Last night we visited Wildlights at the Columbus Zoo. They do this every year, and we love going to see the lights, the model trains, and Santa. The challenge is always to get there at dark so we can see the lights best, but not too late, since Cordy is nearly always asleep by 7pm.
Cordy is beginning to understand the concepts of Santa and presents and Christmas this year, and to help her along we’ve been throwing every book, visual aid, and DVD at her. She now knows who Santa is, and she loves to talk about meeting him. I never imagined I’d have to force the Santa myth on my kid, going out of my way to indoctrinate her.
So naturally we talked a lot about Santa on our drive to the zoo last night. “Do you want to see Santa?” we asked her.
“Yes! We’ve got to go save Santa!” (I knew we should have laid off the Mickey Saves Santa TV episode we Tivo’d.)
“No, not save Santa, go see Santa. Will you give him a big hug?”
“Will you sit on his lap and tell him what you want for Christmas?”
“Yes! A magic wand!” (Not sure why, but that’s all she wants for Christmas. We’re still trying to figure out if she means a fairy-type magic wand or a magician-type magic wand.)
Now, she has yet to ever enjoy seeing Santa. Each year’s pictures show an unhappy Cordy next to a very patient Santa. Let’s review, shall we?

But this is the first year she understands who he is and now he’s like some rockstar with his present-bestowing abilities.
We loaded up the stroller and made a beeline for Santa when we got to the zoo. Better to get there before the crowds, in case Cordy needs time to warm up to Santa. We walked into the building, and there he was, surrounded by giant candy canes and greenery. Cordy was practically buzzing with excitement. I let her out of the stroller and took her hand as she dragged me into the line.
Waiting was tough. There were only three families in front of us, but Cordy wanted to be there! with Santa! NOW! I held her back as she kept trying to run up the ramp, yelling “Look, it’s Santa! And candy canes!” We were roughly six steps away from Santa, and that distance was killing her.
The elf standing guard at the head of the line smiled at her enthusiasm. “I think she’s the first one tonight to be excited to see Santa!” she laughed.
“Wait and see,” I replied with the sage wisdom of a parent.
Finally, it was our turn. I released my grip on her and said, “OK, go see Santa!”
She took off up the ramp, then about two steps from Santa stopped cold. And wouldn’t budge an inch closer to the fat man.
Or look at him.
Or breathe.
She was a statue of a child. I think she was trying to blend in with her surroundings.
I looked back and gave the elf an I told you so smile.
“Go see Santa,” I urged, and tried to nudge her gently towards him. “You’ve been wanting to meet him and hug him, remember?”
She gave him a quick, corner of her eye glance. “NOOOOOO!” she cried and ran down the exit ramp, away from her rockstar hero. She wouldn’t come back towards him, although she did try to steal one of his giant decorative candy canes before she left.
Ah well. At least we got a picture with Mira.

Oh too funny, I can so relate to this. I think the only time I got any of mine photographed with Santa was when they were also too little to escape!
This is my calling card or link“Whittereronautism”until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.
My 6 yo will not set foot anywhere near Santa. She will mail dozens of letters, pretend to talk to the Santa doll we have, but no way, no how will she even look at him. We haven’t even tried taking our youngest to him. She is 2 1/2, but I am afraid she will be just the same. I am doubtful either will ever sit on his lap. Of course, as a kid, I would NEVER EVER in a million years go anywhere near Santa.
even tho the IDEA of him is beloved by children, he’s still kinda scary, doncha think? i mean, really!
Tatum did well with Santa this year, but our Santa had rotten nasty teeth so we have to go find another santa and try again!
Glad you got one with the little one … maybe she wont be afraid!
Pie did exactly the same thing. I’m fascinated by their total inability to predict their own responses – even though WE know in advance exactly what they’re going to do.
Aww!!! I got a PERFECT pic of Liv when she was 4 months old.. then it took me till she was 4 YEARS old to get another good one. I, too, have one of me holding her by Santa and if you look closely, I have a DEATH grip on her keeping her there.
My daughter was days old for her first visit to Santa and it went fine. That was the one and only time. She is now 8 and fully immersed in Santa mythology but still will NOT sit on his lap. Uh-uh. No way. So, I have one pic of her and my son is 11 months old and cried at the sight of him. We will probably have no pics of him with the big guy. sigh.
I can understand that reaction. The beard is a little overwhelming, don’t you think?
Still a sweet picture. What cute girls. Enjoy reading your blog.
I don’t think Dawson will be any different than Cordy this year. While he talks about Santa non-stop, I get the feeling he’ll run away, too. We go see the big red guy tomorrow.
great pics!