And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
I’m still finding it hard to focus too long on my computer screen today thanks to a sudden meeting of Cordy’s occipital bone with my nasal bone on Sunday.
We were up very early in the morning, thanks to her Houdini ability to open her bedroom door, even with a doorknob safety cover on it. (Note to safety device makers – this one DOES NOT WORK!) In my half-asleep state, I prepared breakfast, turned on the TV, and promptly found a pillow for my head on the couch. Soon, Cordy had eaten breakfast and came over to the couch, wanting to snuggle. She crawled up next to me, facing out with her head on the pillow. I pulled the blanket up to cover both of us and tried to return to my semi-asleep state.
I don’t know why she did it, but she suddenly jerked her head back quick and fast, sending the back of her (hard!) skull into the soft tender parts of my face. For a moment, I could actually “see” pain as everything looked brighter, then darker. White hot electric pain shot through my nose.
For her part, Cordy seemed unaffected, although she did climb off the couch, rub the back of her head, and say, “I have a boo-boo, mommy. Kiss it better?” Somehow, the last thing I wanted to do at that moment was kiss the sore spot on her head that resulted from her attempt to make my nose concave.
I don’t think my nose is broken, but it’s quite possible she cracked the bone. It did bleed, but no black eyes. (Although how can you tell if you have permanent dark circles under your eyes?) Two days later, and I can still feel the ache up into my forehead and eye sockets. But my nose isn’t crooked, so it just has to heal on its own.
Aaron told me the story of how he broke his mother’s nose as a toddler in a similar incident. All I can say is that I really didn’t want to be a part of this family tradition.
Never let your guard down, folks. There are no personal foul penalties in parenting. Investing in a helmet might be a good idea, too.
Speaking of rough and tumble children, I just reviewed The Daring Book for Girls over at Mommy’s Must Haves. Somehow I think this will be Cordy’s favorite book when she’s older.

Take your incident and add in two boys under seven. That is my life, lol. I should be getting the Daring Book in the mail any time. I already have the Dangerous Book, like my guys need any assistance in the destruction field.
Well don’t you sound like a nursing student with your occipital bones. : ) Sorry your nose is hurt — feel better soon.
Yeowch. I know that moment, too, when your instinct is to shove and hurt the person who hurt YOU and then you realize that, d@mnit, it’s your kid and you really can’t hurt them back, but you sooooo wanted to!!!
Oooow. Hope your nose feels better soon. When I stopped doing acrobatics for dance, I though my days of bruises were over. Then we had a baby. Hahaha.
I put the Daring Book on my wishlist!
Ouch! You could always invest in a hockey mask. That wouldn’t look weird or anything.
I’ve been clocked, but never that hard. Hope you’re truly on the mend soon.
wow how i have missed you … had a wedding to attend last weekend and now I am trying to catch up!
hope you nose feels better soon!
Oh no! I hope your nose is alright. I’ve “seen” that pain that you speak of at the hand of my own toddler. Love hurts man.
Yikes and OUCH.
This same thing happened to my husband except he DID get the broken nose! Black eyes and all. He’s a big guy and so when people asked him how it happened I laughed my head off (I know, that’s rude, but it is kind of funny when my 6’2″, 300 pound husband tells people that his 18 month old beat him up).
I blog hopped from Kelly.
Ugh. Zoe has a tendency to slam her head into my chest. I keep waiting for the day she makes contact with my face.
My BIL taught my 18 month old how to play “Bonk.” Read: headbut. It’s a fun game trying to get him not to smack his forehead into yours every time you pick him up. Yay for uncles.
Oh yeah – been there! I keep joking that I will be lucky to still have my front teeth by the time Little J hits elementary school. Hope you feel better soon!
I have had both kids head butt me quite a few times… Paige mostly when I am pulling her pants up.. I bend over, she’s looking down, I reach down for her pants, she jerks her head up…. well you get the idea!
I have gotten a fat lip, but nothing as bad as you! Poor thing!