She’s Been Waiting For This

Ever since Mira was a few weeks old, she’s been obsessed with watching everyone else eat. We laugh at mealtimes, watching her stare longingly at our plates and making chewing motions right with us. My mom took the girls out to eat on Friday, and told me Mira fixed her gaze on the plates of food like she was going to swipe a piece of chicken when no one was looking.

I knew she was ready for food. The chewing motions, the constant hunger, the fact that she lunged for my sandwich. So we tried some oatmeal on Friday evening. Somewhere in that first meal, she gazed at me with a certain look, as if to say, “Thank you, it’s about damn time.”

Is that bowl for me? If so, put down the camera and feed me, Seymour!
Can you shovel that gruel in a little faster, please?
Oatmeal…check. Now when can we move on to pizza and chicken fries?

After I took that last picture, she cried when she realized it was all gone. This kid takes food seriously. There was no struggle learning to swallow solids properly, no trouble with tongue thrust, no confusion about opening her mouth when the spoon came near. Perfect form, with nary a drop wasted.

This kid is going to be a foodie.

And speaking of food, want to see how I’m sneaking veggies into our meals and how you can too? Check out my review of Deceptively Delicious at Mommy’s Must Haves – there’s a link to some of the recipes, too!

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  1. My daughter was the same way, crying when she realized it was all gone. now that she is a year old, I Feed her til near bursting, then have to give her milk to keep her from crying. She never finishes it, but just having the option to eat more keeps her from freaking out.

  2. That is awesome! She looks sooo happy.

    We just tried cereal for the first time yesterday and every spoonful that went in came right back out.

  3. Hehehe, she looks very satisfied! My middle child could not be fed fast enough, he would have been happy with us tipping his head back and pouring the food in!

  4. She’s TOO cute. I love the look on her face in the second picture.

  5. Yeah Mira!!!

    It’s so nice when something comes along and it’s so easy.

  6. My son is also a lover of food. He stared at us and fussed so long that I had to give in and give him solids at 4 months. If he could speak, I think he would have thanked me because little dude loved it.

    Pictures are soooo cute!

  7. Oh, those photos are the most precious ones. I love your captions. And I love that she started crying when it was gone. Well, I don’t love that she was crying…you know what I mean.

  8. That’s my girl!
    I’m looking forward to introducing her to all sorts of deliciousness in the future!

  9. Wow! Alriiiiiiiiight! Both my girls seemed really interested in food and took it off my plate but when I actually gave them solids they didn’t really know if they liked it for a while. I’m always amazed to read stories like this, of babies who just KNOW. ha ha! Go, Mira!

  10. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch says

    Ella is the same way! She cries when she realizes that her food is all gone. I hadn’t planned on starting solids until 6 mos, but her whimpering and longing looks let me know she was ready!

    Mira is just adorable in those pictures!

  11. What a champ! Now on to better foods…

  12. So sweet….love the photos

  13. swirlingnotions says

    That is hysterical. You go girl!

  14. Totally adorable!

  15. Major Bedhead says

    Look at those cheeks! She’s so pinchable.

    Both Boo and The Bug were the same way – they loooooooove their food. The Bug couldn’t stand to eat baby food – she wanted what I was having from the get go.

  16. What an absolute cutie! So happy to finally be eating. How adorable!
    My husband broke down and let my 9 month old son have a tiny nibble of my cookie and he actually screamed. So funny! He was probably thinking, “why are we wasting time with my junkie baby food?” Poor babes.

  17. She is BEAUTIFUL~ I love that she is loving the oatmeal … we started with rice … she seems to like it okay!

  18. those cheeks are absolutely delicious!

  19. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    She is GORGEOUS (just like big sis!) and what a cutie lovin’ her food like that.

  20. she’s so cute! look at those big blue eyes!!!

    that’s exactly what it was like when i gave my Logan solids for the first time…now he’s going on 17 months, and he’s shoveling his face full at every opportunity!

  21. new laptop! i think i can comment now! congrats to mira-food rocks!could the kid be any cuter? as a matter of fact “food” is the name of our new fish!

  22. freakin adorable.

  23. Misguided Mommy says

    it is good to finally see pics of mira

  24. She is too cute!

  25. She’s very adorable. I love the excited look she has on her face!

  26. Awww> Both of yor girls are beautiful.

  27. She is after my own heart…. a true angel!

  28. Cute as ever. I think Evan’s on his way very soon — I can’t keep the bottles coming fast enough and he now watches my cereal spoon in the morning like it’s a giant metronome and he’s a musical note.