Since it was Mother’s Day, I had the honor of choosing dinner, so I picked Chinese. My fortune cookie fortune?
You will soon take a very pleasant and successful trip.
Let’s hope that trip is to the labor & delivery floor of the hospital, and I really hope I’ll be able to describe it as “pleasant and successful”.
My lucky numbers were 12, 34, 5, 16, 8, and 27. I’m aiming for the 16th – the 27th is way too long to wait.
Happy Mother’s Day, everyone!

Wishing you the best with your upcoming birthing! I am excited for you!
Crossing my fingers for your labor to come soon!
And the 34th is WAY too long to wait! Good luck and a happy healthy birthing!
It will be here and then you’ll wonder why it was so fast! That’s how I felt. I was so anxious for Dawson to arrive. He was born two weeks early and I cursed myself for even wishing he’d hurry up a smidge.
Soon, she’ll be here! Yay!
Happy late Mother’s Day. I hope you get to be mommy to number 2 soon! You’re right, the 16 is much better than the 27th 🙂
I want a fortune like that! Even if it says I will take a very painful and successful trip… 😉
16th is good, 15th is better.
27th and someone is going to be grounded until they are 18.
Chinese sounds so good! I have also heard that some really spicy Mexican can really get your labor started.
Hope it jumpstarted your labor!
Although I don’t want you to have to wait too long, the 26th is my anniversary so that’s a lucky # too!