop up. like you, i’m not getting rich any time soon with ad sense! I’ve heard that the following isn’t “blogitically correct” but here is the link to my blog!