Everyone out there is writing about their New Year’s resolutions for 2008. I tried to think of some, and there’s none I can think of that aren’t 1. obviously easy for me to keep, making them no challenge at all, or 2. so hard that there’s no way in hell I have a chance of keeping them.
So I’d like to present my list of un-resolutions for 2008 – things I will not be doing in the new year.
1. Go to the gym. We have a gym membership and I haven’t used it yet. Why start now? Besides, we have Dance, Dance Revolution now. It has a workout mode. I’ll get fit and fit in at the local arcade at the same time.
2. Wear more makeup. Hahahaha! It’s not that I’m a total slob (please, people! I do brush my hair and teeth every day!), but any morning prep that takes longer than five minutes is too long. For now, I’ll stick with my current makeup routine – only for holidays and maybe my anniversary.
3. Stop procrastinating. It’s 9:25pm as I write these un-resolutions, less than three hours before the new year. I somehow doubt my procrastination tendencies will improve.
4. Blog more. I wish I could write more, maybe even every day like some crazy people. But then there’s nursing school. And a preschooler with special needs. And a baby who demands that I do a song and dance for her every five minutes to keep her entertained. And I have a house that occasionally needs cleaned. Now do you see why I can’t get to the gym and don’t have time for makeup? I do hope to at least keep up the pace I currently have of 2-4 posts a week.
5. Clean my house. See #4.
6. Learn a new hobby. See #4.
7. Lose weight. Nearly everyone says this, don’t they? I could make some valiant declaration about dropping x number of pounds before 2008 is done, and then silently fail as Valentine’s chocolates lead into St. Patrick’s Day stews and soda bread, which then is followed by Easter chocolates and those evil Cadbury caramel eggs. Better to not set a goal, enjoy my food and if I happen to lose a few pounds, great! After all, I weigh 20 pounds lighter than I did at this time last year. Of course, I was pregnant then, too.
8. Allow less TV time for the girls. I possibly could have accomplished this one, until Noggin announced they were going 24/7 as of tonight. Knowing there can be Dora at 4am almost makes me want to put a TV in Cordy’s room in the hopes that I could get more sleep. It’s all about survival, people.
That’s enough for now. The big hour is getting near, and there is champagne calling my name.
What about you? What are your un-resolutions?

You called it perfectly. I am DEFINITELY nuts.
I have a fat roll or two that I’d like to defeat in 2008, but I an a notorious Non-Resolution-Maker.
I Resolve not to Resolute! Or something?
Happy New Year! 😀
my unresolutions pretty much match yours – so let’s just say, I’m so darn lazy that I’m stealing, I mean borrowing your unresolutions (especially #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6… oh you get the picture ;).
Happy New Year Christina and your wonderful family!
I love the idea of unresolutions.
And I’m with you on the excitement that is Noggin 24/7. Especially today with the world’s crankiest toddler because we stayed up late for New Years.
I hear you, but I just can’t help myself. I just try to make them more like “Nerf resolutions” so it doesn’t bother me so much if I don’t accomplish them… ha ha ha!
my list of unresolutions is way too long to list here!!! maybe i’ll just second all of yours! 😉 happy new year!
I love your un-resolutions! Mine are all pretty close to yours. I never make them either, because I just am not good about following through with keeping them! *LOL*
Okay, you and my kids’ godmom, in nursing school and moms… I bow to you. She’s a single mom.. I double bow to her.
I won’t tell that you aren’t at the gym if you won’t tell, I’m not. Yep that was $1400 well spent. Sheesh.
What’s a resolution?
I just found you on twitter.. ha ha.. I can stalk you there, too 🙂 LOL.
Exactly what I needed, and so much better than (unkept) resolutions.
Thanks…am off to make a list. Maybe….
Happy New Year. Best of luck keeping (not keeping?) your un-resolutions.
I hear you. Things are moving too fast right now to feel guilty about anything!
Noggin’s going 24 hours!?!
I never make resolutions. Too much pressure!
Happy new year to you, Aaron and the kiddos 🙂
I made resolutions this year. But the most important one was to stick to my resolutions this year. 😉
Hahahaha… Resolutions: Things NOT to do.. great post. Keep faith in 2008! You will get those done!
Oh you are so right!
I also didn’t do any resolutions.
I did join ww, but I didn’t resolve to lose weight in the hopes that I don’t jinx my progress because I have never followed through with one of my new years resolutions.
you hit my nail on the head!
Ha, love this!
Sorry I have been MIA for a while – hope you had a great holiday!
me, too– i needed to read this. No guilt for me either! I think I’ll go make a list, too.