According to, it’s #4 – Steph!
Congrats, Steph – e-mail me your address so your giant Miffy can get to you soon.
And forgive me for being absent the past few days. The entire family has been struck down by a stomach virus I can only describe as mean. Cordy had it first, then me, then Mira, and now Aaron. For a little while yesterday, I thought I was heading to the hospital for sure due to constant vomiting.
Note to parents: when your kid is sick, do everyone a favor and keep your kid home from preschool. If it wasn’t for a classmate projectile vomiting all over Cordy’s class last week, we might not be parenting from the couch, weak and feverish.
PS – Haiku Friday will be appearing, only a little later in the morning than usual. Check over with Jennifer to see if she has it up before me, in case you’re in a hurry to haiku.

Good gracious … hope you get feeling top notch soon! So sorry you are sick! I know that SUCKS!
Man, I feel like I might have just caught it from reading your post. Yuck.
(Can’t you just see it now? The write-in question to the generic women’s magazine doctor lady? “Can you catch a stomach virus from reading a blog?” And the answer? “While studies suggest that it’s probably not possible to catch a virus from reading a blog, I do think that you need to be more assertive and say no. No, I’m not going to let you walk all over me. No, I’m not going to let your blog walk all over me.” But I digress.)
Hope you’re all feeling better soon.
I was so busy dealing with my sick kid, that I read your Haiku and didnt scroll down to read this one. I hope you and your kiddos feel better soon.
It irks me beyond belief when people bring sick kids to school.