I know some of you mommy bloggers out there have been posting lately about your husbands behaving badly. Being wimps. Being lazy. Being selfish, condescending, and mean. The labels “assholes” and “pussies” have been thrown around lately.
I’m sorry, ladies, for the story I’m about to share. But maybe you can show your husbands the end of this post and the testosterone desire to compete shaming sweet tale will convince them to make up for their ways.
Sunday, Aaron and I were given a rare break from the children to see a movie. Aaron wanted to see I Am Legend. I was uninterested. I wanted to see this instead:
Uh-huh. A chick flick. And not just a chick flick, but one containing the actor who is at the upper-most, highest peak, tippity-top of my List of Five.
And do you know what my sweet, loving husband said to me when I casually suggested seeing P.S. I Love You, trying to sound as if I was interested in the story and not that I just wanted to stare at Gerard Butler on the big screen for two hours?
Even knowing I’d be searing every shirtless image, every sexy smile, every word spoken in that hot Scottish accent into my brain, he agreed to see a movie he wasn’t interested in on our one chance in weeks to get out together.
And he dislikes Hilary Swank.
And in a theater filled with women, he was one of TWO men.
And the other guy was so old he probably didn’t remember what movie he was seeing afterwards.
Not only did he agree to see this chick flick without complaint – he enjoyed it. Teared up at times, even! (Note: bring kleenex to this movie. No matter how stone-faced you think you are, it’s a four hankie tear-jerker.)
I’m a lucky woman.
Oh sure, he’s not perfect, and he can piss me off sometimes. Or a lot, depending on the week. (and I’m sure he gets sick of me, too) But I’m glad I have him, and after almost five years of marriage, he’s still willing to do little things to make me happy.
Now, mommy blogger husbands out there, listen up: I challenge you to top this. Do something totally selfless, something entirely for your lovely wives. Make these women unable to resist bragging about how great their guys are.
I want to see some happy mamas out there, because these wonderful women deserve a little special treatment!

My hubby is pretty great most of the time… so rare complaints from me. My tale? Tonight, he let me run away from home to hang with my little sister at the mall and spend some gift cards…from 6pm to 10 pm!! He managed our 7-week-old son all by himself! Gave him a pumped bottle, did the bedtime routine, made himself dinner… and never called or texted me in a “no-mom” panic!! AND was just so relaxed and happy to see me when I DID finally return, so many hours later. I’m glad I bought him a giftie while I was there. He deserved it.
Your hubby sounds pretty awesome, too!
What a sweet post! I was one of the men-bashers this week, so it’s good to see some lovely redeeming qualities in some of our men and yours was in tip-top shape this week, huh? BTW – Now I REALLY wanna see this movie! I LOVE a good tear jerker! 🙂
I should add that the movie was good. Not great, Oscar-worthy or anything like that, but we both enjoyed it. I’d probably watch it again, if in the mood for a good cry. Very romantic, terribly sad.
my husband willingly went to see “Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood” … willingly, i tell ya!
he even took my daughter (before he and i were even engaged!) to see the lizzie maguire movie without me a few years ago!
and this weekend, he went with us to see “juno.”
he’s awesome that way. and very secure in his masculinity, so chick flicks don’t put him off at all.
That’s SO great!! I want to see this movie. Your hubby is a good one! 🙂
I think bragging about your husband is perfectly OK!
I’m laughing over here because my hubby is pretty fantastic in many ways, but I will tell you there is no way I could drag him to see that movie with me.
Glad you have a keeper, there 😉
That sounds great! Congrats! I get so little sleep due to The Bug’s teething that I think I probably often don’t give Slipshod credit for all the things he does do.
Thanks for the warning on the tear jerker! I don’t do well in the theater with sad stories, those are best left for home viewing!
Awe, sweet.
My darling one is almost always sweet and wonderful.
He’ll show up out of nowhere with a mani/pedi gift certificate and send me off for a few hours of ‘me’ time, and he almost always relents to the movies I want to see.
It is so nice to see a positive hubby story! They are too few and far between!
I’m glad you have a great man like that! They’re a gem!
That’s wonderful that you acknowledged your husband, it’s really nice to read a positive piece about relationships and it’s great to be reminded to think about why we love our husbands. As wonderful as my husband is, he would never accompany me to P.S. I Love You, you have a really sweet and thoughtful husband, lucky you!
Yay Aaron. Now I need to convince ajd to go see something romantic and cheesey next time we’re out. We saw Golden Compass and it was pretty good, but I want chick flick.
I would love to see that! Yay for a good hubby!
BTW, I am Legend stank. It was essentially another version of “Resident Evil.” So, if you’re not in the market for zombie-like people roaming the nighttime, well, don’t go. Really.
Wow. I’m thinking…HARD…about whether or not my husband has done something like this for me. Now granted, he’s been romantic and done some really sweet stuff, but I can’t get him to see a chick flick to save my life.
P.S. I’m under your pushpin on Bossy’s map!
YAY for Aaron…how sweet of him.
My daughter and a group of her friends went to see P.S. I Love You…they all returned from the movie with red, swollen eyes and a bad case of the sniffles.
Glad you got a mom and dad night out 🙂
I’m actually a huge zombie nut, so your warning about I Am Legend doesn’t actually do much to dissuade me. I’m also familiar with the book, and earlier film adaptations of it.
And to speak to something Christina said, I don’t merely dislike Hillary Swank. I actually consider her to be the worst actress, living or dead, to possess two Oscars.
That’s pretty awesome, Aaron. I brag about my husband quite a bit, he does things like come home from work, help make dinner, give Kaitlyn a bath, and then spend an hour folding laundry. Or when I’m just frazzled, he’ll take all three kids out to dinner so I can have some quiet. He’s very thoughtful and considerate, most of the time.
I’m a husband bragger, too. So shoot us, right? But I have to say, Aaron’s pretty good because that Hillary Swank is pretty unlikable. I’ve disliked her since she was Julie in the KARATE KID BECOMES A GIRL movie or whatever that movie was. Karate Kid Sixteen?
sounds like someone wants to get laid.
Wow, that is pretty special!
Luckily, my husband does quite a lot for me. Haven’t seen PS I Love You but it sounds great. I Am Legend was OK. I was expecting more however…