How windy was it last night?
Allow me to show you just how windy it was.
Cordy’s play barn:
The barn this morning:
(No worries, it will go back together. But it’s never been completely flattened by the weather before.)
Tales of one woman stumbling her way through motherhood.
How windy was it last night?
Allow me to show you just how windy it was.
Cordy’s play barn:
The barn this morning:
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I don’t know if I live anywhere near you or not, but I have a plastic chair that somehow flew from my front porch to lie on its side in the yard. I’m not enjoying this weather at all.
It was scary windy last night here too. All kinds of recycling bins and garbage cans were blown everyhere this morning…no barns though, LOL
Holy moley! Good thing there were no kitties inside…
Yes, it was freaky windy last night. Must have been all of the Midwest!
toto, i have the feeling we’re not in kansas anymore….
Wow, that is windy, indeed!
We’re having some gusts of our own with unexpected results. I don’t remember it being this bad before…
oh my god…the wind kept me up all night. it was freaky deaky. fortunately for us, all our barns are intact.
Holly cow … that is NUTZ … your yard is very big and nice! Love it! Glad it can go back together !!
Okay… why didn’t you put the sparkly red shoes under the house?
Come on. That would have been priceless!
Wind is scary.
We were driving home from the dealership Monday and the wind blew a Winnebago across the ‘median’ into an 18 wheeler and they were both incinerated. They were tangled and 1 person and 1 dog died. 2 people in intensive care. It’s scary as all get out.
She is just too darn cute!
Wow, that was some serious wind.
OMG – we have had that wind here since 3am this morning (it’s 8:30 pm now) – it’s CRAZY! Glad the barn is repairable.
That is crazy!! Poor little house.
It has been windy here too….all of my porch furniture blew off into the yard as well..the table is totally gone…cheap stuff, but darn it..I hate the windy weather….
It was windy in PA yesterday… The Baby and I almost blew away going to the doctors! I actually have blow-up witches legs that would look funny under the wreckage. Hopefully, it can all be re-assembleld.
wow! that’s some strong wind!
Looks like a tornado blew through there. Glad it was just the barn that was effected and not your house!
Wow… that’s amazing!
Wow — that’s amazing.
Our yard looks similar…and we’re still trying to clear up all the trees from December’s ice storm, so it was a MESS.
We had gusts of 40mph winds the night before last. Another tree came down in our backyard, just missing our fence.
First came those powerful gusts of wind and now we are covered in a blizzard of snow. The weather outside is frightful!
That’s some storm! We had a little tree blow over in a storm two weeks ago, but fortunately it seems to be recovering well, now upright again and staked to a post.