So. Not. Funny.

You may not have seen me around your blogs much this week. I know, I’m a bad blog citizen, but I have a good excuse. You see, I’m just a little more tired than normal. Along with a baby who still insists on eating at night, I also have an early riser toddler who thinks that the entire world should be awake when she is. After all, before sunrise is the best part of the day, right?

I wrote about some of Cordy’s new accomplishments at Cirque du Mommy. She’s learning new tricks way too fast for me, and I’m not sure if I should praise her or discourage her. I can handle her turning on lights, although she’s now turning on every light in the house multiple times a day. And while opening her bedroom door, despite the childproofing doorknob cover, is an impressive trick, she is only successful on rare occasions.

Sunday afternoon, she was in her room playing while I was in my bedroom sorting laundry. In the middle of sorting underwear from socks, I heard a loud beeping that nearly made me jump out of my skin. I looked around, wondering where the noise was coming from. I then noticed the lights flashing on our baby monitor. Three more shrill beeps came from it as I picked it up, trying to figure out what the problem was. I looked in on Cordy, and found her pushing the buttons on the monitor in her room – apparently while turning on the lullaby she also found the “Page” button. I distracted her and moved the monitor a little further away from the edge of the bookcase.

“Looks like she found a way to use the page button,” I told Aaron when I came downstairs.

“Great,” he replied, rolling his eyes.

“Think she knows that it makes our receiver beep? Will she use this against us?”

“Dunno. Hope not.”

5AM, yesterday morning:



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  1. OH, how wonderful! N-O-T.

    When Ella learned how to load DVDs into the DVD player, I knew we were screwed.

    Today she learned how to take off all her clothes and her diaper.

    So lovely.

  2. What a smart girl!

    Not much consolation at 5am, but you’ll be able to rent her out to people in the future to program their Tivos and figure out their gadgets.

  3. She’s a smart girl that one 🙂

    Of course, when she’s older and you WANT her up early so she can get ready for school, you’ll probably need heavy machinery to separate her from her bed.

  4. Huh. Monitors can page each other? What WILL they think of next?

  5. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch says

    oh no. this isn’t good at all!

  6. T with Honey says

    I am so grateful that our monitor doesn’t have a page feature. This makes the daily “Mommy, I’m awAAAAKE!” sound so unintrusive. You poor thing!

  7. Yes – I remember well the morning that we learned Little J figured out the monitor was a direct pipeline to Mommy’s ear and shreaked into it at 5 am “Moooooommmmyyyy, I awaaaaakeee!!” LOVELY way to greet the day, isn’t it?

    And why is it that every toddler can figure out how to use those stupid baby-proof door knobs and I cannot????

  8. Her Bad Mother says

    Dude. I hear you on the bad blog citizenship. Hard to keep up when you’re exhausted.

    And? WB is up to the same bizness. Gah.

  9. ours doesnt have a page … maybe that is wehy we hav elost 3 … haha see me post on spell chekc!

  10. Oh that sneaky sneaky Cordy!

    My daughter locks herself in her room…. thank God we have the locks that I can just stick a quarter in and turn it and get her out!

  11. I should probably stop wishing that Myles will get bigger and start moving around more, huh?

    We’re still up for at least one feeding a night too. Hope you get some sleep!

  12. That story made me so thankful that our monitor does not have a page function!

  13. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    Ha! Cordy = Smart! And EVIL! 😉

  14. How NOT funny. Our son, 27mnths, learned the light on and off trick a long time ago but only if he could reach the switch from his bed. He oddly won’t get out of his bed until we come get him… and he sleeps in a tree house!

    Until, last week he escaped his room while I was mowing the lawn and managed his way through three closed doors to find MOMMY! UGH! Nearly having a heart attack seeing your kid just show up in the yard!

    He can escape through the child handles so we opted to turn the doorknob around o his room door. Seems to be the solution so far! 🙂

    Best of luck with a curious kiddo!

  15. Duct tape was our solution for a lot of things Paul learned: doorknob covers that could be dismantled and then removed, diapers taken off at night, etc. Can’t help you on the page button issue, though!

    Yes. We actually had to duct tape on the night diaper, for a while.